Partial resolution of issue with email server: We have switched to a different email server while our hosting service is fixing an issue with its system. Mail sent while we did not have email service is queued, and will be delivered when the hosting service implements a fix and we switch back to their email server (which may take several days).
The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia seeks an established researcher with expertise in financial institutions and financial markets to join the Banking and Financial Markets section of the Research Department. The researcher will pursue independent research projects for publication in top academic journals, prepare policy briefings for senior management, and write articles intended for a general audience. The Bank offers an outstanding environment for research in financial economics, including excellent computing resources, research assistants, and access to rich confidential and proprietary financial datasets.
The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in economics or finance, an established research agenda, and a track record of publications in economics or finance journals. They must also possess superior written and verbal communication skills.
The Bank offers an outstanding research environment and competitive salaries and benefits. Additional information about the Research Department may be found at
Applications will be accepted only online via Econjobmarket at Follow the website instructions under the job posting. Your application should include your vita, at least one research paper, three letters of recommendation, and must be submitted by December 15, 2024. The Bank is an equal opportunity employer. CONTACT: Recruiting:
This position requires access to confidential supervisory information and/or FOMC information, which is limited to "Protected Individuals" as defined in the U.S. federal immigration law. Protected Individuals include, but are not limited to, U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, and U.S. permanent residents who either are not yet eligible to apply for naturalization or who have applied for naturalization within the requisite timeframe. Candidates who are not U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents may be eligible for the information access required for this position and sponsorship for a work visa, and subsequently for permanent residence, if they sign a declaration of intent to become a permanent resident and a U.S. citizen and meet other eligibility requirements. In addition, all candidates must undergo an applicable background check and comply with all applicable information handling rules, and all non-U.S. citizens must sign a declaration of intent to become a U.S. citizen and pursue a path to citizenship.