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EconJobMarket.org Privacy Notice


Econ Job Market Incorporated (also known as "EJM", "EconJobMarket", "EconJobMarket.org" hereinafter collectively referred to as EconJobMarket, “we” or “us”) is a California nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity that facilitates the flow of information in the economics job market by providing a secure central repository for the files of job-market candidates (including papers, reference letters, and other materials) accessed on line at the web site EconJobMarket.org, which EconJobMarket owns and operates.


Candidate: An academic economist seeking employment who registers and establishes a Candidate account at the Site and may submit applications and supporting materials via the Site.

Proxy: An authorized staff representative of a Reference who is given a Proxy account with the Site for the purpose of securely submitting recommendation letters for Candidates on behalf of the Reference.

Reference (also known as “Recommender”): An individual who is given a Reference account with the Site for the purpose of securely submitting letters of recommendation for Candidates.

Recruiter: A representative of a university, college, economics department, business school, government agency, private firm, or any other legitimate organization that searches for suitably qualified academic economists and has a Recruiter account with the Site allowing the representative to post job advertisements and review the applications that Candidates submit.

Services: The online services provided at the EconJobMarket.org Site for registered Users. These services include, but are not limited to: (a) the collection, display and transmission of job-listings advertisements uploaded by Recruiters; (b) the collection of application materials (including biographical information, curricula vitae, technical papers, and other files and information) from Candidates and letters of recommendation from References and Proxies; (c) the transmission of application materials and letters of recommendation to Recruiters as directed by Candidates and References; and (d) facilitating communication between Candidates and Recruiters for the purpose of scheduling interviews and conveying other information about the job market.

Site: The EconJobMarket.org website, code, and database including the Services offered therein.

Users (also referred to as “you”): All Candidates, References, Proxies, Recruiters and verified legitimate organizations that have registered and established User accounts with the Site.

Visitors: All others who access the EconJobMarket Site but do not register or establish User accounts.


We are committed to protecting the privacy of our Users when using our Site and the Services provided. We value your participation in the EconJobMarket system and your loyalty as a User. This Privacy Notice (“Notice”) outlines our privacy policy and explains how we collect, share, use, and protect personal information when you use the Site and Services. Wherever your personal information is transferred, stored or processed by us, we will take reasonable steps to safeguard the privacy of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Notice and our Terms of Use Agreement. While we take efforts to safeguard the privacy of your personal information, the purpose of our site is to transfer such information to Users. Therefore, you should not submit any private, sensitive information to this site (including but not limited to your social security number).


This Privacy Notice governs your interaction with the Site and your registration for and use of our Services. This Notice applies in conjunction with Econ Job Market's "Terms of Use Agreement" (also referred to as "Terms of Use"). When you register as a User on this Site and establish a User account, you are required to read this Notice and actively indicate your consent to the terms of this Notice and the Terms of Use Agreement by clicking on the “I Consent” button in the process of finalizing your account registration. You are also required to read this Notice and indicate your consent when logging into the Site following a revision of this Notice or the Terms of Use Agreement. The Site and Services are offered only to Users who agree to these terms. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, PLEASE DO NOT ACCESS THE ECONJOBMARKET.ORG SITE OR USE THE SERVICES PROVIDED THEREIN.


To simply browse the Site, we do not ask you to provide any information or register as a User. However, if you wish to use the Site and the Services, you will need to register as a User and establish a User account on the Site. When you register, you will be asked to provide certain personal and demographic information.

As used in this Privacy Notice, the information that we collect falls into two categories:

Personally Identifiable Information: Personally identifiable information is any kind of information that is associated with a specific user, including name, email address, street address, employment title, education history, employer, and other related demographic information. EconJobMarket collects only the personally identifiable information that you explicitly give to us. We do not collect, and you should not provide, social security numbers and similar sensitive personal information.

Non-Personally Identifiable Information: Non-personally identifiable information is any type of information collected in web logs, including IP address, browser type, and the use of cookies. This information is viewed only in aggregate form and is not routinely tracked to an individual site visitor except in special cases, such as responding to Internet-based attacks.

As you use EconJobMarket.org, you may be prompted to enter Personally Identifiable Information when you do any of the following (not all items are applicable to all Users):

  1. Register
  2. Create a user name and password
  3. Use personalization features and/or update your user profile
  4. Create or edit advertisements
  5. Submit an application, including application materials (in various formats), for consideration of employment
  6. Request the submittal of a letter of recommendation by a Reference to a specified organization
  7. Submit a letter of recommendation
  8. View job listings and/or application data
  9. Purchase a product or service
  10. Register for a free product or service
  11. Provide feedback.

In each such instance, you will know what data we collect through the Site, because you will actively submit it. Except as described in this Privacy Notice, as necessary for the performance of our Services for you, we will endeavor to keep your information confidential. You should not provide any sensitive personal information, including but not limited to social security numbers.

We collect and aggregate Non-Personally Identifiable Information indicating the manner in which the Site is accessed by individual users. Although such information is not personally identifiable, we can determine from the IP address a visitor's Internet Service Provider and the geographic location of his or her point of connection.


1. Non-Personally Identifiable Information

We construct statistics and summaries of user data, such as but not limited to the number of different users, advertisements, applications, and the specialties involved. EconJobMarket specifically reserves the right to display publicly these statistics and summaries of the data on the Site, but only in a way that does not identify individual Candidates or References and does not reveal the content of any documents they submit to the Site (for instance, recommendation letters). EconJobMarket also reserves the right to conduct statistical analyses of the data on the Site in order to report summaries and statistics.

2. Personally Identifiable Information

Recruiter advertisements (job postings), which may contain personally identifiable information, are publicly displayed by EconJobMarket. We also transmit advertisements for display on the job-posting sites of partner organizations, including the Canadian Economics Association, VoxEU, the Econometric Society, and others.

Documents and information submitted by an individual Candidate (including biographical information, curricula vitae, technical papers, and other files and information) are made available only to those Recruiters that the Candidate specifies for receipt. Candidates specify organizations to receive application materials in two ways: explicitly, by their express applications to individual Recruiters in response to advertisements posted on the Site; and/or implicitly, by specifying that their materials be available to all organizations that have access to the Site.

Letters of recommendation for individual Candidates are made available by us to the organizations that have posted advertisements on the Site and to which the Candidates apply, subject to the approval of the References. Approval of each Reference is determined when the Reference or designated Proxy submits a letter to the Site and specifies recipients.

In some cases, Recruiters contract with third-party organizations to process application materials. With regard to this Notice and the Terms of Use Agreement, actions taken by such a third-party organization shall be regarded as taken by the Recruiter who contracts with the third party. We reserve the right to allow a third-party organization to access an individual Recruiter's application data if and only if the Recruiter specifically designates this third party for this purpose. We reserve the right to make access by third party organizations contingent on successful completion of a qualification process to ensure that the Recruiter's application data is handled in a way consistent with this Notice and the Terms of Use Agreement.

In addition, EconJobMarket officers, agents, and third-party contractors we retain for hosting, updating and maintaining the Site and our Services, are allowed to access the Site as appropriate (including viewing personally identifiable information) for the purposes of maintaining the Site and providing User support. Due to the transfer of personally identifiable information set forth above, including, but not limited to, the use of third party organizations by some Recruiters, you should not submit any sensitive personal information, such as social security numbers and similar information, to the Site. The privacy of such sensitive information cannot be guaranteed and EconJobMarket is not responsible for the privacy of such information or any damages or other liabilities resulting from the release or dissemination thereof.

3. Personal Credit Card Processing Data

EconJobMarket does not collect credit-card information and we do not conduct our own credit-card payment processing. When a User elects to make a credit-card payment to EconJobMarket for User fees or for a voluntary contribution, the payment is processed by an outside credit-card processing company (currently Paypal or Stripe). We will disclose your Personally Identifiable Information to these companies as needed to process your payments for fees and voluntary contributions and to respond to your requests. Note that EconJobMarket accepts payment also by check (drawn on a U.S. bank) and wire transfer.

4. Academic Research

In accordance with EconJobMarket's objective to serve the academic economics profession, we may provide data to authorized researchers for the purpose of conducting research on the academic job market. To be granted access to data, a researcher must submit a detailed proposal, agree to our Privacy Notice and the requirements for secure and confidential treatment of data, and qualify as described in EconJobMarket’s Research Data Access Policy. Researchers may use data only for approved academic studies, must publish in publicly available venues, and may not use data for commercial purposes. Researchers are not allowed to report personally identifiable information.

EconJobMarket maintains a list of economists (not all with EconJobMarket accounts) created from public sources and may publicly display such information for the purpose of providing its services and also may share this information with Researchers.

5. Cookies

We store some information through the use of "cookies" (small text files stored for a period of time on your computer) that help us monitor the pages to which you link and the services offered. Cookies are only read by the server that placed them and are unable to execute any code or virus; they will not permit a Web Site operator to learn any personally identifiable information (see below) about you unless you have previously provided that information to the Web Site operator or you have set the preferences in your browser to provide this information. Cookies allow EconJobMarket to serve you efficiently. By accessing this Site and using the Services, you agree that we can place cookies on your device.

The Help feature on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. Because cookies are required for some of EconJobMarket’s essential features, they must be enabled or the Site and Services will not be accessible and will not function properly. You can disable cookies completely by changing your browser settings; however, if you do so, the Site and Services will not function properly. Useful information about cookies can be found at http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0042-cookies-leaving-trail-web.

6. Domestic and International Data Transfers and Storage

The servers hosting the Site are located in the United States and in Canada. When we obtain your Personally Identifiable Information, we may process and store the information outside of the country in which you are located, in either the United States or Canada or both. These countries may not have the same data-protection laws as the country in which you are located. By registering as a User and in pursuing your validated use of this Site and its Services, you consent and agree to the transfer of your Personally Identifiable Information to the United States and Canada, and you acknowledge that your data is protected by and subject to the laws of the United States and Canada.


1. Data Locations

EconJobMarket’s operations are located primarily in the United States and Canada. If you provide information to us, the information will be transferred out of the European Union (EU) or Canada to the United States and Canada. When using or disclosing Personally Identifiable Information transferred from the European Union or Canada, we obtain your consent or adopt other means under European Union and Canadian law for ensuring adequate safeguards. By expressly consenting to the terms of our Privacy Notice and our Terms of Use Agreement when you registered and finalized a User account on the Site and by providing Personally Identifiable Information in connection with your use of the Site and its Services, you understand and accept that your information will be so transferred and handled in accordance with this Privacy Notice and our Terms of Use Agreement.

2. European Union General Data Protect Protection Regulation ("GDPR")

EconJobMarket takes steps to comply with all requirements and principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  The terms in this Privacy Notice comply with the GDPR.  If you are located in the EU please carefully read this Privacy Notice and contact us electronically using the Contact form at https://econjobmarket.org/contact with any questions or concerns.

Personal Data: The GDPR refers to personally identifiable information/personal information as "Personal Data." Personal Data is defined as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identify of that natural person.

Opt In: EU Users must affirmatively opt in so that EconJobMarket can collect and use the information provided by an EU User as set forth in this Privacy Notice.  EconJobMarket will be unable to provide services unless such information is provided for security and identification purposes. 


If you are located in the EU and wish to place restrictions on use of your information, obtain a copy of your personal data, or wish to have your data deleted and to be forgotten, please contact us electronically using the Contact form at https://econjobmarket.org/contact.

In accordance with EU and other guidelines, you may decline to provide the information requested by EconJobMarket. Please be advised, however, that EconJobMarket may be unable to provide certain services unless such information is provided for security and identification purposes.


Users of the Site and its Services can always choose not to provide information, even though it might be needed to use the Site and the Services provided by EconJobMarket.

As a User, you may access, update, and amend Personally Identifiable Information included in your online User account at any time by logging into your account and making the necessary changes. You may also delete your account from our database at any time by logging in to your account and making an account deletion request. Deleting your account will remove your Personally Identifiable Information and files from our database. However, if you used the Site to apply to a job in the past, this particular employer will still be able to access your application data, including your uploaded documents and any Letters of Recommendation associated with the application. Further, we will not be able to delete data held by third parties, such as prospective employers, that already have accessed and downloaded your documents and other information. In addition, we will retain anonymous Aggregate Data for uses described above. Please allow up to thirty days to process your account deletion request.

If you would like to have your Personally Identifiable Information removed from EconJobMarket's database, or would like to correct an error in such information, please contact us and we will use reasonable efforts to comply with your request. Note that residual information will remain in EconJobMarket databases, access logs, and other records, which may or may not contain your Personally Identifiable Information. Unless you request that we do not contact you, EconJobMarket reserves the right, from time to time, to contact former customers or Users of the Site.


Please note that EconJobMarket reserves the right to disclose information submitted by or concerning any visitor or User as we reasonably feel is necessary to protect our systems and business. Specifically, but without limitation, we reserve the right to disclose such information when a visitor or User is in violation of the Terms of Use Agreement or other published guidelines, or partakes (or is reasonably suspected of partaking) in any harmful, infringing or illegal activity, even without a subpoena, warrant, or other court order; in this condition we may disclose such information in response to court and governmental orders, civil subpoenas, discovery requests, and as otherwise required by law, as well as in response to allegations of infringement.

We will cooperate with law enforcement agencies in identifying those who may be using our servers or services for illegal activities. We also reserve the right to report any suspected illegal activity to law enforcement for investigation or prosecution, or to suspend or terminate your User account in connection with any suspected illegal or infringing activity. Where permitted or required by law, EconJobMarket will provide Personally Identifiable Information to third parties without your consent to comply with court orders, subpoenas, or other legal or regulatory requirements. Finally, EconJobMarket reserves the right to assign, sell, license, or otherwise transfer to a third party your Personally Identifiable Information in connection with an assignment, sale, joint venture, or other transfer or disposition of any portion or all of EconJobMarket's assets.

Please note that, to provide its services, EconJobMarket must periodically disclose the names and email addresses of some users to other registered users. For example, when a candidate wishes to select a reference for applications, the candidate submits the reference’s name and the system displays matches among those already registered in the system with recommender roles.


EconJobMarket takes precautions to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information via the Site, we make commercially reasonable efforts to protect your information both online and off-line. We use Secure Socket Layer encryption technology to manage some information transmission to and from the Site.

EconJobMarket maintains administrative, technical and physical safeguards designed to assist us in protecting the Personally Identifiable Information we collect against accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use.

Please note that no electronic transmission of information over the Internet or method of electronic storage is perfectly secure. We do not guarantee that the security measures we have in place to safeguard Personally Identifiable Information will not be defeated or fail, or that those measures will be sufficient or effective. Therefore, although we are committed to protecting your privacy, we do not promise, and you should not expect, that your Personally Identifiable Information will remain private. Additionally, you should not submit any sensitive personal information to the Site, including but not limited to social security numbers and similar information. As a User of the Site and its Services, you understand and agree that you assume all responsibility and risk for your use of the Site, its Services, the Internet generally, the documents you post or access, and for your conduct on and off the Site.

To further protect you, you should safeguard your EconJobMarket account user name and password and not share this information with anyone. You should sign off your account and close your browser window when you have finished your visit to our Site.


Regarding California Do Not Track legislation, we do not respond to the browser “Do Not Track” (DNT) signal if enabled by Users in their web browsers. Do Not Track is a standard that is currently under development. As it is not yet finalized, we adhere to the standards set out in this privacy policy. To learn about Do Not Track, see http://www.allaboutdnt.com/.


Occasionally, the Site may display links to other organizations. Be aware that we do not monitor or control the information collection, privacy practices, goods, services, or content of any third parties linked from the Site; we are not responsible for their practices or the content of their web sites, including their use of any information (such as IP address, browser type, or operating system) collected when EconJobMarket users are linked to a third-party web page from the Site. This Privacy Notice applies solely to information collected by EconJobMarket.


EconJobMarket.org is not intended for children under 18 years of age. Further, children under the age of 18 are not eligible to register for user accounts with EconJobMarket.org. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 18. If we discover that we have inadvertently collected personal information from a person under 18, it will immediately be deleted and that person’s accounted terminated.


We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise revise this Notice and the Terms of Use at any time. Such changes and/or modifications shall become effective immediately upon the posting thereof. Your continued access of EconJobMarket.org and continued use of the Services provided by the Site subsequent to changes to this Notice will mean that you accept the changes; therefore, please review the documents periodically. When we make material changes to our Privacy Notice, these changes will be posted at the bottom of the Privacy Notice page. Review this page regularly for updates.


The Site, including all web pages within and all code related thereto, is the property of Econ Job Market Incorporated and EconJobMarket.org. No portion of the materials or code on these pages or anywhere on the Site may be reprinted or republished (other than as is necessary to view the page on your monitor) in any form without the express written permission of Econ Job Market Incorporated.

The Site is owned and operated by us in conjunction with others pursuant to contractual arrangements. Unauthorized use of the materials on the Site may violate copyright, trademark, patent and other laws and is prohibited. You acknowledge that you do not acquire any ownership rights by using the Site.


If you have a comment or question about our privacy policy, this Privacy Notice or any other privacy issues in connection with the Services, please contact us electronically using the Contact form at https://econjobmarket.org/contact or send a letter to us at

Econ Job Market Incorporated
3268 Governor Dr. # 328
San Diego, CA 92122

Except as set forth within this Privacy Notice, the Terms of Use Agreement, and other published guidelines, we do not release personally identifiable information about our Users and visitors without their permission.

NOTICE TO CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. RESIDENTS: If you are a California resident, California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits you to request information regarding the disclosure of your personal information by EconJobMarket to a third party for the third party’s direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please contact us electronically using the Contact form at https://econjobmarket.org/contact or by sending a letter to us including your name, postal address, and email address, at the address shown above.

Revised May 2018 to comply with European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Updated February 2022 and effective July 3, 2022. Previous update May 2018, effective June 1, 2018.