Partial resolution of issue with email server: We have switched to a different email server while our hosting service is fixing an issue with its system. Mail sent while we did not have email service is queued, and will be delivered when the hosting service implements a fix and we switch back to their email server (which may take several days).
Econ Job Market® Inc. (EJM) is a nonprofit charity (a 501c3 organization). EJM's main aim is to improve the flow of information in the job market for academic economists, by providing a central repository for job-market materials (at and by encouraging interoperability between the various recruitment systems that recruiters use. EJM exists mainly to serve other nonprofit organizations that engage in the academic job market (colleges, universities, government agencies, and their staff and students). To this end, it also serves for-profit companies that recruit academic economists. EJM is managed and directed by representatives from the academic community and professional economics associations.
The Directors are unpaid and the Officers serve on a mostly volunteer basis. EJM's commitment to low fees is central to its charter and 501c3 status, to encourage use of EJM's centralized database and reduce negative externalities. EJM's revenue is used to pay for basic business expenses, hosting, technical support, small stipends for senior officers, and mostly to compensate student workers.
EconJobMarket was founded by Martin Osborne (University of Toronto), John Rust (Georgetown University), and Joel Watson (University of California, San Diego). They had each created Internet-based application systems at their individual universities and realized that further efficiency gains could be realized with a central repository.
Since it was launched in mid-September 2007, EJM has grown to become the profession's choice for transmitting job-market materials. Virtually all candidates use EJM to apply for jobs, and the number of recruiters using the system has grown substantially each year.
EconJobMarket is the official job market site of the Econometric Society, the European Economic Association, and the Canadian Economic Association. These professional associations are not responsible for the content of the advertisements posted on EJM, and they may separately promote their principles to their members. EconJobMarket is also endorsed by the Society for Economic Dynamics, the Eurasia Business and Economics Society, VoxEU, the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics, and Verein Für Socialpolitik. In 2012, (a service with much the same aim as EconJobMarket) was merged into EconJobMarket.
EconJobMarket exists for the public good. The organization commits not to sell user information to any third parties. Its current sources of revenue are modest fees to recruiters and voluntary contributions from users of the system. The fees are set to just cover operating costs.
Users who need assistance should submit a Support Request or email one of the officers.
Econ Job Market Inc
3268 Governor Dr. # 328
San Diego, CA 92122
858-432-3266 (858-432-ECON)