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Assistant Professor: Macroeconomics
Advertiser: Economics, University of California, Davis
Field(s) of specialization: Macroeconomics; Monetary
Position type(s): Assistant Professor
Location of job: One Shields Ave, Economics Department, Davis, CA, 95616, United States
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-07-01
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Current search status: Position filled
Posting end date: 6 Feb 2025
Ad text:

The Department of Economics at the University of California, Davis, invites applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in Macroeconomics. Teaching responsibilities include courses in the undergraduate and graduate program and supervision of Ph.D. candidates in Macroeconomics. The successful applicant will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate level courses and to conduct research in their field of expertise. Applicants must have completed their Ph.D. by the beginning of the appointment and demonstrate promise of distinction in scholarship and teaching.

This recruitment is conducted at the Assistant Professor rank. The resulting hire will be at the assistant rank, regardless of the proposed appointee’s qualifications.

Applicants should submit an application including a C.V., recent job market/research paper, three letters of recommendation, and statement of contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Optional submissions include additional evidence of teaching expertise (i.e., course syllabi, course descriptions, etc.). Applications will be accepted online at https://recruit.ucdavis.edu/JPF06678. Please follow instructions at the recruitment website. For full consideration, applications should be completed by December 2, 2024. The position will remain open until filled.

U.C. Davis is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer with a strong institutional commitment to the development of a climate that supports equality of opportunity and respect for differences. CONTACT: Macroeconomics Committee Chair, Department of Economics, One Shields Avenue, University of California, Davis, CA 95616.

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