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Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Advertiser: Economics, University of Oxford
Field(s) of specialization: Development; Growth - Any field
Position type(s): Postdoctoral Scholar
Location of job: Department of Economics, Manor Road Building, Manor Road, Oxford, OX 1 3UQ, United Kingdom
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Application deadline: 15 Jan 2025 midnight UTC (no longer accepting applications)
Current search status: Reviewing applications
Posting end date: 15 Jan 2025
Ad text:

176371: EJM - Econ Job Market

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

The postholder will join Associate Professor Dennis Egger as an inaugural post-doctoral fellow of a new research group for macro-experimental development at Oxford. The group will focus on combining experimentation at-scale with more structural approaches to economics to learn about the challenges and impacts of large-scale development interventions. Thematically, the research agenda will initially focus on the macroeconomic and general equilibrium impacts of cash transfers and social protection more broadly, particularly in East Africa (Malawi, Rwanda, and Ethiopia).

The group will work with partner organisations, including local governments and the NGO GiveDirectly.

This is a postdoctoral position attached to a new research group for macro-experimental development at Oxford, combining large-scale RCTs with structural economic modelling. The postholder will work within a team of fellows, including at least two post-doctoral fellows, a research manager, several doctoral students, and pre-doctoral fellows. It is also embedded in the broader CSAE network, with ample opportunity for collaboration.

It is suitable for a candidate with a recently completed PhD in economics to conduct research in development economics for three years at CSAE, based at the Economics Department in Oxford. The successful candidate will ideally have experience with fieldwork, a strong technical background in data analysis and economic modelling (e.g. spatial equilibrium models, macro models). Their research should be related to the African continent, or on economic themes with direct relevance to it. Applicants originally from sub-Saharan Africa are strongly encouraged to apply.

The duties of the role are as follows:

1) To engage in research of a quality commensurate with publication in leading international economics journals, and to present their research at international conferences and research workshops.

2) To carry out collaborative projects with other members in the group, and with colleagues in partner institutions, and research groups

3) To play a full role in the intellectual life of the development economics research community, including contributing to the organisation and attendance of seminars, and workshops, contribute through mentoring and/or supervision of students and pre-docs, and other activities consistent with further developing the vibrant development economics community at Oxford.

3) To support the set-up of a new macro-experimental development group at Oxford, including through the development of research strategies and plans, fundraising, and mentorship of group members.

4) To contribute, in ways commensurate with other members of the Centre for the Study of African Economies, to its activities, such as its preparations for the annual conference and its capacity building activities focused on sub-Sahara Africa’s research community.

5) The postholder may have the opportunity to teach (remunerated, flexible, and not required). This may include lecturing, small-group teaching, and tutoring of undergraduates and graduate students.

6) To independently manage their academic and associated administrative duties, to coordinate their workload, meet deadlines. The role involves project management, to co-ordinate multiple aspects of work to meet deadlines, co-operating in the administration of the research projects.

7) To support the organisation, management and supervision of research assistants.

Candidates are encouraged to send their applications by the 15th of January 2025. Online interviews for shortlisted candidates are scheduled for late January 2025 - early February 2025.

Please submit a full online application via the following link: EJM - Econ Job Market.

View the further particulars here: Job Details

Contact: personnel@economics.ox.ac.uk

Submission materials required
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Job market paper
  • Additional paper (optional)
  • Additional paper (optional)
  • Other material (in one file) (optional)
  • Cover letter
  • Video presentation of job market paper (optional)
  • Letters of reference: 3
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