Educational institutions

3,762 institutions found

This page shows the educational institutions in our database. (If your institution is not listed, you can add it when you create an account.)

If you notice any errors, including missing or incorrect URLs, please let us know.

  • Institution
  • University Cheikh Anta Diop www
    • Research and Innovation Department www
    • Science Economiques et de Gestion www
  • University College Cork www
    • Cork University Business School www
    • Department of Philosophy www
    • School of Engineering www
  • University College Dublin www
    • Banking and Finance, Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business www
    • Environmental Policy www
    • Irish Institude for Chinese Studies www
    • School of Agriculture and Food Science www
    • School of Archaeology www
    • School of Economics www
    • School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering www
    • School of Geography www
    • School of Information and Communication Studies www
    • School of Mathematics & Statistics www
    • School of Politics and International Relations www
    • Spatial Dynamics Lab www
  • University College London www
    • Bartlett Development Planning Unit www
    • Bartlett School of Planning www
    • Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction www
    • Centre for New Economic Transitions www
    • Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM) www
    • Computer Science www
    • Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment www
    • Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering www
    • Department of Economics www
    • Department of Geography www
    • Department of History www
    • Department of Social Sciences, Institute of Education www
    • Department of Statistical Science www
    • Division of Psychology and Language Sciences www
    • Global Business School for Health www
    • Institute for Global Prosperity www
    • Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose www
    • Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction www
    • Institute for Sustainable Resources www
    • Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology www
    • Institute of Education www
    • Institute of Global Health www
    • Political Science www
    • Research Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology www
    • Research Department of Epidemiology and Public Health www
    • School of Management www
    • School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) www
  • University College of the North www
    • All departments
  • University for Business and Technology (UBT) www
  • University for Development Studies www
    • Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences www
    • Faculty of Social Science and Arts www
    • School of Public Health www
  • University for National and World Economy www
    • Department "Economics of Natural Resources"(Катедра “Икономика на природните ресурси”) www
  • University for the Creative Arts www
    • Business School for the Creative Industries www
  • University of Aberdeen www
    • Business School www
    • Department of Economics www
    • Department of Mathematics www
    • Health Economics Research Unit www
    • School of Engineering www
    • School of Geosciences www
  • University of Abuja www
    • Agric Economics and Extension www
    • Economics www
    • Statistics
  • University of Adelaide www
    • Accounting and Finance www
    • Centre for Global Food and Resources www
    • Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics www
    • Institute for International Trade www
    • School of Computer and Mathematical Science www
    • School of Economics and Public Policy www
  • University of Agder (Universitetet i Agder) www
    • School of Business and Law www
  • University of Agricultural Science, Dharwad www
    • All departments
  • University of Agriculture Faisalabad www
    • Faculty of Social Sciences www
    • Institute of Agricultural and Resource Economics www
  • University of Agriculture, Peshawar www
    • Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Sciences www
    • Faculty of Rural Social Sciences www
    • Institute of Development Studies www
    • Economics
    • Finance www
  • University of Alabama www
    • Alabama Center for Insurance Information and Research, Culverhouse College of Business www
    • Consumer Sciences www
    • Culverhouse School of Accountancy www
    • Department of Management www
    • Economics, Finance, and Legal Studies, Culverhouse College of Business www
    • Political Science www
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham www
    • Health Services Administration www
    • Marketing, Industrial Distribution & Economics www
  • University of Alabama in Huntsville www
    • Department of Economics www
  • University of Alaska Anchorage www
    • Economics
    • Institute of Social and Economic Research
  • University of Alaska Fairbanks www
    • Economics www
  • University of Alberta www
    • Accounting, Operations, and Information Systems www
    • Alberta School of Business, Department of Finance and Statistical Analysis www
    • Campus Saint-Jean www
    • China Institute www
    • Economics www
    • Marketing, Business Economics, and Law www
    • Mathematical and Statistical Studies www
    • Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology www
  • University of Algiers 3 www
    • Department of Economics www
  • University of Amsterdam (Universiteit van Amsterdam) www
    • Amsterdam Business School www
    • Amsterdam Center for Law & Economics (ACLE) www
    • Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies www
    • Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research www
    • Amsterdam Law School www
    • Amsterdam School of Economics www
    • Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance (CeNDEF) www
    • Center for Research in Experimental Economics and Political Decision Making www
    • Center of Job Knowledge Research
    • European Studies www
    • Informatics Institute www
    • Institute for Logic, Language and Computation www
    • Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics www
    • Political Science www
    • Psychology www
    • Tinbergen Institute www
  • University of Antananarivo (Université d'Antananarivo) www
    • Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques www
  • University of Applied Sciences and Art Western Switzerland (Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale, HES-SO) www
    • Haute école de gestion de Genève(Geneva School of Business Administration) www
    • Institut Interdisciplinaire du Développement de l'Entreprise, Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud www
  • University of Applied Sciences of the Khorasan Razavi Municipalities Cooperation Organization www
    • All departments
  • University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria www
    • Economics and Management www
  • University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Würzburg-Schweinfurt) www
    • Fakultät Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen(Faculty of Business and Engineering) www
  • University of Arizona www
    • College of Law www
    • Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics www
    • Department of Economics www
    • Department of Finance www
    • Department of Philosophy www
    • Eller College of Management www
    • Norton School of Human Ecology www
    • Political Economy & Moral Science www
    • School of Accountancy www
    • School of Government and Public Policy www
    • School of Natural Resources and the Environment www
  • University of Arkansas www
    • Department of Accounting www
    • Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
    • Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering www
    • Department of Economics www
    • Department of Finance, Walton College of Business
    • Department of Marketing www
    • Education Reform, College of Education and Health Professions www
    • Supply Chain Management www
  • University of Arkansas at Little Rock www
    • Economics and Finance www
  • University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences www
    • College of Pharmacy www
    • College of Public Health www
  • University of Auckland www
    • Department of Accounting and Finance, Business School www
    • Department of Commercial Law, Business School www
    • Department of Economics, Business School
    • Department of Marketing, Business School www
    • Department of Property, Business School www
    • Economics
    • Faculty of Arts www
    • Information Systems and Operations Management, Business School www
    • Public Policy Institute www
  • University of Augsburg www
    • Faculty of Business and Economics www
  • University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir www
    • Kashmir Institute of Economics www
  • University of Baghdad www
    • Economics www
  • University of Balochistan www
    • Commerce www
    • Institute of Management Sciences www
  • University of Baltimore www
    • School of Business www
  • University of Bamberg (Universität Bamberg) www
    • Economics Department(Volkswirtschaftslehre) www
    • Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences www
    • Political Science(Politikwissenschaft) www
    • Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration www
  • University of Bamenda www
    • Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
  • University of Basel (Universität Basel) www
    • Department of Mathematics and Computer Science www
    • Faculty of Business and Economics www
    • Faculty of Psychology www
    • Institute of Social Anthropology(Ethnologischen Seminars) www
    • Department of Social & Policy Sciences www
    • Economics www
    • Institute for Policy Research www
    • Mathematical Sciences www
    • Mechanical Engineering www
    • School of Management www
  • University of Bayreuth www
    • Chair of Economics I - International Economics and Finance www
    • Chair of Quantitative Economic History www
    • Department of Mathematics www
    • Development Economics www
    • Faculty of Law and Economics www
    • Philosophy www
  • University of Bedfordshire www
    • Business School www
  • University of Beira Interior (Universidade da Beira Interior) www
    • Department of Management and Economics(Departamento de Gestão e Economia) www
  • University of Belgrade (Универзитет у Београду) www
    • Faculty of Economics(Економски факултет) www
    • Faculty of Political Sciences(Факултет политичких наука) www
    • Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory(Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju) www
  • University of Benin www
    • Economics and Statistics www
    • Faculty of Management Science www
  • University of Bergen (Universitetet i Bergen) www
    • Department of Administration and Organization Theory www
    • Department of Economics www
    • Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care www