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Located in Sydney, the Department of Economics at Macquarie University invites applications for a continuing Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (the equivalent of tenure track Assistant Professor in North America) or Associate Professor position. Candidates in any field of economics or econometrics are invited to apply.
The Department of Economics is a research-oriented department with undergraduate, masters, and PhD programs. Your responsibilities include: publishing research in leading international refereed journals; teaching and advising undergraduate and graduate students; and encouraging a high level of accomplishment in students.
Salary: Lecturer - From $119,840 to $141,790 p.a. plus 17% superannuation; Senior Lecturer - From $146,324 to $168,275 p.a. plus 17% superannuation; Associate Professor – From $175,731 to $193,296 p.a. plus 17% superannuation.
For more information on the position please contact the Head of Department, Professor John Romalis, at john.romalis@mq.edu.au.
Macquarie University embraces diversity and seeks candidates who will create a climate that attracts students of all races, nationalities and genders.
Application Requirements:
• Curriculum Vitae
• Cover Letter
• Job Market Paper
• 3 References
Applicants are encouraged to submit teaching evaluations where available.
To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).