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Postdoc in Game Theory and Environmental Economics
Advertiser: Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen
Field(s) of specialization: Microeconomic theory - Applied microeconomics
Position type(s): Postdoctoral Scholar
Location of job: Rolighedsvej 25, Frederiksberg, Denmark
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: 2 years
Letters of reference required: 3
Application deadline: 2 Feb 2025 midnight UTC (no longer accepting applications)
Current search status: Reviewing applications
Posting end date: 3 Feb 2025
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting February, 2025.
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Postdoc in Game Theory and Environmental Economics

We invite applications for a 2-year Postdoctoral position broadly in the field of Game Theory. Knowledge of Blockchains and/or Environmental Economics is prioritized. The position is part of the research project Achieving Centralized Objectives in a Decentralized Economy (CODE), funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark.

The CODE project explores how to realize societal, centralized goals in a decentralized economy. Focus is on the interplay between blockchain-based smart contracts and the theories of market design. A particular emphasis is given to decentralized environmental governance as well as to manage dynamic contractual relations. Promising prototypes highlight blockchain technology as a potential solution to these challenges, yet CODE's core assertion is that technology alone is not enough. The technology provides a toolkit, but it does not dictate the best way to use it. It is vital to also ``set the rules of the game'' to ensure individual efforts align with overarching goals. This calls for an approach grounded in game theory and market design. The CODE project is a collaboration between researchers at IFRO, the Department of Economics at Copenhagen Business School, and a number of international partners.

The Postdoc will be associated with IFRO's Management Science group. The group works broadly within applied microeconomics with a particular focus on game theory and market design in a digital economy. The group is part of the Section for Production, Markets and Policy within IFRO. The section conducts research on business, economics, and policy, focusing on the food and agricultural sector. It examines topics such as market design, productivity, innovation, and trade using methods such as econometrics, case studies, and interdisciplinary collaboration.

The postdoc’s duties will include research within the area of the CODE project as well as teaching. The post may also include performance of other duties.

Further information on the Department is linked at https://www.science.ku.dk/english/about-the-faculty/organisation/. Inquiries about the position can be made to head of the CODE-project professor Jens Leth Hougaard (jlh@ifro.ku.dk).

The position is open from April 1. 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter.

The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

Terms of employment

The position is covered by the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff.

Terms of appointment and payment accord to the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the State.

Negotiation for salary supplement is possible.

The application, in English, must be submitted electronically by clicking APPLY NOW below.

Please include

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Diplomas (Master and PhD degree or equivalent)
  • Research plan – description of current and future research plans
  • Complete publication list
  • Separate reprints of up to 3 particularly relevant papers

The deadline for applications is February 2. 2025, 23:59 GMT +1.

After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the Interview Committee.

You can read about the recruitment process at https://employment.ku.dk/faculty/recruitment-process/.

Interviews are expected to be held end of February/beginning of March 2025.


Part of the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU), and among Europe’s top-ranking universities, the University of Copenhagen promotes research and teaching of the highest international standard. Rich in tradition and modern in outlook, the University gives students and staff the opportunity to cultivate their talent in an ambitious and informal environment. An effective organisation – with good working conditions and a collaborative work culture – creates the ideal framework for a successful academic career.


Jens Leth Hougaard

E-mail: jlh@ifro.ku.dk


Application deadline: 02-02-2025

Employment start: 01-04-2025

Working hours: Full time

Department/Location: Department of Food and Resource Economics

Number of letters of reference required: 3
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