Assistant Professor
Advertiser: Economics, University of Exeter
Field(s) of specialization: Any field
Position type(s): Assistant Professor
Location of job: Streatham Court, Exeter, United Kingdom
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Application deadline: 20 Nov 2023 midnight UTC (no longer accepting applications)
Current search status: Reviewing applications
Posting end date: 20 Nov 2023
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2023.
Ad text:

The Department of Economics at the University of Exeter Business School is seeking to fill multiple posts at the levels of Lecturer (equivalent to tenure-track Assistant Professor) and Senior Lecturer. This hiring follows several years of successful recruiting and forms part of a continued expansion and investment into Economics at the University of Exeter.

Applications from all fields of economics will be considered, but preference will be given to researchers with strong quantitative skills who work in one of the key research areas of the department: Applied Microeconomics, Behavioural and Experimental Economics, Econometrics, Environmental Economics, Macroeconomics.

The Department of Economics at the University of Exeter Business School is a research-oriented department, devoted to teaching excellence and currently comprising over 80 academics. We are committed to high quality research with economic and societal impact and engaging, research-led education that helps students attain the highest standards and realise their potential to shape the future of our world. Interdisciplinary work is encouraged and facilitated through initiatives in the Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy and collaborations with research centres that focus on areas such as data science and artificial intelligence (IDSAI), environmental economics and policy (LEEP), and tax administration (TARC). To learn more about the Department please visit

Candidates should have completed a Ph.D. by August 2024 and should show evidence or promise of significant scholarship, high quality publications, teaching capacity, ability to attract research grants, and a clear commitment to being a positive and contributing Department citizen.

The University of Exeter Business School offers competitive salaries and attractive teaching loads, benefits, and research support. We embrace and promote diversity and offer flexible working hours. We are an equal opportunity employer, a Disability Confident employer, and an Athena Swan accredited institution. Whilst all applicants will be judged on merit alone, we particularly welcome applications from groups currently underrepresented in the workforce.

Informal enquires should be directed in the first instance to the Head of Department, Professor Loukas Balafoutas,

Application Requirements:

Application deadline: November 20, 2023

Applicants for posts must apply online at by 20 November 2023 to be considered for first-round virtual interviews through the EEA job market (11-14 December 2023) and the ASSA job market (5-7 January 2024). Please submit a cover letter, a CV, at least one research paper and three letters of reference. Please state in your cover letter and in the econjobmarket webpage during which of the above meetings you will be available for an interview.

Submission materials required
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Job market paper
  • Cover letter
  • Letters of reference: 3
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