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Post-doctoral position in the field international trade or political economy
Advertiser: ECARES (European Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics), Université Libre de Bruxelles
Field(s) of specialization: International Trade - Political Economy
Position type(s): Postdoctoral Scholar
Location of job: Avenue Roosevelt 50, Building R42, Brussels, 1050, Belgium
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Application deadline: 1 Dec 2020 midnight UTC (no longer accepting applications)
Current search status: Reviewing applications
Posting end date: 1 Mar 2021
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2020.
Ad text:

Job opening


The European Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics (ECARES) of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) invites applications for a post-doctoral position in the field of fields of international trade and political economy.


The recruited candidate will work together with Professor Paola Conconi on her ERC project on “Trade Agreements and Supply Chains (TRASC).” The project will study the impact of trade agreements on firms’ sourcing decisions, productivity, and welfare, breaking from the literature on global sourcing, which neglects the role of trade agreements. It will also examine how large corporations with international supply chains shape the content and political support for trade agreements, breaking from a vast literature in political economy, which studies agreements covering trade provisions only and neglects the role of firms.




ECARES provides researchers with a high-quality research environment in economics, econometrics and statistics. ECARES fellows are leading researchers in various fields, who publish regularly in top and top-field journals, and is home to 6 ERC grant holders and 2 Franqui price winners.


ECARES is highly interactive: we have three weekly seminar series and co-organize two more seminar series with CORE (UCLouvain) and the National Bank of Belgium. It is also an antenna for CEPR. ECARES also hosts the doctoral school in Economics and Statistics, which attracts many first-class European and Non-European students.




We offer a full-time contract for three years. The contract starts between September 2021 and December 2021. The position involves no or extremely light teaching load. Salaries are competitive at the European level. The recruited person will benefit from the complete Belgian social insurance scheme (health care, etc.) without additional expenses.

Applicants are expected to show outstanding commitment to research and must have obtained a PhD by the start of the position.




Applications should be submitted via econjobmarket. The application package should contain the following documents:

- A curriculum vitae

- A cover letter mentioning why the candidate is interested in the position

- A job market paper

- 3 recommendation letters


Interviews and fly-outs: Interviews will be conducted remotely. Selected candidates will be invited to give a seminar at the ULB in January 2021.


For any additional information, please contact pconconi@ulb.ac.be.


Submission materials required
  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Job market paper
  • Video presentation of job market paper (optional)
  • Additional paper (optional)
  • Other material (in one file) (optional)
  • Additional paper (optional)
  • Letters of reference: 3
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