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Job market and research events

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  • 2020

  • Friday November 13

  • 11:00 – 12:00 America/Los_Angeles
    Econ Job Market - EJM Organization Discussions
    EJM System Feedback Session (Discuss EJM's features and provide feedback.)
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  • 2021

  • Monday October 25

  • 10:00 – Wednesday October 27, 10:00 America/New_York
    Collection of research presentations  •  Field: Other
    LACEA-RIDGE Job Market Showcase (JMS) (LACEA and RIDGE will hold the First Annual Job Market Showcase (JMS) on October 25-26, 2021. The JMS will be virtual and it is the First Annual Job Market Showcase (JMS). The JMS is intended to highlight the best work being done by LAC economic PhD students going to the job market that year as well as that being done by job market candidates in economics from anywhere working on LAC-related issues. Post-docs who will be on the market again are also able to apply although priority will be given to students who are going to the market for the first time that year. Selection for participation will be as follows: LACEA and RIDGE will jointly invite academics all around the globe to nominate outstanding job market candidates to take part in the LACEA-RIDGE JMS. The nominated candidates will be asked to submit their JMP (or a one-page summary), curriculum vitae, indicate their field or fields of interest, accompanied by a recommendation letter from their supervisor supporting the candidate and confirming the candidate plans to participate in the 2021-2022 EJM. Application from LAC PhD programs are more than welcome. Academics should send their nomination(s) by email to secretariat@ridge.uy indicating in the subject field “LACEA-RIDGE JMS + name of the candidate”. Candidates should submit an application by clicking here. A JMS Selection Committee, with the support of the LACEA-Network Heads and RIDGE Research Directors, will evaluate the candidates and make the final selection. Selection will be based on the quality of the applications with consideration given to field and candidate diversity. The JMS Selection Committee this year is composed of Gustavo Canavire, German Cubas, Marcela Eslava, Chico Ferreira, Susan Parker, and Felipe Valencia. Deadline for submitting applications: August 15, 2021.)
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  • Monday November 1

  • 13:15 – 14:15 America/Los_Angeles
    EJM Discussion and Information Sessions
    Advice from a panel of recent candidates (Three economists who navigated the job market recently answer questions from current candidates and offer advice.)
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  • Tuesday November 30

  • 11:00 – 12:00 America/Los_Angeles
    EJM Discussion and Information Sessions
    Candidate Q&A and Pep Talk with EJM CEO Joel Watson (EJM CEO Joel Watson will host a remote session with interested job-market candidates. Watson will try to answer any general questions about the job market that candidates have at this stage. Candidates will also be encouraged to provide feedback on the EJM system. This will be a closed session and will not be recorded. Candidates who would like to participate should submit the interest form at the url provided below.)
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  • Tuesday December 14

  • 09:00 – 10:00 America/Los_Angeles
    EJM Discussion and Information Sessions
    Candidate Q&A and Pep Talk with Joel Watson - Interview Stage (9:00 Pacific, 18:00 CET, 17:00 GMT) (EJM CEO and Professor Joel Watson will host a remote session with interested job-market candidates. Watson will try to answer any general questions about the job market that candidates have about interviews. Candidates can also provide feedback on the EJM system. This will be a closed session and will not be recorded. Candidates who would like to participate should submit the interest form at the url provided below.)
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  • 2022

  • Friday August 19

  • 10:00 – 14:00 America/New_York
    Economists for Ukraine Job Market Preparation Workshop #1 (Registration for the first "Economists for Ukraine" online job market workshop (August 19, 2022 from 10am-2pm US Eastern Time) is now open! The workshop will consist of two sessions: "general preparation" (session 1) and "understanding different markets" (session 2). Each session will last 1 hour and 45 minutes and will consist of presentations by the speakers followed by Q&A. The workshop will be recorded.)
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  • Friday November 4

  • 10:00 – 16:00 America/New_York
    Economists for Ukraine Virtual Job Market Workshop #2 (Our second virtual job market workshop will cover presentation skills and interview preparation for a variety of research and non-research positions. Each session consist of 2-5 speakers and will include a Q&A. The workshop will be recorded, so feel free to register even if you cannot attend live.)
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  • Friday November 11

  • 08:00 – 09:00 America/Los_Angeles
    Candidate Q&A and Pep Talk with EJM CEO Joel Watson (Joel Watson, Econ Job Market CEO, will host an informal remote “candidate Q&A and pep talk” session for current candidates on the job market. Watson will answer any general questions about the job market that you have at this stage, especially on application materials and how to prepare for interviews. You are also welcome to provide feedback about how well the EJM system is working for you. This will be a closed session and will not be recorded.)
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  • Monday November 28

  • 09:00 – 10:00 America/Los_Angeles
    EJM Discussion and Information Sessions
    Second Candidate Q&A and Pep Talk with EJM CEO Joel Watson and Guests (Monday 28 Nov 2022, 9:00 a.m. Pacific) (In this second session for job-market candidates, Watson and special guests Caterina Calsamiglia (Barcelona IPEG) and Tom Zohar (CEMFI) will provide general advice and answer questions. especially about how to prepare for interviews and presentations. Candidates are also welcome to provide feedback about how well the EJM system is working for them. This will be a closed session and will not be recorded. Valid registrants will receive an email containing the Zoom code needed to participate. Register by clicking on the link shown here.)
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  • 2023

  • Tuesday January 10

  • 08:30 – 09:30 America/Los_Angeles
    3rd Candidate Q&A and Pep Talk with EJM CEO Joel Watson and Guests (Watson and guests will provide general advice and answer questions about the job market that you have at this stage, especially about flyouts and presentations.)
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  • Friday June 23

  • 15:45 – 17:15 America/Los_Angeles
    "Preparing for the Job Market" session at the ES North American Summer Meeting at UCLA (Econ Job Market Inc (EJM) is sponsoring a session at ES North American Summer Meeting titled "Preparing for the Job Market." This session is aimed at current graduate students and other scholars who plan to be on the job market in the next two years. Joel Watson (UCSD Professor and EJM CEO), Bertille Antoine (Simon Fraser University), Alice Gindin (Middlebury College) and Romans Pancs (ITAM) will provide an overview of the market, basic advice for how to prepare, and answers to your questions.)
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  • Saturday October 28

  • 09:00 – 10:00 America/Los_Angeles
    Instructor presentation
    Candidate Q&A and Pep Talk with EJM CEO Joel Watson (EJM CEO Joel Watson will host a remote session with interested job-market candidates. He will try to answer any general questions about the job market that candidates have at this stage. Candidates will also be encouraged to provide feedback on the EJM system. This will be a closed session and will not be recorded. Candidates who would like to participate should submit the interest form at the url provided)
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  • Saturday November 4

  • 06:00 – 07:00 America/Los_Angeles
    Instructor presentation
    India Job Market for Economists (IJME) hosts "Navigating econjobmarket.org" with EJM CEO Joel Watson (India Job Market for Economists (IJME) will host a workshop for PhD students with EJM CEO Joel Watson, "Navigating econjobmarket.org" 6:30pm IST on Saturday, November 4)
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  • Friday November 17

  • 09:00 – 10:00 America/Los_Angeles
    Instructor presentation
    2nd Candidate Q&A and Pep Talk with EJM CEO Joel Watson (EJM CEO Joel Watson will host a remote session with interested job-market candidates. Watson will provide general advice and answer questions about the job market that you have at this stage, especially about how to prepare for interviews and presentations. You are also welcome to provide feedback about how well the EJM system is working for you. This will be a closed session and will not be recorded. Valid registrants will receive an email containing the Zoom code needed to participate.)
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  • 2024

  • Thursday June 13

  • 13:30 – 15:00 America/Kentucky/Louisville
    Special "Preparing for the Job Market" session sponsored by EJM June 13 in Nashville (A special session, "Preparing for the Job Market" presented by CEO Joel Watson and panelists for graduate students and graduate students and others soon to be on the job market)
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  • Thursday July 25

  • 13:50 Africa/Algiers
    Poster session
    Culinary Arts Degree Programs In Rajasthan (The College of Hospitality Administration (CHA), offers excellent hospitality education. First ranked in the state and one of India's top 60 by India Today magazine, The Best Hotel Management College in Jaipur “CHA”, founded in 2007 under the Noble National Public School Samiti (NNPSS), is committed to satisfying industrial standards. Connected to Vishvakarma Skills University in Jaipur, we provide top courses, such as the coveted IHG Academy, that equip students for success on a worldwide scale in the quick-paced hospitality industry.)
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  • 2025

  • Thursday July 3

  • 09:00 – Friday July 4, 19:00 America/Sao_Paulo
    1st AIBE Workshop on Digital Payments & Financial Inclusion
    Presentation of research paper
    1st AIBE Workshop on Digital Payments & Financial Inclusion (The 2025 Workshop of the Italian-Brazilian Economics Association (AIBE) is jointly organized by EAESP-FGV and the University of Milano-Bicocca, and aims to present cutting-edge research on all aspects of digital finance and financial inclusion. We invite submissions from any area of economics, with any geographic focus.)
    Presenter: Nicola Borrri
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