Educational institutions

3,762 institutions found

This page shows the educational institutions in our database. (If your institution is not listed, you can add it when you create an account.)

If you notice any errors, including missing or incorrect URLs, please let us know.

  • Institution
  • Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology www
    • Department of Economics www
  • Federation University Australia www
    • Federation Business School www
    • School of Science, Engineering and Information Technology www
  • Fenerbahçe Universitesi www
    • Faculty of Sports Sciences(Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi) www
  • Ferdowsi University of Mashhad www
    • Agricultral Economics www
    • Economics www
    • Faculty of Mathematical Sciences www
    • Management www
  • FernUniversität in Hagen www
    • Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft www
  • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации) www
    • Economic Theory(Департамент экономической теории) www
    • Kursk Branch www
    • School of Finance
  • Fırat University (Fırat Üniversitesi) www
    • Economics(İktisat Bölümü) www
    • Business Administration www
  • FLAME University www
    • Department of Economics www
  • Flinders University www
    • College of Business, Government and Law www
    • College of Medicine and Public Health www
  • Florida Atlantic University www
    • Department of Economics www
    • Department of Finance, College of Business www
    • Department of History www
    • Department of Marketing www
  • Florida Christian University www
    • All departments
  • Florida International University www
    • College of Public Health and Social Work www
    • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering www
    • Department of Economics www
    • Department of Finance, Business School www
    • Department of International Business www
    • Department of Marketing & Logistics, Business School www
    • Enterprise & Logistics Engineering www
    • Hollo School of Real Estate www
    • Institute of Environment www
    • School of Accounting www
    • School of Computing and Information Sciences www
  • Florida Polytechnic University www
    • Data Science & Business Analytics www
  • Florida State University www
    • Accounting, College of Business www
    • Askew School of Public Administration www
    • Business Analytics, Information Systems & Supply Chain, College of Business www
    • Center for Economics Forecasting and Analysis www
    • Department of Economics www
    • Department of Political Science www
    • Department of Scientific Computing www
    • Finance, College of Business www
    • Institute for Justice Research and Development www
    • Marketing, College of Business www
  • FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management www
    • All departments
    • Economics www
    • School of Business www
  • Foreign Trade University (Trường Đại học Ngoại thương) www
    • Department of Business Administration and Finance and Accounting(Bộ môn Quản trị kinh doanh và Tài chính Kế toán) www
    • School of Economics and International Business www
  • Forman Christian College www
    • Faculty of Economics www
  • Fort Hays State University www
    • Economics, Finance, and Accounting www
    • Management www
  • Fortune Institute of International Business (FIIB) www
    • All departments
  • Forward College www
    • All departments www
  • Foundation University Islamabad www
    • Department of Psychology www
    • Faculty of Business and Technology www
  • Fountain University www
    • Department of Economics www
  • Frankfurt School of Finance & Management www
    • Accounting Department www
    • Economics Department www
    • Finance Department www
    • Various departments www
  • Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences www
    • Business and Law www
  • Franklin & Marshall College www
    • Department of Economics
  • Franklin University Switzerland www
    • Division of Business and Economics www
  • Frederick University www
    • School of Business and Law www
  • Freie Universität Berlin www
    • Department of Economics www
    • Department of Political and Social Sciences(Fachbereich Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften) www
    • Institute for Chinese Studies www
    • John-F.-Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Economics
    • School of Business & Economics, Chair of International Public Economics www
  • Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg www
    • Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Theology www
    • Institute of Psychogerontology www
    • School of Business, Economics and Society www
  • Front Range Community College www
    • All departments
  • Frostburg State University www
    • Economics www
  • FUCAPE Business School (Fundação Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisas em Contabilidade, Economia e Finanças) www
    • All departments
  • Fudan University www
    • Fanhai International School of Finance (FISF) www
    • School of Computer Science www
    • School of Data Science www
    • School of Economics www
    • School of International Relations and Public Affairs www
    • School of Management www
  • Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University www
    • College of Economics and Management www
  • Fujian University of Technology www
    • School of Management www
  • Fukuoka University www
    • Faculty of Economics www
  • Fulbright University Vietnam www
    • All departments
  • Fundacao Dom Cabral www
  • Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) www
    • Centro de Estudos do Agronegocio www
    • Educação Executiva www
    • EPGE Escola Brasileira de Economia e Finanças(Brazilian School of Economics and Finance) www
    • Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas(EBAPE) www
    • Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo www
    • Escola de Relações Internacionais www
    • Escuela de Políticas Públicas y Gobierno(School of Public Policy and Government) www
    • Sao Paulo School of Economics www
  • Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau www
    • Departamento de Economia www
  • Fundación Universidad Torcuato Di Tella www
    • School of government
  • Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz www
    • All departments
    • Economics
  • Fuzhou University www
    • School of Economics and Management www
  • Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade www
    • School of Economics and Management www
  • G. T. Institute of Management Studies and Research www
    • All departments www
    • Graduate School of Social Policy www
  • Galatasaray University (Galatasaray Üniversitesi) www
    • Department of Industrial Engineering(Endüstri Mühendisliği Bölümü) www
    • Department of Mathematics(Matematik Bölümü) www
    • Economics(İktisat) www
    • Social Sciences Institute(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü) www