Educational institutions

3,762 institutions found

This page shows the educational institutions in our database. (If your institution is not listed, you can add it when you create an account.)

If you notice any errors, including missing or incorrect URLs, please let us know.

  • Institution
  • University of Pennsylvania www
    • Accounting, Wharton School www
    • Annenberg Public Policy Center www
    • Behavior Change for Good www
    • Business Economics and Public Policy, Wharton School www
    • Center for Social Norms and Behavioral Dynamics www
    • Computer and Information Science www
    • Department of Criminology www
    • Department of Economics www
    • Department of History www
    • Department of Philosophy www
    • Department of Political Science www
    • Department of Psychology www
    • Electrical and Systems Engineering www
    • Fels Institute of Government www
    • Finance, Wharton School www
    • Graduate School of Education www
    • Health Care Management, Wharton School www
    • Law School www
    • Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics www
    • Management, Wharton School www
    • Marketing, Wharton School www
    • Medical Ethics and Health Policy, Perelman School of Medicine www
    • Online Learning Initiative www
    • Operations, Information, and Decisions, Wharton School www
    • Philosophy, Politics and Economics Program www
    • Population Studies Center www
    • Real Estate, Wharton School www
    • School of Medicine www
    • School of Social Policy & Practice www
    • Statistics, Wharton School www
    • Warren Center for Network and Data Sciences www
    • Wharton Research Data Services www
    • Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center www
  • University of Peradeniya www
    • Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management www
  • University of Perpignan Via Domitia www
    • Inter-Med Doctoral School www
  • University of Peshawar www
    • Department of Economics www
    • Department of International Relations www
    • Institute of Management Studies www
    • Quaid-e-Azam College of Commerce www
  • University of Petroleum and Energy Studies www
    • School of Business www
  • University of Phoenix www
  • University of Piraeus www
    • Department of Banking and Financial Management www
    • Department of Economics www
    • Department of Industrial Management and Technology www
    • Department of International and European Studies www
    • Department of Statistics and Insurance Science www
  • University of Pittsburgh www
    • Economics www
    • Graduate School of Public and International Affairs www
    • Health Policy and Management www
    • History www
    • Katz Graduate School of Business www
    • Philosophy www
    • Political Science www
    • School of Education www
    • School of Nursing www
  • University of Pittsburgh, Bradford www
    • Management and Education www
  • University of Plymouth www
    • Business School www
  • University of Port Harcourt www
    • Department of Economics www
  • University of Porto (Universidade do Porto) www
    • CEMPRE - Centre for Macroeconomic and Forecasting Studies, Faculdade de Economia
    • Center for Economics and Finance at UPorto www
    • Faculdade de Letras(Faculty of Arts) www
    • Faculty of Economics www
    • Faculty of Engineering www
    • Faculty of Medicine(Faculdade de Medicina) www
    • Faculty of Psychology and Education Science www
  • University of Portsmouth www
    • Portsmouth Business School www
  • University of Potsdam www
    • Chair of Empirical Economics www
    • Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences www
    • Institute of Geosciences www
  • University of Pretoria www
    • Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development www
    • Centre for African Management and Markets www
    • Department of Accounting www
    • Department of Economics www
    • Department of Financial Management www
    • Education Management and Policy Studies www
    • Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences www
    • Faculty of Humanities www
  • University of Primorska (Univerza na Primorskem) www
    • Faculty of Management(Fakulteta za management) www
  • University of Prince Edward Island www
    • Atlantic Veterinary College, Department of Health Management
    • Economics www
    • Faculty of Business www
  • University of Pristina Hasan Prishtina (Universiteti i Prishtinës Hasan Prishtina) www
    • Department of Economics www
  • University of Professional Studies, Accra www
    • Faculty of Accounting and Finance www
    • Faculty of Management Studies www
  • University of Puerto Rico www
    • Economics Department www
    • Facultad de Administracion de Empresas www
  • University of Puerto Rico, Cayey www
    • Departamento de Administración de Empresas(Business Administration) www
  • University of Puerto Rico, Ponce www
    • Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Ciencias en Computadoras www
  • University of Puget Sound www
    • Economics Department www
  • University of Queensland www
    • Australian Institute for Business and Economics www
    • Business School www
    • Centre for Health Services Research www
    • Centre for the Business and Economics of Health www
    • Institute for Social Science Research www
    • School of Agriculture and Food Sciences www
    • School of Earth and Environmental Sciences www
    • School of Economics www
    • School of Social Science www
  • University of Rajasthan www
    • Department of Economic and Financial Management
    • Economics www
  • University of Rajshahi www
    • Faculty of Business Studies www
    • Institute of Bangladesh Studies www
  • University of Raparin www
    • Law www
    • Nursing
  • University of Reading www
    • Department of Economics www
    • Henley Business School www
    • History www
    • School of Agriculture, Policy and Development www
  • University of Reading, Malaysia www
    • Business School www
  • University of Redlands www
    • Economics www
    • School of Business www
  • University of Regensburg www
    • Department of Economics and Econometrics www
    • Faculty of Law www
  • University of Regina www
    • Economics www
    • English Department www
    • Faculty of Business Administration www
    • Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School
  • University of Reunion Island (Université de La Réunion) www
    • Centre d’Economie et de Management de l’Océan Indien (CEMOI) www
    • Laboratoire d'Informatique et de Mathématiques(Computer Science and Mathematics Laboratory) www
  • University of Rhode Island www
    • Biological Sciences www
    • College of Business
    • Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics www
    • Natural Resources Science www
  • University of Richmond www
    • Department of Sociology & Anthropology www
    • Mathematics www
    • Robins Business School www
  • University of Rijeka (Sveučilište u Rijeci) www
    • Faculty of Economics and Business www
    • Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management www
  • University of Rochester www
    • Department of Neurology www
    • Department of Public Health Sciences www
    • Economics www
    • Political Science www
    • Simon Business School www
    • W. Allen Wallis Institute of Political Economy www
  • University of Roehampton www
    • Business School www
  • University of Rostock (Universität Rostock) www
    • Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre(Institute of Economics) www
  • University of Rwanda www
    • College of Business and Economics www
    • School of Science www
  • University of Sahiwal www
    • Economics and Commerce www
  • University of Salford www
    • Business School www
    • School of Science, Engineering and Environment www
  • University of Salzburg www
    • Department of Economics www
    • Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies (SCEUS) www
  • University of San Diego www
    • Department of Economics www
    • Knauss School of Business www
  • University of San Francisco www
    • Department of Economics www
    • International and Development Economics www
    • Management www
  • University of Santo Tomas www
    • Department of Business Economics www
    • Graduate School www
  • University of São Paulo (Universidade de Sao Paulo) www
    • Departamento de Engenharia de Produção(Production Engineering) www
    • Departamento de História www
    • Economia, Administração e Sociologia(Economics, Administration and Sociology, ESALQ) www
    • Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos www
    • Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade www
    • Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade de Ribeirão Preto www
    • Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas www
    • Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação www
    • Instituto de Matemática e Estatística www
    • Instituto de Relações Internacionais www
    • School of Medicine www
  • University of Sarajevo (Univerzitet u Sarajevu) www
    • Centar za istraživanje i razvoj www
    • Faculty of Administration(Fakultet za Upravu) www
    • School of Economics and Business(Ekonomski fakultet u Sarajevu) www
  • University of Sargodha www
    • Department of Education www
    • Department of Statistics www
    • Economics www
    • Management and Administrative Sciences
  • University of Saskatchewan www
    • College of Pharmacy and Nutrition www
    • Community Health and Epidemiology www
    • Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
    • Department of Bioresource Policy, Business & Economics
    • Economics www
    • Edwards School of Business www
    • Finance and Management Science
    • Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy www
    • School of Environment and Sustainability www
    • School of Public Health www