Postdoctoral Researcher SNSF at University of Lausanne
Advertiser: Department of Economics, Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC), University of Lausanne
Field(s) of specialization: Development; Growth - International Trade - Urban; Rural; Regional Economics - Political Economy
Position type(s): Postdoctoral Scholar
Location of job: Batiment Internef, Lausanne, Switzerland
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2024-08-01
Job duration: 3 years
Letters of reference required: 3
Application deadline: 6 Dec 2023 midnight UTC (no longer accepting applications)
Current search status: Reviewing applications
Posting end date: 13 Dec 2023
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2023.
Ad text:


The University of Lausanne (UNIL) is a leading international teaching and research institution, with over 5,000 employees and 17,000 students. Its Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC Lausanne) is one of Europe’s foremost centres of scientific research in economics. As an employer, UNIL encourages excellence, individual recognition and responsibility.


The postdoctoral fellow will work closely under the supervision of Professor Mathias Thoenig (UNIL). The position will be based at HEC Lausanne’s Department of Economics – a highly research-active group of some 20 professors and 45 postdocs and PhD students, covering all main areas of economics (micro, macro, applied and econometrics). The postdoctoral position will be funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, through the project "Quantitative Spatial Models of Violence", led by Mathias Thoenig (UNIL), in collaboration with Thierry Mayer (SciencesPo Paris) and Matthieu Couttenier (ENS Lyon). We seek for candidates with a solid expertise in the construction, estimation and simulation of quantitative spatial models in trade/migration/urban economics.

Job information

  • Position as Swiss National Science Foundation Senior Researcher
  • Contract length: up to 3 years
  • Expected starting date: summer/autumn 2024
  • Employment rate: 100%
  • Workplace: University of Lausanne, Faculty for Business and Economics, Internef Building (Chamberonne, Lausanne)

Your responsibilities

  • Substantial part of your research time will be dedicated to the project “Quantitative Spatial Models of Violence” (including contribution to research papers; collection, transformation and analysis of data; estimation and simulation of structural models; management of database and website)
  • up to 10% of your time will be dedicated to your (light) teaching load

Your qualifications

  • PhD in economics
  • Confirmed research interest in at least one field related to spatial economics (trade, migration, urban, structural transformation and development)
  • Ability to work independently
  • Solid expertise in quantitative spatial models in trade/migration/urban
  • Fluency in English

What the position offers you

We offer a stimulating work environment in a collegial, diverse and dynamic academic setting. Material conditions (salary, office space, IT infrastructure, library facilities) are internationally competitive. Funds for research-related expenditure (travel, data, etc.) are available.

Contact for further information

For complementary information, please email Professor Mathias Thoenig (

Your application

Application deadline: December 6, 2023

Interviews with the most promising candidates will be conducted remotely by video starting the week of December 11, 2023 (European Economic Association's Job Market for Economists). A selected group of candidates will subsequently be invited to Lausanne for a fly-out, with travel expenses fully covered.

Applications should include the following:

  • A cover letter detailing your research interests, experience and specific motivation for this position
  • your CV
  • names and contact details of 3 potential academic references
  • your job market paper
  • one additional paper (optional)

To receive full consideration, application documents must be uploaded online through the University of Lausanne recruitment platform:

Requisition ID: 21332

Additional information

UNIL is committed to equal opportunities and diversity.

UNIL supports early career researchers.

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