Educational institutions

17 institutions found

This page shows the educational institutions in our database. (If your institution is not listed, you can add it when you create an account.)

If you notice any errors, including missing or incorrect URLs, please let us know.

  • Institution
  • Budapest Metropolitan University (Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem) www
    • Institute of Business www
    • Institute of Digital Studies www
  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics www
    • Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences www
    • QSMS Research Group(Quantitative Social and Management Sciences Research Centre) www
  • Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem (Budapest Business School) www
    • Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar(Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism) www
    • Külkereskedelmi Kar(Faculty of International Management and Business) www
    • Pénzügyi és Számviteli Kar(Finance and Accounting) www
  • Corvinus University of Budapest www
    • Corvinus Business School www
    • Corvinus Institute of Advanced Studies www
    • Department of Geography, Geoeconomy and Sustainable Development www
    • Department of International Relations www
    • Department of World Economy www
    • Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science www
    • Institute for Sustainable Development www
    • Institute of Communication and Sociology www
    • Institute of Economic and Public Policy www
    • Institute of Economics(Közgazdaságtan Intézet) www
    • Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation www
    • Institute of Finance www
    • Institute of Operations and Decision Sciences (Operáció és Döntés Intézet) www
    • MNB (Magyar Nemzeti Bank) Institute www
    • Sociology and Social Policy www
  • Eotvos Lorand University (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem) www
    • Department of Economics www
    • Department of Ethology www
    • Department of Plant Systematics, Ecology and Theoretical Biology www
    • Department of Regional Science www
    • Department of Statistics www
    • Doctoral School of Philosophy www
    • Institute of Mathematics www
  • Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kaposvár Campus www
    • Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics www
  • Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Szent István Campus www
    • Circular Economy Analysis Centre(Körforgásos Gazdaság Elemző Központ) www
    • Doctoral School of Economic and Regional Sciences www
    • Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics www
  • John von Neumann University www
    • Faculty of Economics and Business www
  • Ludovika University of Public Service (Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem) www
    • Doctoral School of Public Administration Sciences www
    • Faculty of Military Sciences and Home Defense Officier Training www
    • Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies www
    • Research Institute of Competitiveness and Economy www
  • Miskolci Egyetem (University of Miskolc) www
    • Faculty of Economics www
    • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics www
    • Institute of Raw Material Preparation and Environmental Technology www
  • Óbuda University www
    • Keleti Faculty of Business and Management www
  • Széchenyi István University (University of Győr) www
    • Gazdasági Elemzések Tanszék(Department of Economic Analysis) www
  • Szent István University www
    • Department of Technical Management(Műszaki Menedzsment Tanszék) www
    • Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration www
    • Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences www
    • Faculty of Food Science(Élelmiszertudományi és Technológiai Intézet) www
  • University of Debrecen (Debreceni Egyetem) www
    • Faculty of Economics and Business www
  • University of Pécs (Pécsi Tudományegyetem) www
    • Faculty of Business and Economics www
  • University of Sopron (Soproni Egyetem) www
    • Faculty of Economics www
  • University of Szeged (Szegedi Tudományegyetem) www
    • Bolyai Institute (Mathematics)(Bolyai Intézet) www
    • Faculty of Economics and Business Administration www
    • Faculty of Law and Political Sciences www