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Berlin, Germany
Flexible start date. Duration: 6 years
Reviewing applications
German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) www
Postdoctoral Scholar
Macroeconomics; Monetary
5 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024

Die Abteilung Makroökonomie analysiert gesamtwirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge mit empirischen und theoretischen Methoden. Die Forschungsarbeiten der Abteilung ordnen sich den drei Themenbereichen Konjunkturpolitik der europäischen Währungsunion, Makroökonomie und Verteilung und Makroökonomische Aspekte des Klimawandels zu. In den Forschungsarbeiten werden Modelle entwickelt und Datensätze generiert. Die Forschungsergebnisse bilden die Grundlage für die Infrastruktur der Prognose und Politikberatung. So fließen die Ergebnisse direkt in die Prognosen des DIW Berlin und die Gemeinschaftsdiagnose ein.

Zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt suchen wir eine*n

Postdoc (w/m/div)


Diese Stelle ist zur wissenschaftlichen Qualifizierung gemäß § 2 (1) WissZeitVG geeignet.

Sie übernehmen folgende Aufgaben

  • Wissenschaftliche Forschungstätigkeit im Bereich Konjunkturpolitik mit folgenden Schwerpunkten:

o Konjunkturanalyse und -prognose

o Analyse und Prognose der Entwicklung von für die deutsche Außenwirtschaft bedeutenden Ökonomien und der Weltwirtschaft insgesamt sowie dem daraus abzuleitenden deutschen Außenhandel

o Entwicklung von empirischen Modellen und Indikatoren zur Prognose makroökonomischer Kerngrößen von für die deutsche Außenwirtschaft bedeutenden Ökonomien und der Weltwirtschaft insgesamt, wie dem Bruttoinlandsprodukt, und dem daraus abzuleitenden deutschen Außenhandel

o Regelmäßige Teilnahme und Koordination an externen Prognoseumfragen (Reuters, Focus Economics, ECB Professional Forecasters etc.) und internale Prognosenetzwerke (Euroframe, AIECE, etc.)

  • Außenvertretung des Arbeitsgebietes durch eigenständige Publikationen in referierten Fachzeitschriften sowie in DIW-Publikationen (bspw. DIW-Wochenbericht, DIW-Diskussionspapier), Vorträge auf nationalen/internationalen Fachkonferenzen sowie im Kontext des Wissenstransfers an eine interessierte Öffentlichkeit

  • eigenständige Drittmittelakquise sowie Durchführung von Drittmittelprojekten

Dafür verfügen Sie über folgende Qualifikationen:

  • Abgeschlossenes wissenschaftliches Hochschulstudium der Volkswirtschaftslehre
  • Erfolgreich abgeschlossene Promotion im oben genannten Bereich
  • Erfahrung in der Konjunkturanalyse und -prognose
  • Erfahrung in der Modellierung und der Analyse internationaler konjunktureller Entwicklung
  • umfassende Methodenkenntnisse in struktureller Zeitreihenanalyse und der Entwicklung von Prognosemodellen (Heterogene Agentenmodelle)
  • vertiefte institutionelle Kenntnisse internationaler Wirtschaftsbeziehungen
  • Erfahrung in der Verfassung makroökonomischen Analysen in deutscher Sprache
  • Erfahrung in der Modellierung ökonomischer Zusammenhänge
  • Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen des Verfassens von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
  • Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen mit MS-Office sowie Eviews, R, Matlab, Stata, Julia
  • sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse sind zwingend erforderlich
  • sehr gute Englischkenntnisse

Wir bieten Ihnen:

Einen modern ausgestatteten Arbeitsplatz in einem Forschungsinstitut mit ca. 300 Kolleg*innen, in dem Diversität und Chancengleichheit sowie die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie als Leitprinzipien in allen Arbeitsbereichen Anwendung finden. Bedarfsgerechte Arbeitszeitmodelle, flexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung und mobiles Arbeiten sind Bestandteile unserer Arbeitskultur.

Eine gesellschaftlich relevante Tätigkeit, bei der Sie tiefe Einblicke in ein Forschungsinstitut und in das nationale und internationale Wissenschaftssystem gewinnen und ideale Möglichkeiten haben, sich fachspezifisch an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik weiter zu qualifizieren. Ein kreatives und kollaboratives Arbeitsumfeld und ein internationales Team, bestehend aus hochmotivierten Nachwuchskräften und erfahrenen Kolleg*innen.

Wir fördern Ihre berufliche und persönliche Qualifizierung und Entwicklung durch interne und externe Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten sowie durch jährliche Mitarbeiter*innengespräche.

Sie profitieren vom Tarifvertrag des öffentlichen Dienstes (TVöD Bund), der u.a. eine jährliche Sonderzahlung sowie eine betriebliche Altersversorgung im Rahmen der VBL Ost beinhaltet.

Ihr Arbeitsplatz befindet im Zentrum Berlins mit sehr guter Anbindung an den ÖPNV. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, ein vergünstigtes VBB-Firmenticket oder Deutschlandticket Job zu nutzen, dass wir mit einem Arbeitgeberzuschuss unterstützen.

Die Stelle ist auf sechs Jahre befristet. Die Bezahlung erfolgt nach Entgeltgruppe 14 TVöD Bund.

Bewerbung und Information:
Wir wertschätzen Vielfalt und begrüßen daher alle Bewerbungen – unabhängig von Geschlecht, Behinderung, Nationalität oder ethnischer und sozialer Herkunft. Wenn Ihnen unser Stellenangebot gefällt, freuen wir uns über Ihre Bewerbung.

Bitte bewerben Sie sich ausschließlich online

DIW Berlin: Postdoc (w/m/div) in der Abteilung Makroökonomie

bis zum 30.11.2024 unter Angabe der Kennziffer MAK-1-24 mit An-/ Motivationsschreiben, job market paper, CV, Abschluss- und Arbeitszeugnissen. Bitte verzichten Sie auf die Übersendung eines Fotos. Bei Fragen zur Online-Bewerbung wenden Sie sich gern an recruiting@diw.de.

Die erste Runde der Vorstellungsgespräche wird zwischen dem 16. und 19. Dezember 2024 online durchgeführt.

Weitere Informationen über das DIW Berlin finden Sie auf unserer Homepage unter www.diw.de. Auskünfte zum Aufgabengebiet erhalten Sie von Prof. Dr. Alexander Kriwoluzky (akriwoluzky@diw.de).

Das DIW Berlin (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung) ist seit 1925 eines der führenden Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute in Deutschland. Es erforscht wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftliche Zusammenhänge in gesellschaftlich relevanten Themenfeldern und berät auf dieser Grundlage Politik und Gesellschaft. Das Institut ist national und international vernetzt, stellt weltweit genutzte Forschungsinfrastruktur bereit und fördert den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs. Das DIW Berlin ist unabhängig und wird als Mitglied der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft überwiegend aus öffentlichen Mitteln finanziert.

To apply, visit https://www.diw.de/sixcms/detail.php?id=diw_01.c.924566.de. (See posting for details.)

Location of job: Mohrenstraße 58, DIW Berlin, Berlin, 10117, Germany
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: 6 years
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.

Berlin, Germany
Flexible start date. Duration: 6 years
Reviewing applications
German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) www
Postdoctoral Scholar
Macroeconomics; Monetary
5 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024

Die Abteilung Makroökonomie analysiert gesamtwirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge mit empirischen und theoretischen Methoden. Die Forschungsarbeiten der Abteilung ordnen sich den drei The-menbereichen Konjunkturpolitik der europäischen Währungsunion, Makroökonomie und Vertei-lung und Makroökonomische Aspekte des Klimawandels zu. In den Forschungsarbeiten werden Modelle entwickelt und Datensätze generiert. Die Forschungsergebnisse bilden die Grundlage für die Infrastruktur der Prognose und Politikberatung. So fließen die Ergebnisse direkt in die Progno-sen des DIW Berlin und die Gemeinschaftsdiagnose ein.

Zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt suchen wir eine*n

Postdoc (w/m/div)


Diese Stelle ist zur wissenschaftlichen Qualifizierung gemäß § 2 (1) WissZeitVG geeignet.

Sie übernehmen folgende Aufgaben:

  • Analyse und Entwicklung von Zeitreihenmodellen mit Mikrodaten
    o Lösen von Modellen, um die Wirkung von makroökonomischen Politiken auf die Einkommens- und Vermögensungleichheit zu bestimmen
    o Lösen von Zeitreihenmodellen, um Nowcasts und Forecasts zu erstellen
  • Entwicklung von empirischen Modellen und Indikatoren zur Prognose makroökonomischer Kerngrößen für die deutsche Wirtschaft insgesamt
  • Nach drei Jahren: eigenständige Drittmittelakquise sowie Durchführung von Drittmittelprojekten

Dafür verfügen Sie über folgende Qualifikationen:

  • Abgeschlossenes wissenschaftliches Hochschulstudium in einem wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fach
  • Erfolgreich abgeschlossene wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Promotion
  • Kenntnisse in der Arbeit mit Zeitreihenmodellen (bspw. Bayesianische Schätzverfahren)
  • Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen mit Mikrodaten
  • Erfahrungen in der ökonometrischen Methodenentwicklung
  • Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen des Verfassens von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
  • Kenntnisse und mehrjährige Erfahrungen mit MS-Office sowie mit einschlägigen Programmiersprachen (bspw. Python, Stata, Julia, LaTex, Matlab)
  • sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse sind zwingend erforderlich
  • sehr gute Englischkenntnisse

Wir bieten Ihnen:

Einen modern ausgestatteten Arbeitsplatz in einem Forschungsinstitut mit ca. 300 Kolleg*innen, in dem Diversität und Chancengleichheit sowie die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie als Leitprinzi-pien in allen Arbeitsbereichen Anwendung finden. Bedarfsgerechte Arbeitszeitmodelle, flexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung und mobiles Arbeiten sind Bestandteile unserer Arbeitskultur.

Eine gesellschaftlich relevante Tätigkeit, bei der Sie tiefe Einblicke in ein Forschungsinstitut und in das nationale und internationale Wissenschaftssystem gewinnen und ideale Möglichkeiten haben, sich fachspezifisch an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik weiter zu qualifizieren. Ein kreatives und kollaboratives Arbeitsumfeld und ein internationales Team, bestehend aus hochmo-tivierten Nachwuchskräften und erfahrenen Kolleg*innen.

Wir fördern Ihre berufliche und persönliche Qualifizierung und Entwicklung durch interne und externe Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten sowie durch jährliche Mitarbeiter*innengespräche.

Sie profitieren vom Tarifvertrag des öffentlichen Dienstes (TVöD Bund), der u.a. eine jährliche Sonderzahlung sowie eine betriebliche Altersversorgung im Rahmen der VBL Ost beinhaltet.

Ihr Arbeitsplatz befindet im Zentrum Berlins mit sehr guter Anbindung an den ÖPNV. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, ein vergünstigtes VBB-Firmenticket oder Deutschlandticket Job zu nutzen, dass wir mit einem Arbeitgeberzuschuss unterstützen.

Die Stelle ist auf sechs Jahre befristet. Die Bezahlung erfolgt nach Entgeltgruppe 14 TVöD Bund.

Bewerbung und Information:
Wir wertschätzen Vielfalt und begrüßen daher alle Bewerbungen – unabhängig von Geschlecht, Behinderung, Nationalität oder ethnischer und sozialer Herkunft. Wenn Ihnen unser Stellenangebot gefällt, freuen wir uns über Ihre Bewerbung.

Bitte bewerben Sie sich ausschließlich online

DIW Berlin: Postdoc (w/m/div) in der Abteilung Makroökonomie

bis zum 30.11.2024 unter Angabe der Kennziffer MAK-2-24 mit An-/ Motivationsschreiben, job market paper, CV, Abschluss- und Arbeitszeugnissen. Bitte verzichten Sie auf die Übersendung eines Fotos. Bei Fragen zur Online-Bewerbung wenden Sie sich gern an recruiting@diw.de.

Die erste Runde der Vorstellungsgespräche wird zwischen dem 16. und 19. Dezember 2024 online durchgeführt.

Weitere Informationen über das DIW Berlin finden Sie auf unserer Homepage unter www.diw.de. Auskünfte zum Aufgabengebiet erhalten Sie von Prof. Dr. Alexander Kriwoluzky (akriwoluzky@diw.de).

Das DIW Berlin (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung) ist seit 1925 eines der führenden Wirtschaftsfor-schungsinstitute in Deutschland. Es erforscht wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftliche Zusammenhänge in gesell-schaftlich relevanten Themenfeldern und berät auf dieser Grundlage Politik und Gesellschaft. Das Institut ist national und international vernetzt, stellt weltweit genutzte Forschungsinfrastruktur bereit und fördert den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs. Das DIW Berlin ist unabhängig und wird als Mitglied der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft überwiegend aus öffentlichen Mitteln finanziert.

To apply, visit https://www.diw.de/sixcms/detail.php?id=diw_01.c.924571.de. (See posting for details.)

Location of job: Mohrenstraße 58, DIW Berlin, Berlin, 10117, Germany
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: 6 years
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.

Berlin, Germany
Flexible start date. Duration: 3 years
Reviewing applications
German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) www
Postdoctoral Scholar
Various fields
Labor; Demographic Economics  •  Public Economics  •  Health; Education; Welfare  •  Applied microeconomics
5 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024

The Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), a research-driven infrastructure based at DIW Berlin, is one of the largest and longest running multidisciplinary panel studies worldwide, and currently surveys around 30,000 people in nearly 15,000 households. SOEP aims to capture social change and thus handles a constant stream of new and diverse topics and tasks. Its data collection and generation adhere to the concept of the survey or data life cycle.

Starting as soon as possible, DIW Berlin is looking for a

Postdoc (F/M/X)

(Full time)

This position is suitable for furthering scientific training according to Section 2, paragraph 1 of the Act on Fixed-Term Employment Contracts in Academic (WissZeitVG).

Your responsibilities:

  • You are expected to perform and administer high-quality scientific research intended for publication in relevant journals of the disciplines in Economics/Econometrics
  • You will be involved in ongoing research projects, contributing to advancing the SOEP data infrastructure and companion datasets, and applications for third-party funding
  • You will support the SOEP team in the generating and documenting user-friendly SOEP variables
  • Teaching is optional

Your qualifications:

  • You have a PhD in Economics/Finance/Statistics/Computer Science and you developed an interest in Applied Economics. We have a special interest in issues of Public Economics, Social Policy, Labor Economics, and Distributional Economics, including policy evaluations.
  • Demonstrated excellence in designing and developing research projects and using household panel data
  • Proven knowledge of quantitative research methods
  • Interest in advancing our data (SOEP and companion datasets)
  • Willingness to work in an international environment and collaborate across disciplines
  • Record of published and/or forthcoming articles in relevant journals
  • Fluency in English and German will be considered an advantage

What we offer:

A job at a research institute with around 300 colleagues, where diversity, equal opportunities, and a healthy work-life balance guide all areas of work. Flexible work schedules tailored to your needs as well as remote work are key parts of our work culture.

A creative and collaborative working environment and an international team consisting of highly motivated early career and experienced colleagues.

Insights into the SOEP data collection process and early access to unique and restricted data, including linked panel and administrative life course data.

The freedom to develop your own research questions and set your own focus within the SOEP’s research areas as well as the chance to integrate your research into the Socio-Economic Panel framework

DIW Berlin supports your professional and personal qualification and advancement via internal and external career development opportunities and annual performance reviews.

You are paid according to the collective agreement for the public sector (Tarifvertrag des öffentlichen Dienstes, TVöD Bund), which includes an annual bonus as well as a company pension with VBL Ost.

The office is located in the middle of Berlin-Mitte convenient to public transportation. As a DIW Berlin employee, you are eligible for a reduced VBB-Firmenticket that is partially subsidized.

The position is limited to 3 years, with the option of extending for an additional 3 years. Remuneration is paid according to TVöD Bund, salary group E14.

Application and information:
We value diversity and welcome all applications regardless of gender, disability, nationality, or ethnic or social origin. If you’re interested in the position, we are excited to hear from you!

Please apply online

DIW Berlin: Postdoc (F/M/X) (Full time)

by November 30th, 2024 quoting the reference number SOEP-19-24 and including a cover letter, CV, copy of your job market paper, copies of degree certificates, and references. Please do not include a photo. If you have any questions about the online application, contact recruiting@diw.de. For more information on the position, please contact Prof. Dr. Carsten Schröder (cschroeder@diw.de).

First round interviews will be conducted online in coordination with the European Job Market for Economists between December 16 and December 19, 2024.

You can find more information about DIW Berlin on our website, www.diw.de. Please contact Prof. Dr. Carsten Schröder for more information on the specific tasks and responsibilities of this position.

DIW Berlin (German Institute for Economic Research) has been one of Germany’s leading economic research institutes since 1925. It analyzes economic and social scientific relationships in societally relevant research areas and uses the findings to provide advice to policymakers and society at large. DIW Berlin is a part of national and international networks, provides research infrastructure that is used worldwide, and supports young researchers in their careers. DIW Berlin is independent and, as a member of the Leibniz Association, is financed primarily by public funds.

To apply, visit https://www.diw.de/sixcms/detail.php?id=diw_01.c.924578.en. (See posting for details.)

Location of job: Mohrenstraße 58, DIW Berlin, Berlin, 10117, Germany
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: 3 years
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.

Rochester, United States
Starts 2025-07-01. Duration: 2 years
Reviewing applications
Simon Business School www
University of Rochester www
Postdoctoral Scholar
Business Economics
4 Oct 2024
30 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024

The Bradley Policy Research Center housed at the Simon Business School, University of Rochester, is seeking one Postdoctoral Associate position in Economics & Management effective July 1, 2025. The prospective candidate will join an active group of researchers interested in a wide range of policy-relevant topics in economics and management, including antitrust economics and regulation, digital economics, health care markets, labor economics, and financial markets.

Opportunity Highlights:

• The Simon Business School is one of the nation’s top business schools, with full-time M.B.A., M.S., Undergraduate, and Ph.D. programs, a part-time M.B.A. program, and Executive M.B.A. programs in Rochester and Switzerland.

• The Simon School’s generous research support provides many opportunities for conducting research, and its small size leads to an atmosphere of strong collegial interaction in both teaching and research.

• Three leading journals—the Journal of Accounting and Economics, the Journal of Financial Economics, and the Journal of Monetary Economics—were founded by Simon Business School.

• The position is a two-year, full-time position with benefits and competitive compensation.


• Conducting research on policy-relevant topics in economics and management. Research areas that will be given special consideration are industrial organization theory and digital economics.

• Participation in the Simon Business School research activities, as well as engagement in the Business and Policy Initiative at the Simon Business School.

Required Qualifications:

• Applicants must have earned (within the past 5 years) a PhD in Economics or a Management Science field by the time of appointment.

• Demonstrated ability to produce high-quality research on policy-relevant topics in economics and management.

• A commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Application Procedure

To be considered, please submit your curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, and copies of research papers and publications online at http://apply.interfolio.com/156395. The application deadline is November 30, 2024.

Salary Range: $60,000-$90,000

The referenced pay range represents the minimum and maximum compensation for this job. Individual annual salaries/hourly rates will be set within the job’s compensation range, and will be determined by considering factors including, but not limited to, market data, education, experience, qualifications, expertise of the individual, and internal equity considerations.

The University of Rochester is committed to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion to advance the University’s mission to Learn, Discover, Heal, Create – and Make the World Ever Better. In support of our values and those of our society, the University is committed to not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, military/veteran status, national origin, race, religion/creed, sex, sexual orientation, citizenship status, or any other status protected by law. This commitment extends to the administration of our policies, admissions, employment, access, and recruitment of candidates from underrepresented populations, veterans, and persons with disabilities consistent with these values and government contractor Affirmative Action obligations.

To apply, visit http://apply.interfolio.com/156395. (See posting for details.)

Location of job: 500 Joseph E. Wilson Blvd, Rochester, NY, 14627, United States
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-07-01
Job duration: 2 years
Salary: 60,000 to 90,000 USD
Letters of reference required: 3

Cergy-Pontoise, France
Starts 2025-09-01.
Reviewing applications
Finance Department www
ESSEC Business School www
Assistant Professor  •  Associate Professor  •  Full Professor
7 Oct 2024
28 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024

The Finance Department of the ESSEC Business School is opening positions for research professors at all levels in its Paris (Cergy) campus, starting September 01, 2025, or on a mutually agreed date.

JOB QUALIFICATIONS: The Department invites applications from candidates in all fields of finance.

Tenure track candidates (assistant professor level) are expected to complete their Ph.D. at the latest before their starting date, and should exhibit potential for excellence in research. They are offered reduced teaching load during the tenure clock over six years.

ABOUT THE SCHOOL: ESSEC is a French "Grande Ecole" with campuses in the Paris metropolitan area and in Singapore. ESSEC offers graduate level training in finance and business administration and was the first AACSB accredited business school outside the United States and Canada. Courses are taught in English and offered at all levels (undergraduate, master and Ph.D.). More information on ESSEC can be found at http://www.essec.edu. The Finance Department has a total of 21 permanent faculty members. It is strongly dedicated to impactful research, and to publishing in top journals.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Interested candidates should complete their application package providing a cover letter, a complete vita, sample copies of their research and at least three letters of recommendation. The deadline for applications is November 28, 2024. Applications should be submitted online through https://www.econjobmarket.org/.

All inquiries regarding this job posting should be addressed to finance@essec.edu.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: 3 Avenue Bernard Hirsch, Cergy-Pontoise, Paris, 95021, France
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-09-01
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Application deadline: 28 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Suzhou, Jiangsu, China
Flexible start date.
Reviewing applications
International Business School Suzhou www
Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University www
Various position types
Assistant Professor  •  Associate Professor  •  Full Professor  •  Lecturer  •  Other academic  •  Senior Lecturer

Various fields
Development; Growth  •  Econometrics  •  Experimental Economics  •  Labor; Demographic Economics  •  Macroeconomics; Monetary  •  Behavioral Economics  •  Business Economics  •  Decision Sciences
1 Aug 2024
29 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024


School: International Business School Suzhou (IBSS)

Department: Department of Economics

Position: Faculty in Economics(All Ranks)

Location: Suzhou, China

Contract Type: Fixed-term, renewable. 3rd contract is open-ended

Position Open Date: 01 August 2024

Position Close Date: Open until filled


In 2006 Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) was created by the University of Liverpool and Xi’an Jiaotong University – a top ten university in China. Offering a unique international education experience, XJTLU brings together excellent research practice and expertise from both institutions and gives students the skills and knowledge they need to secure careers in a global marketplace. XJTLU now has over 25,000 enrolled students in both Suzhou and Liverpool in the UK, with plans to grow to about 28,000 students by 2025. There are currently about 2,000 staff, among which about 1,000 academic staff, with an almost even split between citizens of the People’s Republic of China and international passport holders. XJTLU offers our undergraduates and postgraduates over 100 programmes with a diverse spectrum of courses.

XJTLU is entering a new and exciting phase of its development as part of its strategic priorities for the next ten years. Adopting a new higher education model based on the concept of Syntegrative Education (SE), XJTLU is currently opening a new Entrepreneurial Education site in Taicang, part of wider Suzhou, where the Entrepreneur College (Taicang) is located. The Taicang site will be a pioneer of, and educational model for, the future campus in addressing challenges arising from the 4th Industrial Revolution. Other new initiatives include new working partnerships with Xi’an Jiaotong University, the continued development of the four new Academies, and exploration of further potential locations to develop the SE model.

With a focus on innovative learning and teaching, and research, XJTLU draws on the strengths of its parent universities, and plays a pivotal role in facilitating access to China for UK and other institutional partners. At same time, XJTLU is exploring future education by blending the educational theory, best practice and culture from west and east.
For detailed information about the university, please visit www.xjtlu.edu.cn.


The International Business School Suzhou (IBSS) at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is growing in size and influence in pursuit of its vision to be a leading international business school. The school is based on strong principles of internationalism, innovation, inspiration and integrity, which together ensure that we have a positive impact on society through our teaching, research and business engagement. In that pursuit, IBSS became the youngest business school to be accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) in 2016, and again, the youngest School to receive EQUIS accreditation in 2018. Receiving joint accreditation of AMBA 4 and BGA in 2020, IBSS became the 103rd triple accredited business school in the world.

The five departments of IBSS are the newly split Accounting and Finance, Economics, Intelligent Operations and Marketing, and Strategic Management and Organizations with over 170 faculty members and more than 6,000 students from over 60 different countries. IBSS delivers a range of undergraduate, postgraduate, MBA, PhD and Executive Education programmes in the fields of Economics, Management, Accounting and Finance. Undergraduate programmes in Economics include both the widely popular BSc in Economics and BSc in Economics & Finance, whereas Master’s programmes include MSc in Economics & Finance and MSc in Business Analytics.

The Economics Department in IBSS initiated the university-wide Research Institute for Economic Integration (RIEI), which is a platform for research focused on the integration between and within Asian economies, Europe and the Pacific. In addition, the Department also has a strong focus on behavioral economics and hosts the IBSS Experimental Economics Lab as well as the IBSS Biometrics Lab.


XJTLU is a research-led university and correspondingly, International Business School Suzhou is a research-led business school. In this context, even though the workload of faculty in IBSS is generally shared between teaching, research, and service, Professors are expected to greatly contribute to the research activity of the School. Research activities include the publication of research articles, attendance of international conferences, and applications for research funding. Research performance in the School is benchmarked on internationally recognized lists of journal quality such as the Academic Journal Guide (UK) – a.k.a. the ABS list – and the ABDC list (AUS). The target levels on those lists are ABS3/ABDC: A or above.

In addition, Professors are also expected to hold leadership roles (service) with the Department, School, or the University, using their experience and expertise to represent the Economics Department and the Business School.

In terms of teaching, all faculty within the Department are required to teach and Professors should be willing and able to teaching at all levels, including undergraduate, masters, PhD, and executive education.

Essential Qualifications/Experience

Successful applicants to the position of Assistant/Associate Professor are expected to have:

  • A PhD degree in Economics or a related field,
  • Teaching experience in higher education,
  • A proven record of academic publications in good journals, or alternatively, for early-career academics, a strong pipeline of promising research.

Successful applicants to more senior professorial ranks, like Senior Associate Professor/ Full Professor are expected to also show:

  • A significant record of high-quality academic publications,
  • A number of external research grants awards,
  • Experience in PhD supervision.

Successful applicants to the position of Teaching Fellow are expected to have:

  • A PhD degree in Economics or a related field,
  • At least 2-year Full-time Teaching experience in higher education
  • A proven record of good teaching evaluations.
  • Adaptability in working in a collegial environment

Successful applicants to Senior Teaching Fellow, are expected to also show:

  • At least 5-year Full-time Teaching experience in higher education
  • Experience in curriculum design and programme development .
  • Successful completion of Higher Education Learning & Teaching certificate such as the U.K. PGCert program or other equivalent qualifications recognized by the University

Desirable Qualifications/Experience

  • Curriculum design and programme development experience,
  • Engagement with professional community,
  • Adaptability in working in a collegial environment


Employment at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is regulated by Chinese Labour Laws, and must comply with the regulations of the provincial government. These regulations stipulate who is eligible for legal employment with regard to obtaining work permits and visas. Please be advised candidates over 60 may be not eligible for a work visa in the P.R. China.


  • Clear career development path with annual review.
  • Professional development trainings are provided.


Salary: Competitive salary in the market


1. Allowance: XJTLU provide various month/annual/one-off allowances as

  • Housing allowance
  • Travel allowance
  • Kids’ education allowance
  • Relocation allowance
  • Etc.

2. Commercial insurance: international insurance plans customized for XJTLU staff and family members. (Details refer to the University Policy)

3. Paid holidays:

  • Statutory Holidays (11 days)
  • Annual Leave (36 days)
  • Family Matters Leave
  • Paid Sick Leave
  • Marriage Leave
  • Paternity Leave
  • Parental leave
  • Etc.

4. Working visa and residence permit in China:

XJTLU sponsors working visa and residence permit in China for the staff.


The university provides every new faculty members with Research Development Fund to encourage them to initiate research projects. The university will also support all faculty members to apply for national, province and city level programs. These programs aim to support excellent scientists, both Chinese and non-Chinese-citizen, to work and carry out research in China.

Some of the programs are listed in the table below. Successful applications are based on the applicant’s educational background, academic/research field, research achievements, working experience, etc. The university will provide full support on the applications.

**Talent/Research Program**


Outstanding Youth Science Foundation Project (Overseas)

RMB 1-3 Million

Innovation Leading Talent

up to RMB 2 Million

Outstanding Leading Talent of International Discipline

50% of Annual Package

Young Leading Talent of International Discipline

50% of Annual Package


Please submit your application on our university website through:

Professor/Associate/Assistant Professor: https://career15.sapsf.cn/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=2394&company=xjtlu.

Senior Teaching Fellow/Teaching Fellow: https://career15.sapsf.cn/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=3766&company=xjtlu.

Applications must be submitted in a single pdf file that includes 3 parts in the order of:

• A cover letter
• A current CV, including date of birth, country of citizenship, and highest degree level
• Contact Details for Three References

For specific enquiries relating to the position, please email Head of Department, Senior Associate Professor at Ye.Bai@xjtlu.edu.cn. Informal enquiries may be addressed to HRBP of IBSS Ms. Ye Lan at Ye.Lan@xjtlu.edu.cn. Please quote the position and job ID in your enquiry.

To apply, visit https://career15.sapsf.cn/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=2394&company=xjtlu. (See posting for details.)

Location of job: 111 Ren’ai Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou,Jiangsu Province P. R. China, 215123, Suzhou, Jiangsu, 215123, China
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3

Cascais, Portugal
Starts 2025-09-01.
Reviewing applications
Nova School of Business and Economics www
Universidade Nova de Lisboa www
Assistant Professor
Various fields
Development; Growth  •  Environmental; Ag. Econ.  •  Labor; Demographic Economics  •  Macroeconomics; Monetary  •  Health; Education; Welfare
9 Oct 2024
29 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024

Economics Professor at Nova School of Business and Economics

(all ranks)

Position: Assistant, Associate or Full (tenure track) Professor in the field of Economics

Field(s) of specialization:

Development; Growth

Health; Education; Welfare

Labor; Demographic Economics

Macroeconomics; Monetary

Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics

Environmental and Ecological Economics

Starting date: September 1st, 2025

Institution: Nova School of Business and Economics (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

Position description: Nova School of Business and Economics (Nova SBE), a triple-accredited institution (AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA), announces the opening of positions at the Assistant, Association or Full (tenure track) Professor level in Economics, effective September 1, 2025. Applicants should have, or be about to complete, a Ph.D. degree in Economics or a related discipline and a strong research record, including a solid methods background and an interest in applied work speaking to different fields. Compensation and teaching load is competitive with top universities in Europe.

School description: Nova SBE offers programs in management, economics, and finance at the undergraduate, master, MBA, and doctorate levels. The school provides an international research environment and consistently ranks among the top business schools in Europe. To support the development of a research-oriented career, Nova SBE provides a very balanced teaching workload, compensation competitive with other business schools in Europe, and research-supporting incentives. English is the working language of the school and knowledge of Portuguese is not a requirement. The Lisbon area offers an outstanding combination of relatively low cost of living, exceptional lifestyle, and an extensive set of cultural and leisure opportunities.

Application details: School representatives will schedule a set of online interviews in mid December. The application deadline is November 30, 2024, and applications will be accepted online exclusively through EconJobMarket platform.
Applications should include a cover letter, CV, research papers and three recommendation letters.

General details about working at NovaSBE to be found:

JOIN OUR SCHOOL > Appointment of Professor of Economics > Brochure

Additional information can be obtained from:

Faculty Recruitment Department (faculty.recruitment@novasbe.pt)


The conditions of employment comply with the terms of Regulation no 409/2018 of 20 June, and the Labour Code, approved by Law no 7/2009 of 12 February, with subsequent amendments ("Labour Code"). Salary is subject to training and experience and may vary depending on the category (Assistant, Associate or Full) and career stage and based on a full-time contract of 35 hours. Favourable tax agreements may apply to non-Portuguese applicants. NovaSBE has attractive employment conditions, which include a holiday and Christmas allowance and a generous number of vacation days.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Rua da Holanda, 1, Campus de Carcavelos, Cascais, Carcavelos, 2775-405, Portugal
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-09-01
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Application deadline: 30 Nov 2024 midnight UTC
Featured advertisement

Burnaby, Canada
Starts 2025-07-01.
Reviewing applications
Department of Economics www
Simon Fraser University www
Assistant Professor  •  Associate Professor
Various fields
Economic History  •  Environmental; Ag. Econ.  •  Industrial Organization  •  International Trade  •  Public Economics  •  Health; Education; Welfare
9 Aug 2024
1 Oct 2024
30 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024


Simon Fraser University
Department of Economics

The Department of Economics at Simon Fraser University is inviting applications for two full-time tenure-track appointments at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor pending funding. The expected start date is on or after July 1, 2025. Preference will be given to candidates employing empirical approaches to environmental economics, health economics, industrial organization, economic history, international economics and public economics. However, strong candidates in all fields will be given serious consideration.

Qualifications for Assistant Professor

Excellence in research and teaching are the primary criteria for this position. The successful candidate must hold a PhD in Economics or a closely related field by the employment start date; however, PhD candidates with solid indication of imminent completion may be hired at the rank of Instructor and will be promoted to the rank of Assistant Professor upon completion of the PhD.

The candidate must demonstrate:

· a strong record of research productivity commensurate with their experience;

· establishment of, or potential for, a successful research program;

· potential for excellence in teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate level;

· potential for supervision of graduate students.

Qualifications for Associate Professor

Excellence in research and teaching are the primary criteria for this position. The successful candidate must hold a PhD in Economics or a closely related field.

The candidate must demonstrate:

· a strong record of research productivity commensurate with their experience;

· establishment of, or potential for, a successful research program;

· sustained success in teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate level;

· potential for supervision of graduate students;

· demonstrated contribution to the academic community and potential contribution to the Department, Faculty and University’s academic community.

Simon Fraser University is an institution whose strength is based on our shared commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Diversity is an underlying principle of our Strategic Vision, which pledges SFU to “foster a culture of inclusion and mutual respect, celebrating the diversity reflected among its students, faculty, staff, and our community.” We serve students of diverse ethnic, cultural, linguistic and international origins. Therefore, interest and/or experience in working in multicultural and international settings with students who have diverse backgrounds is a desired attribute of all applicants.


The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the University’s research excellence through a rigorous research program. The candidate will be expected to teach courses in both the undergraduate and graduate program in areas specified above. Finally, it is expected that the successful candidate will contribute to the Department, Faculty, University and the academic community through service.

Applications must include a cover letter, CV, three confidential reference letters, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and samples of research papers. Please indicate which rank you are applying for in the application and whether you are legally eligible to work in Canada.

The Department will start reviewing applications for senior Assistant and Associate Professor on October 1, 2024 and will start reviewing 2024 and 2025 PhD applicants for Assistant Professor on November 25, 2024. All applications are through www.econjobmarket.org. Email inquiries should be directed to ecchrsec@sfu.ca. The positions are subject to the availability of funding.

Faculty salaries at SFU are based on the salary scales bargained between the University and the SFU Faculty Association. A reasonable estimate of the salary range for the Assistant Professor rank is $149,700 to $178,322, dependent on experience and inclusive of a market differential. A reasonable estimate of the salary range for the Associate Professor rank is $175,142 to $200,584, dependent on experience and inclusive of a market differential. Candidates with experience commensurate with higher ranks may also be considered for appointment at the associate professor rank. PhD candidates with solid indication of imminent completion may be hired at the rank of Instructor and will be promoted to the rank of Assistant Professor upon completion of the PhD. A reasonable estimate for salary range if the successful candidate will be starting as an Instructor is $143,340 - $149,700.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. SFU is an equity employer and encourages applications from all qualified individuals including women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, Indigenous Peoples, people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of the SFU.

We acknowledge the Squamish (Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw), Musqueam (xʷməθkʷəy̓əm), TsleilWaututh, Katzie, and Kwikwetlem peoples, on whose traditional territories Simon Fraser University's three campuses stand. By recognizing the Unceded Traditional Coast Salish territories, we aspire to create space for reconciliation through dialogue and decolonizing practices.

Personal information that forms part of an application is collected under the general authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, applicable University Policies, and the SFUFA/SFU Collective Agreement. For further details see the full Collection Notice.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6, Canada
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-07-01
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Application deadline: 30 Nov 2024 midnight UTC
Featured advertisement

Burnaby, Canada
Starts 2025-07-01.
Arranging flyouts
Department of Economics www
Simon Fraser University www
Various fields
Economic History  •  Environmental; Ag. Econ.  •  Industrial Organization  •  International Finance/Macro  •  International Trade  •  Macroeconomics; Monetary  •  Public Economics  •  Health; Education; Welfare
9 Aug 2024
1 Oct 2024
30 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024


Simon Fraser University
Department of Economics

The Department of Economics at Simon Fraser University is inviting applications for one full-time continuing teaching faculty appointment at the rank of Lecturer/Senior Lecturer. The expected starting date is on or after July 1, 2025. Preference will be given to candidates employing empirical approaches to macroeconomics, monetary economics, international finance/macro, environmental economics, health economics, industrial organization, economic history, international economics and public economics. However, strong candidates in all fields will be given serious consideration.

Qualifications for Lecturer

Teaching excellence is the primary criterion for this position. The successful candidate must hold a PhD in Economics or a closely related field by the employment start date; however, PhD candidates with solid indication of imminent completion may be considered. The candidate must demonstrate:

· a strong record of teaching success commensurate with their experience;

· potential for excellence in teaching at the undergraduate level;

· promise of educational leadership;

· involvement in service to the academic profession, to the University, or to the community.

Qualifications for Senior Lecturer

Teaching excellence is the primary criterion for this position. The successful candidate must hold a PhD in Economics or a closely related field by the employment start date. The candidate must demonstrate:

· excellence in teaching;

· examples of educational leadership;

· involvement in curriculum development and innovation and other teaching and learning initiatives;

· continuing pedagogical/professional development;

· an appropriate level of involvement in service to the academic profession, to the University, or to the community.

Simon Fraser University is an institution whose strength is based on our shared commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Diversity is an underlying principle of our Strategic Vision, which pledges SFU to “foster a culture of inclusion and mutual respect, celebrating the diversity reflected among its students, faculty, staff, and our community.” We serve students of diverse ethnic, cultural, linguistic and international origins. Therefore, interest and/or experience in working in multicultural and international settings with students who have diverse backgrounds is a desired attribute of all applicants.


Faculty members holding a continuing teaching position will teach 8 one-term courses across three terms annually. The teaching assignments will be in undergraduate courses across many fields of economics, including both core microeconomics and applied field courses. It is expected that the successful candidate will contribute to the Department, Faculty, University and to the academic profession through service.

Applications must include a cover letter, CV, three confidential letters of reference, and a teaching dossier which demonstrates your teaching effectiveness. Please indicate which rank you are applying for in the application and whether you are legally eligible to work in Canada.

The teaching dossier should include:

· a two-page summary describing your teaching philosophy, and any work on course and curriculum development and/or pedagogical innovation;

· and, for the most recent courses taught (up to 8 courses):

o instructional materials: syllabi, sample exams and assignments, grading rubrics;

o teaching evaluations, including both raw data and summary statistics; and

o a statement summarizing and contextualizing the evidence presented.

The Department will start reviewing applications on October 1, 2024, with preference given to applications received by then. All applications are through www.econjobmarket.org. Email inquiries should be directed to ecchrsec@sfu.ca. The position is subject to the availability of funding.

Faculty salaries at SFU are based on the salary scales bargained between the University and the SFU Faculty Association. A reasonable estimate of the salary range for the lecturer rank is $108,340 to $124,241 and a reasonable estimate of the salary range for the senior lecturer rank is $121,061 to $152,863. Both estimates are dependent on experience and inclusive of a market differential.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. SFU is an equity employer and encourages applications from all qualified individuals including women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, Indigenous Peoples, people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of SFU.

We acknowledge the Squamish (Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw), Musqueam (xʷməθkʷəy̓əm), TsleilWaututh, Katzie, and Kwikwetlem peoples, on whose traditional territories Simon Fraser University's three campuses stand. By recognizing the Unceded Traditional Coast Salish territories, we aspire to create space for reconciliation through dialogue and decolonizing practices.

Personal information that forms part of an application is collected under the general authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, applicable University Policies, and the SFUFA/SFU Collective Agreement. For further details see the full Collection Notice.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6, Canada
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-07-01
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Application deadline: 30 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Milano, Italy
Starts 2025-09-01. Duration: 2 years
Reviewing applications
Economics www
Bocconi University www
Postdoctoral Scholar
Development; Growth
11 Oct 2024
30 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024

The Laboratory for Effective Antipoverty Policies (LEAP) at Bocconi University, Milan, invites applications for a 1+1-year post-doc position in Development Economics. The start date is beginning of September 2025. The exact date will be discussed with the candidate. LEAP’s mission is to reduce poverty around the world, with a focus on developing countries and Italy. This is done by combining original data collection in the field and rigorous research to be published in top tier academic journals. LEAP collaborates with governments and NGOs to evaluate the impact of innovative interventions. More information can be found here Leap - Home (unibocconi.eu) (https://leap.unibocconi.eu/)

Successful candidates are expected to collaborate with LEAP affiliated faculty on joint projects and to contribute to the intellectual environment of LEAP. Projects can span a variety of topics within applied microeconomic development, including (but not limited to) the areas of family economics, social norms, education, health, agriculture, credit and firms. No teaching obligations. Applicants should have excellent research potential and have a Ph.D. degree in Economics or expect to receiving one by September 1, 2025.

To apply, please submit a Curriculum Vitae, a completed research paper and three reference letters to EconJobMarket (https://econjobmarket.org/). Submission deadline is November 30th, 2024. LEAP will hold job interviews at the European Job Market on December 16-18, 2024.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Bocconi University, Via Sarfatti, 25, Milano, Milano, 20136, Italy
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-09-01
Job duration: 2 years
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 30 Nov 2024 midnight UTC
Featured advertisement

München, Germany
Flexible start date. Duration: 2 years
Reviewing applications
Public Economics
Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance www
Postdoctoral Scholar
Public Economics  •  Political Economy
12 Oct 2024
30 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024

The Department of Public Economics of the Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance has a vacancy for the following position to start as soon as possible:

Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/div)

The Department chaired by Kai A. Konrad conducts basic research in the area of public economics and the political economy of governance.

The prospective appointee is expected to engage in thematic research on the geo­economic con­flict and competition between the U.S. and China that is played out through the means of trade policy, tax policy, and indus­trial policy. This research uses game-theoretic, empirical, and experi­mental tools from eco­nomics and political science.

The institute is a member institute of the Max Planck Society (MPG). The MPG is one of the world­wide leading inter­national research insti­tutions. The insti­tute has an excellent research infra­structure, an international and strong team of researchers, and the financial and institu­tional resources to con­duct laboratory and internet-based experi­ments. It closely colla­borates with the department of eco­nomics at the University of Munich (LMU).

Your profile

The ideal candidate has excellent knowledge in the field of applied game theory / international public economics / political economy / formal modelling or experimental / survey research in poli­tical science. The applicant has comple­ted (or is about to complete) a PhD in the field of economics or politi­cal science on a topic that is related to the research topic mentioned above. Knowledge and experience in the design, programming, and evaluation of laboratory-based or internet-based experiments is desirable. Fluency in written and spoken English is expected, command of the German language is an advantage.

Our offer

The position is a position in which the researcher can qualify for positions with higher seniority at universities and research institutions through scientific work and publishing. The position is limited to two years. Remuneration is based on quali­fications and professio­nal experience according to the Collec­tive Agreement for the Public Service (TVöD Bund). In addition, social benefits are granted according to the regu­lations for the public service (Bund).

Your application

The Max Planck Society strives for gender equality and diversity and has set itself the goal of employing more severely disabled people. We therefore welcome appli­cations from people of all back­grounds. Please submit your written application (cover letter, curriculum vitae with list of publi­cations, two reference letters) preferably via our online form by November 30, 2024, at the latest.

For more information about the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, please visit https://www.tax.mpg.de/en/public_economics.html.

You can also contact the office by phone at +49 89 24246-5251.

Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance

Marstallplatz 1

80539 Munich


To apply, visit https://recruitingapp-5341.de.umantis.com/Vacancies/444/Application/New/31. (See posting for details.)

Location of job: Marstallplatz 1, München, 80539, Germany
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: 2 years
Letters of reference required: 2

Princeton, United States
Starts 2025-07-01.
Reviewing applications
Economics www
Princeton University www
Assistant Professor
Any field
28 Aug 2024
15 Nov 2024
16 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024

The Department of Economics will have one or more faculty openings starting September 2025. Appointments will normally be at the rank of assistant professor. Complete applications including cover letter, CV, job market papers, and at least three letters of recommendation will be reviewed starting November 15, 2024.

Primary emphasis is placed on qualifications, including Ph.D., outstanding academic record and teaching experience. Princeton is especially interested in candidates who, through their research, teaching and service, will contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community. The department strongly encourages applications from women and members of underrepresented groups.

Applications should be submitted online at https://econjobmarket.org. For more information on how to submit application materials, please refer to: https://economics.princeton.edu/junior-search/. This position is subject to the University's background check policy.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Julis Romo Rabinowitz Building, Department of Economics, Princeton, NJ, 08540, United States
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-07-01
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting January, 2025.
Application deadline: 16 Nov 2024 midnight UTC
Featured advertisement

München, Germany
Flexible start date. Duration: 2 months
Reviewing applications
Public Economics
Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance www
Postdoctoral Scholar
Public Economics  •  Political Economy
12 Oct 2024
30 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024

The Department of Public Economics of the Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance has a vacancy for the following position to start as soon as possible:

Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/div)

The Department chaired by Kai A. Konrad conducts basic research in the area of public economics and the political economy of governance.

The prospective appointee is expected to engage in thematic research inside a focused program on “Paternalism: Causes and Consequences”.

The institute is a member institute of the Max Planck Society (MPG). The MPG is one of the world­wide leading international research insti­tutions. The insti­tute has an excellent research infra­structure, an inter­national and strong team of researchers, and the financial and institu­tional resources to con­duct labora­tory and internet-based experiments. It closely colla­borates with the depart­ment of economics at the University of Munich (LMU).

Your profile

The ideal candidate has excellent knowledge in the field of applied game theory / inter­national public economics / political economy / formal modelling or experi­mental / survey research in political science. The applicant has completed (or is about to complete) a PhD in the field of econo­mics or politi­cal science on a topic that is related to the research topic mentioned above. Know­ledge and experience in the design, programming, and eva­luation of laboratory-based or internet-based ex­peri­ments is desirable. Fluency in written and spoken English is expected, command of the German language is an advantage.

Our offer

The position is a position in which the researcher can quali­fy for positions with higher seniority at universities and research institu­tions through scientific work and publishing. The position is limited to two years. Remuneration is based on quali­fications and professional experience according to the Collec­tive Agreement for the Public Service (TVöD Bund). In addition, social benefits are granted according to the regu­lations for the public service (Bund).

Your application

The Max Planck Society strives for gender equality and diversity and has set itself the goal of employing more severely disabled people. We therefore welcome applications from people of all backgrounds. Please submit your written application (cover letter, curriculum vitae with list of publications, two reference letters) preferably via our online form by November 30, 2024, at the latest.

For more information about the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, please visit https://www.tax.mpg.de/en/public_economics.html.

You can also contact the office by phone at +49 89 24246-5251.

Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance

Marstallplatz 1

80539 Munich


To apply, visit https://recruitingapp-5341.de.umantis.com/Vacancies/443/Application/New/31. (See posting for details.)

Location of job: Marstallplatz 1, München, 80539, Germany
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: 2 months
Letters of reference required: 2

Flexible start date. Duration: 3 years
Reviewing applications
Department of Economics and Statistics www
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II www
Assistant Professor
15 Oct 2024
29 Nov 2024
29 Nov 2024

Job Description

The Center for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF) and the Department of Economics and Statistics (DISES) of the University of Naples Federico II invite applications for Research Fellowships starting in the Summer of 2025. We offer up to 2 Fellowships, and each Fellowship lasts 3 years.

We invite applications by candidates of any nationality working in any field of finance and financial economics.

Knowledge of Italian is not required for the positions.

Successful candidates are expected to publish their research in top peer-reviewed journals, teach graduate or undergraduate students (with a teaching load of approximately 40 hours) and contribute to the intellectual environment of CSEF and DISES.

CSEF and DISES are closely integrated and located in common premises at the University of Naples Federico II. DISES is directed by Maria Gabriella Graziano and offers undergraduate, Master and PhD courses in Economics and Finance. CSEF is a research center directed by Tullio Jappelli that joins the University of Naples Federico II, Bocconi University and the University of Salerno.

Application procedure

Applications should be received by Friday 29 November 2024. Applicants should submit a Curriculum Vitae, a completed research paper and at least two reference letters to EconJobMarket (https://econjobmarket.org/).

Applicants who experience problems in the submission process should contact Stefania Maddaluno, email: csef@unina.it

Interviews will take place virtually at the 7th European Job Market for Economists (EJME 2024) to be held virtually between Monday, 16 December 2024 and Thursday, 19 December 2024.

All candidates have to be a member of the European Economic Association (EEA) to take part in the EJME 2024/25. Instructions for their registration are available at


The most promising candidates will be invited for seminars in January and February 2025.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Via Cintia Monte S. Angelo, I, NAPOLI, NAPOLI, 80126, Italy
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: 3 years
Letters of reference required: 2
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 29 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Stockholm, Sweden
Flexible start date. Duration: 2 years
Interview scheduling completed
Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics www
Stockholm School of Economics www
Postdoctoral Scholar
Any field
15 Oct 2024
15 Nov 2024
29 Nov 2024
29 Nov 2024

The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) at the Stockholm School of Economics invites applications for a 2-year post-doc position in applied economics. SITE faculty conducts research on a wide range of economic issues relevant for low- and middle-income countries, and with a particular emphasis on Eastern Europe. For this position we are particularly interested in candidates with knowledge of, and interest in, the Moldovan economy.

Employment starts on August 1, 2025, or earlier if both parties agree. Candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. or plan to defend no later than the summer of 2025. Salaries will be determined individually, but levels are internationally competitive. Positions are subject to budget approval. We will interview candidates over Zoom through the European Job Market for Economists in December 2024.

To receive full consideration, make sure to submit your application by November 15, 2024. Please upload your curriculum vitae, a minimum of 2 letters of recommendation, a cover letter outlining why you are interested in this position, and a copy of your job-market paper or a recent sample of your research.

SITE is an independent research institute at the Stockholm School of Economics. Established in 1989, SITE has become a leading research and policy centre on economic development in low- and middle-income countries, with a particular emphasis on the development in Eastern Europe. Beyond research we have a strong policy component, serving as a bridge between the academic community and policy makers. We are also engaged in institutional development of local research capacity in the region, for example as members of the FREE network, a network of research institutions in Eastern Europe. For more information about who we are and what we do, please visit our website at https://www.hhs.se/en/research/institutes/site/ and the FREE network website http://freepolicybriefs.org/.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Bertil Ohlinsgata 4, Stockholm, Stockholms län, 113 50, Sweden
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: 2 years
Letters of reference required: 2
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 29 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Copenhagen, Denmark
Starts 2025-08-01.
Reviewing applications
Department of Economics www
University of Copenhagen www
Assistant Professor
Finance  •  Microeconomic theory
18 Oct 2024
29 Nov 2024
29 Nov 2024

The Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, invites candidates for a tenure-track assistant professorship.

The department is interested in top candidates within all fields of Economics, but will favor candidates with a strong profile in Microeconomic Theory or Financial Economics. Microeconomic Theory focuses on theory building on a microeconomic approach to analyze areas including information economics, game theory and behavioral economics, while Financial Economics applies economic methods to financial problems. This includes analyses of behavior in financial markets and institutions from micro- and macroeconomic perspectives and econometrics of financial data.

The position is available from August 1st, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. An earlier start is also possible.

Your Competencies and Opportunities

The Department of Economics has a strong international research profile and a vibrant and dynamic research and teaching environment. Our new collegues is expected to contribute actively to advancing this environment.

To be assessed as qualified for a tenure-track assistant professor position at the University of Copenhagen, the candidate must have a PhD in Economics or equivalent academic qualifications. Furthermore, the applicants should meet the University’s criteria of academic merit.

Six overall criteria apply for tenure-track assistant professor appointments at the University of Copenhagen. The six criteria relating to research, teaching, societal impact, organizational contribution, external funding, and leadership are considered a framework for the overall assessment of candidates.

You can read more about the criteria for recognizing merit at the University of Copenhagen here: https://employment.ku.dk/faculty/criteria-for-recognising-merit/

Job description
The general duties attached to the position of tenure-track assistant professor are:

  • Research within the field of Economics.
  • Teaching, supervision, and examination of undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  • Administrative tasks.
  • Knowledge sharing with the rest of the society
  • Research and teaching management
  • Raising external research grants

A successful candidate will have strong interpersonal skills and an aptitude for working collaboratively with colleagues in planning and delivering teaching, conducting research projects, and performing administrative duties.

Furthermore, the candidate must demonstrate a commitment to student learning, support student welfare, and enhance student experience.

Tenure-track assistant professor

A tenure-track assistant professorship is a six-year, fixed-term academic position involving both research and teaching. An assistant professorship is a further-education post. The successful candidate will be obliged to complete a teacher-training course designed especially for assistant professors and will be expected to be able to take part in all the activities of the Department, including examinations and administration.

Approximately six months before the end of the six years as a tenure-track assistant professor, a committee set up by the Dean will assess whether the assistant professor can be considered for promotion to a tenured position as associate professor.

Read more about the tenure-track program at Copenhagen University here: http://employment.ku.dk/tenure-track/tenure-track-at-ucph/.

Strategy of the Faculty of the Social Sciences
The Department of Economics is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Faculty is a successful academic community that strives to put knowledge into action by:

  • Engaging partners in co-creating knowledge, learning, and social change.
  • Empowering our students to become reflective and responsible citizens who have the vision, the knowledge, and the competencies to change society for the better.
  • Energizing global, European, and Danish communities of knowledge by innovating research methodologies and by research findings with impact

For more on the faculty strategy, see Strategy for the Faculty of Social Science – University of Copenhagen (ku.dk).

Terms of Employment

  • Employment with the Faculty of Social Sciences and progression within employment will be determined only by personal merit. We do this by applying the academic criteria of the University of Copenhagen, which are related to the duties and conditions of each particular post and the needs of the Department concerned.
  • This is a tenure-track position, and therefore, we strongly encourage the appointed assistant professor to acquire the proficiency in Danish required to teach and interact with colleagues in that language in 2-4 years. The Department will provide and pay for the necessary language training.
  • Further information on qualification requirements as assistant professor can be found in the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Danish Universities here: Ministerial_Order_no._1443_of_11_December_2019_on_Job_Structure_for_Academic_Staff_at_Universities.pdf (ku.dk)
  • Terms of appointment and salary follow the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (Akademikerne).
  • The salary range for a tenure-track assistant professor starts at DKK 40,615 per month + a 17.1 % contribution to the pension scheme. It is possible to negotiate salary supplements on an annual basis.

The recruitment process
After the deadline expiry for applications and interviews at the European Job Market, applicants are selected for assessment on the advice of the Appointments Committee. All applicants are notified if their application has been passed for assessment by an expert assessment committee. Selected applicants will be notified of the committee's composition, and each applicant has the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment that relates to the applicant. You can read about the recruitment process at http://employment.ku.dk/

We will interview non-Danish-based researchers at the Virtual European Job Market for Economists (EJME), December 16-19, 2024. If you wish to be considered for an interview, you have to apply through our posting at Econ Job Market (https://econjobmarket.org/postings.php)
Further information on the recruitment process at the University of Copenhagen can be found here: https://employment.ku.dk/faculty/recruitment-process/

An Equal Opportunity Workplace
The University of Copenhagen is committed to pursuing academic excellence, equality of opportunity, and creating an inclusive working environment. It encourages all qualified candidates to apply, regardless of personal background, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, ethnicity, etc. For more on the diverse workplace environment at the University and the University’s participation in the HRS4R HR Excellence in Research, see https://employment.ku.dk/working-at-ucph/eu-charter-for-researchers/

International applicant?
The University of Copenhagen offers a wide variety of services for international researchers and accompanying families, including support before and during your relocation and career counseling to expat partners. Please find more information about these services, as well as information on entering and working in Denmark, here: https://ism.ku.dk/

Situated in the heart of Copenhagen, the Department of Economics is a highly research-orientated department within Denmark’s premier University. It is one of the leading economics departments in Europe and offers courses at the Bachelor's, Master’s, and PhD levels.

Contact information
Information about the recruitment process is available from HR, e-mail: hrsc@hrsc.ku.dk, please refer to ID number: [211-0227/24-2N], #1

Additional information about the position can be obtained from the Head of Department, Henrik Hansen, e-mail: henrik.hansen@econ.ku.dk, phone +45 35 32 44 05.

How to Apply
If you wish to be considered for an interview, you have to apply through our posting at Econ Job Market (https://econjobmarket.org/postings.php)

Your application must be written in English and include the following documents:

  • Motivated application, explaining your motivation for applying for a position at the Department of Economics at the University of Copenhagen. Why do you find Copenhagen attractive? How would your research benefit from and contribute to the research environment at the Department of Economics?
  • Curriculum vitae, including including name, address, telephone number, e-mail, previous and present employment, and academic background, including a record of research and international
    research cooperation
  • Certificates and Diplomas
  • Publications. Up to the six most important publications. The publications selected must be uploaded as attachments and named from 1 to 6.
  • Publication list. A complete list of all publications with clearly marked publication dates. The uploaded publications must be marked with * on the list to be assessed.
  • A research plan outlining your vision for your research over the next 5-6 years.
  • Teaching portfolio. Documentation of teaching qualifications in accordance with the University guidelines for teaching portfolios when appointing academic staff at the University of Copenhagen
  • Documentation of ability to disseminate information. Documentation of the ability to disseminate information to and share knowledge with society.

Should any material submitted consist of work with named co-authors or work that is otherwise the result of collective academic endeavors, the extent of the applicant’s contribution to the work must be clearly specified. The hiring committee may ask for a signed statement from the co-authors specifying the extent and nature of each individual’s contribution.

The closing date for applications is 23:59 [CET] November 29th 2024.

Applications or enclosures received after that will not be considered.

Part of the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU), and among Europe’s top-ranking universities, the University of Copenhagen promotes research and teaching of the highest international standard. Rich in tradition and modern in outlook, the University gives students and staff the opportunity to cultivate their talent in an ambitious and informal environment. An effective organisation – with good working conditions and a collaborative work culture – creates the ideal framework for a successful academic career.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Øster Farimagsgade 5, Copenhagen, 1353, Denmark
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-08-01
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 29 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Copenhagen, Denmark
Starts 2025-08-01.
Reviewing applications
Department of Economics www
University of Copenhagen www
Assistant Professor
Macroeconomics; Monetary
18 Oct 2024
29 Nov 2024
29 Nov 2024

The Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, invites excellent candidates for a tenure-track assistant professorship in Macroeconomics.

The position is available from August 1st, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. An earlier start is also possible.

Your Competencies and Opportunities
The Department of Economics has a strong international research profile and a vibrant and dynamic research and teaching environment. Our new colleague is expected to contribute actively to advancing this environment.

To be assessed qualified for a tenure-track assistant professor position at the University of Copenhagen, the candidate must have a PhD in Economics or equivalent academic qualifications. Furthermore, the applicants should meet the University’s criteria of academic merit.

Six overall criteria apply for tenure-track assistant professor appointments at the University of Copenhagen. The six criteria relating to research, teaching, societal impact, organizational contribution, external funding, and leadership are considered a framework for the overall assessment of candidates.

You can read more about the criteria for recognizing merit at the University of Copenhagen here: https://employment.ku.dk/faculty/criteria-for-recognising-merit/

Job description
The general duties attached to the position of tenure-track assistant professor are:

  • Research within the field of Economics.
  • Teaching, supervision, and examination of undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  • Administrative tasks.
  • Knowledge sharing with the rest of the society
  • Research and teaching management
  • Raising external research grants

A successful candidate will have strong interpersonal skills and an aptitude for working collaboratively with colleagues in planning and delivering teaching, conducting research projects, and performing administrative duties.

Furthermore, the candidate must demonstrate a commitment to student learning, support student welfare, and enhance student experience.

Tenure-track assistant professor
A tenure-track assistant professorship is a six-year, fixed-term academic position involving both research and teaching. An assistant professorship is a further-education post. The successful candidate will be obliged to complete a teacher-training course designed especially for assistant professors and will be expected to be able to take part in all the activities of the Department, including examinations and administration.

Approximately six months before the end of the six years as a tenure-track assistant professor, a committee set up by the Dean will assess whether the assistant professor can be considered for promotion to a tenured position as associate professor.

Read more about the tenure-track program at Copenhagen University here: http://employment.ku.dk/tenure-track/tenure-track-at-ucph/.

Strategy of the Faculty of the Social Sciences
The Department of Economics is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Faculty is a successful academic community that strives to put knowledge into action by:

  • Engaging partners in co-creating knowledge, learning, and social change.
  • Empowering our students to become reflective and responsible citizens who have the vision, the knowledge, and the competencies to change society for the better.
  • Energizing global, European, and Danish communities of knowledge by innovating research methodologies and by research findings with impact

For more on the faculty strategy, see Strategy for the Faculty of Social Science – University of Copenhagen (ku.dk).

Terms of Employment

  • Employment with the Faculty of Social Sciences and progression within employment will be determined only by personal merit. We do this by applying the academic criteria of the University of Copenhagen, which are related to the duties and conditions of each particular post and the needs of the Department concerned.
  • This is a tenure-track position, and therefore, we strongly encourage the appointed assistant professor to acquire the proficiency in Danish required to teach and interact with colleagues in that language in 2-4 years. The Department will provide and pay for the necessary language training.
  • Further information on qualification requirements as assistant professor can be found in the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Danish Universities: here
  • Terms of appointment and salary follow the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (Akademikerne).
  • The salary range for a tenure-track assistant professor starts at DKK 40,615 per month + a 17.1 % contribution to the pension scheme. It is possible to negotiate salary supplements on an annual basis.

The recruitment process
After the deadline expiry for applications and interviews at the European Job Market, applicants are selected for assessment on the advice of the Appointments Committee. All applicants are notified if their application has been passed for assessment by an expert assessment committee. Selected applicants will be notified of the committee's composition, and each applicant has the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment that relates to the applicant. You can read about the recruitment process at http://employment.ku.dk/

We will interview non-Danish-based researchers at the Virtual European Job Market for Economists (EJME), December 16-19, 2024. If you wish to be considered for an interview, you have to apply through our posting at Econ Job Market (https://econjobmarket.org/postings.php)

Further information on the recruitment process at the University of Copenhagen can be found here: https://employment.ku.dk/faculty/recruitment-process/

An Equal Opportunity Workplace
The University of Copenhagen is committed to pursuing academic excellence, equality of opportunity, and creating an inclusive working environment. It encourages all qualified candidates to apply, regardless of personal background, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, ethnicity, etc. For more on the diverse workplace environment at the University and the University’s participation in the HRS4R HR Excellence in Research, see https://employment.ku.dk/working-at-ucph/eu-charter-for-researchers/

International applicant?
The University of Copenhagen offers a wide variety of services for international researchers and accompanying families, including support before and during your relocation and career counseling to expat partners. Please find more information about these services, as well as information on entering and working in Denmark, here: https://ism.ku.dk/

Situated in the heart of Copenhagen, the Department of Economics is a highly research-orientated department within Denmark’s premier University. It is one of the leading economics departments in Europe and offers courses at the Bachelor's, Master’s, and PhD levels.

Contact information
Information about the recruitment process is available from HR, e-mail: hrsc@hrsc.ku.dk, please refer to ID number: [211-0228/24-2N], #1

Additional information about the position can be obtained from the Head of Department, Henrik Hansen, e-mail: henrik.hansen@econ.ku.dk, phone +45 35 32 44 05.

How to Apply
If you wish to be considered for an interview, you have to apply through our posting at Econ Job Market (https://econjobmarket.org/postings.php)

Your application must be written in English and include the following documents:

  • Motivated application, explaining your motivation for applying for a position at the Department of Economics at the University of Copenhagen. Why do you find Copenhagen attractive? How would your research benefit from and contribute to the research environment at the Department of Economics?
  • Curriculum vitae, including including name, address, telephone number, e-mail, previous and present employment, and academic background, including a record of research and international
    research cooperation
  • Certificates and Diplomas
  • Publications. Up to the six most important publications. The publications selected must be uploaded as attachments and named from 1 to 6.
  • Publication list. A complete list of all publications with clearly marked publication dates. The uploaded publications must be marked with * on the list to be assessed.
  • A research plan outlining your vision for your research over the next 5-6 years.
  • Teaching portfolio. Documentation of teaching qualifications in accordance with the University guidelines for teaching portfolios when appointing academic staff at the University of Copenhagen
  • Documentation of ability to disseminate information. Documentation of the ability to disseminate information to and share knowledge with society.

Should any material submitted consist of work with named co-authors or work that is otherwise the result of collective academic endeavors, the extent of the applicant’s contribution to the work must be clearly specified. The hiring committee may ask for a signed statement from the co-authors specifying the extent and nature of each individual’s contribution.

The closing date for applications is 23:59 [CET] November 29th 2024.

Applications or enclosures received after that will not be considered

Part of the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU), and among Europe’s top-ranking universities, the University of Copenhagen promotes research and teaching of the highest international standard. Rich in tradition and modern in outlook, the University gives students and staff the opportunity to cultivate their talent in an ambitious and informal environment. An effective organisation – with good working conditions and a collaborative work culture – creates the ideal framework for a successful academic career.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Øster Farimagsgade 5, Copenhagen, 1353, Denmark
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-08-01
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 29 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Oxford, United Kingdom
Flexible start date.
Scheduling interviews
Economics www
University of Oxford www
Assistant Professor
Development; Growth
26 Oct 2024
29 Nov 2024
29 Nov 2024

176227: Associate Professor of Development Economics

(Non-Tutorial Fellowship at Kellogg College)

Salary: Competitive

The Department of Economics, Manor Road Building, Oxford.

Full-time role to start in September 2026, or as soon as possible thereafter.

There is a post-doctoral position in the department available for the period September 2025 to August 2026, if the successful candidate for the Associate Professor position is interested. Further details are available upon request.

The post is associated with a Non-tutorial Fellowship at Kellogg College.

Duties will include undertaking independent research and securing funding to support the Department’s research activities, together with teaching and supervision responsibilities for the Department of Economics and the College. Appointments to Associate Professorships can include those at the start of their careers, directly from PhD, as well as more established researchers.

Applicants should be able to demonstrate a high standard of research potential and achievement depending on experience, and the ability to enthuse and inspire students at both undergraduate and graduate levels through tutorials, classes, lectures, and supervision. Applicants should be interested in promoting a culture of equality and diversity in the workplace.

We welcome candidates undertaking research in Development Economics.

The appointment is for 5 years in the first instance, with reappointment until retirement upon completion of a successful review. The University of Oxford uses the grade of Associate Professor for most of its academic appointments.

The Department and College offer an exciting research and teaching environment and an attractive financial package to the successful applicant.

Please submit your application by 29 November 2024 (midnight UTC) via Econjobmarket:


Initial online interviews with the hiring committee will take place during the European Job Market, 16-19 December 2024.

Applications received beyond the deadline will be considered and accepted until the position is filled.

Applications are particularly welcome from women, and black and minority ethnic candidates who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford.

View the further particulars here: Job Details

Contact: personnel@economics.ox.ac.uk

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Department of Economics, Manor Road Building, Manor Road, Oxford, OX 1 3UQ, United Kingdom
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Application deadline: 29 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Paris, France
Flexible start date.
Scheduling interviews
MINES Paris PSL www
Assistant Professor  •  Associate Professor  •  Full Professor
Various fields
Econometrics  •  Microeconomic theory  •  Applied microeconomics
29 Oct 2024
29 Nov 2024
29 Nov 2024

Job Description

Mines Paris - PSL opens a full-time faculty position (open rank) in digital economics. The starting date is expected in September 2025, but can be adjusted. This position is aimed at a researcher with an excellent academic background, but also a strong interest in applied questions. The successful candidate will develop a research program in cooperation with other CERNA researchers consistent with the laboratory's research fields and contribute to teaching activities at Mines Paris - PSL. Five years of research experience post-dissertation, especially in a non-French institution, is an advantage. A working knowledge of French would be appreciated, but is not required.

The application should include:

A) a cover letter presenting the candidate's research and teaching project;

B) a detailed CV;

C) at least three reference letters.

Applications should be uploaded here by November 29, 2024. Selected candidates will be invited to present their work and scientific project to this jury. For further information, please contact econ_hiring@minesparis.psl.eu.

About us

Mines Paris - PSL is a leading engineering school (“grande école”), located in the center of Paris. The economics group is composed of international researchers in the fields of industrial organization, energy and environmental economics, entrepreneurship, and applied microeconomics.

At The center of economics at Mines Paris - PSL (CERNA), we leverage theory, data and fieldwork to study firms, markets and institutions.

Our research fields span industrial organization, environmental and energy economics, innovation, entrepreneurship, health economics and digital economics. We publish in the top international peer-reviewed journals.

We train PhD students and elite engineering and management students with intensive mentoring.

We inform decision-makers as well as civil society through research, teaching and engagement in business and policy.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: 60 bouelvard Saint Michel, Paris, France
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 29 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Manchester, United Kingdom
Starts 2025-09-01.
Reviewing applications
Department of Economics www
University of Manchester www
Assistant Professor
Various fields
Development; Growth  •  Econometrics  •  International Finance/Macro  •  Macroeconomics; Monetary  •  Computational Economics  •  Statistics
2 Oct 2024
29 Nov 2024
29 Nov 2024

Job reference: HUM-026848

Salary: Starting at Grade 7 £46,735 -£62,728 per annum

Faculty/Organisational Unit: Humanities

Location: Oxford Road

Employment type: Permanent

Division/Team: Department of Economics

Hours Per Week: Full time, 35 hours per week (1FTE)

Closing date: 23:59GMT 29/11/2024.

Contract Duration: Permanent

School/Directorate: School of Social Sciences

Lectureship in Economics

The Department of Economics at the University of Manchester invites applications for at least one junior position at the level of Lecturer (equivalent to tenure track Assistant Professor).

The Department of Economics is seeking candidates with background in the field of economics, candidates with background in econometrics and macroeconomics are particularly encouraged to apply. The appointment is expected to begin on the 1st of September 2025. Successful applicants must have a PhD in Economics or a related field by the beginning of employment on 1st September 2025 and are expected to be committed to research and teaching of the highest quality. In addition to publishing in leading international journals, successful candidates will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses.

The teaching duties will include lecturing and/or tutoring in one or more of the core areas of econometrics, data science, applied microeconomics and macroeconomics at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Applicants should have experience of delivering research-informed teaching at an institution of higher learning or should be able to demonstrate the clear potential to do so.

The successful applicant will have some pastoral and administrative responsibilities, and above all commit to the ideas of collegiality and academic integrity.

ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT: Information about the Department of Economics at the University of Manchester can be found at:



The deadline for applications is 23:59 (GMT) 29 November 2024

Apply online via http://www.econjobmarket.org/ by submitting the required documents (cv, job market paper, additional written research papers if any, evidence of teaching effectiveness, letters of reference).

Materials must be uploaded via http://www.econjobmarket.org, emailed documents will not be accepted.

The University of Manchester offers an ‘Offer an Interview’ scheme for prospective disabled applicants who meet the criteria


If you wish to be considered for an interview under the ‘Offer an Interview’ scheme of the University of Manchester, please answer the question about the scheme in the additional information section of your submission.

Essential criteria for disabled applicants who wish to be considered for an interview under the ‘Offer an Interview’ scheme are

  • Possession, or near completion (by the start date of employment), of a PhD in Econometrics/ Economics or related field
  • For near, or recent, PhD candidates: a developing record of research with evidence of a clear potential to publish in leading peer-reviewed journals.
  • For other candidates: commensurate with experience, a consistent record of high-quality research with publications in leading peer-reviewed journals in econometrics or in macroeconomics.
  • A strategy for future research in econometrics or in macroeconomics and related fields as appropriate to your research.
  • Experience and record of, or evidence of a clear potential to deliver, undergraduate and/or postgraduate research-informed teaching.
  • Ability, or potential, to supervise research students.
  • Ability to pursue own teaching and research agenda and collaborate with others on research-led teaching and related activities, and to undertake administrative duties as required.
  • Excellent presentational and interpersonal skills.

Queries about the application process should be sent to Akos Valentinyi, Head of Recruitment at econjobs@manchester.ac.uk.

The recruiter will conduct preliminary, first round interviews via zoom during European Job Market for Economists, 16-19 December 2024.

The final interviews (flyouts) are scheduled to take place in Manchester between mid-January and beginning of February 2024.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Oxford Road, Manchester, United Kingdom
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-09-01
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Salary: 46,735 to 62,728 GBP
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 29 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Flexible start date.
Reviewing applications
Department of Economics www
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro www
Assistant Professor  •  Associate Professor
Any field
7 Sep 2024
28 Nov 2024
28 Nov 2024

The Department of Economics at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) (www.econ.puc-rio.br) invites applications for a full-time position as an Assistant or Associate Professor. We welcome applicants from all fields of economics.

Candidates should have completed all Ph.D. requirements by June 2025. Assistant Professors with two to three years of experience are also encouraged to apply. Applicants for the Associate Professor position must have a proven track record of excellence in research and teaching.

All candidates should provide a resume, three references, copies of important peer-reviewed publications, and/or working papers.

To ensure full consideration, all application materials must be submitted online by November 28, 2024.

For more information about this vacancy, please contact jobmarket@econ.puc-rio.br.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Rua Marques de São vicente 225, sala 210F, Rio De Janeiro, N/A, 22451900, Brazil
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Application deadline: 28 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Santiago, Chile
Starts 2025-08-01.
Reviewing applications
Business School www
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile www
Assistant Professor
Various fields
Finance  •  Industrial Organization  •  Business Economics  •  Marketing
13 Sep 2024
28 Nov 2024
28 Nov 2024

The Business School of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile seeks candidates for full-time tenure-track Assistant Professor positions in Finance, Marketing and Industrial Organization/Strategy starting August 2025. Candidates should have a Ph.D. (completed or imminent), and demonstrate a strong commitment to research within these fields of Management. Candidates with a proven successful research track may also apply for Associate Professor positions.

Salaries, teaching loads, and research funds are competitive. Knowledge of Spanish is NOT required.

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile recognizes and values the importance of diversity and inclusion in enriching its employee's experience and in supporting its academic mission. The University is committed to attracting and retaining employees with varying genders, identities, and backgrounds.

To apply, please submit a packet containing a cover letter, current CV, and at least one representative research paper, by November 28, 2024. All candidates must apply online at http://www.econjobmarket.org. Applicants must also arrange for three letters of recommendation to be submitted online.

For additional information about current faculty members, see http://escueladeadministracion.uc.cl/escuela/business-economics-and-finance, or contact Prof. Francisco Ruiz-Aliseda at f.ruiz-aliseda@uc.cl. We will be conducting online interviews with selected candidates before the ASSA Annual Meeting in January 2025.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Avenida Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Santiago, 7820436, Chile
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-08-01
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting January, 2025.
Application deadline: 28 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Budapest, Hungary
Starts 2025-09-01. Duration: 3 years
Scheduling interviews
Institute of Operations and Decision Sciences (Operáció és Döntés Intézet) www
Corvinus University of Budapest www
Assistant Professor
Decision Sciences  •  Management, General
15 Nov 2024
28 Nov 2024
28 Nov 2024

Corvinus University of Budapest has over a 100-year-old history and is one of the leading universities in Hungary in Business and Management, Economics and Social Sciences. We have around 11,500 students, of which approximately 2,000 are international representing over 100 countries.

We are located in a stunning UNESCO Heritage building overlooking the Danube River, in the heart of Budapest. Our second state-of-the-art campus opened in 2024.

Budapest is listed in the top-tier category of the Economist Global Liveability Index. The city comes together with major cities in Western Europe and North America, and it is the highest-ranked city in Eastern Europe. According to Campus Advisor, Budapest is 4th among the best student cities in Europe.

Our university has been granted accreditation by EFMD and EAPAA and we are the only Hungarian business university to have two international institutional accreditations by AACSB and AMBA. In addition, we are members of several international networks such as CEMS, BSIS, PRME, and CFA. We are also proud to have won the title of the most sustainably developing university in UI GreenMetric’s world ranking in 2022.

About the position:

The Institute of Operations and Decision Sciences is looking for an assistant professor for a 3-year definite period (with a possibility of extension).

The starting date is the Autumn semester of 2025, but some flexibility is possible.

The Institute of Operations and Decision Sciences at the Corvinus University of Budapest is a vibrant academic community with three departments (Supply Chain Management; Decision Sciences; Operations Research and Actuarial Sciences). For further information on Departments, Institute and the University in general, see our website: https://www.uni-corvinus.hu/?lang=en

We are looking for research excellence in Decision Sciences. The ideal candidate is interested in theory and application and is open to cooperating with colleagues dealing with business and/or social problems. Candidates with strong orientations towards behavioural decision sciences (including choice architecture, nudging, behavioural aspects of managerial decision-making, other interventions, etc.) are encouraged to apply. Our community appreciates interdisciplinary work. The candidate will conduct independent research and publish in prestigious journals while concurrently contributing to the ongoing research activities (e.g., participation in grant applications, data collections etc.) and deliver lectures and courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Knowledge of Hungarian is not required.

Application criteria:

The successful candidate holds (or is close to completing) a PhD in Economics / Business and Management / Decision Sciences / Operations Research or related fields from an internationally recognised university.

What we offer:

  • Competitive salary accompanied by a 15% bonus in case of outstanding performance.

  • Additional benefits via ’Cafeteria’ allowance

  • One-time relocation support for candidates moving to Hungary.

Application procedure:

  • To submit your application materials, log in to the EJM website and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
  • To apply for this position, please submit a cover letter, a CV, a job market paper, and any additional documents (research proposal, teaching evaluations, three letter of recommendation, etc.) to EconJobMarket.

Application deadline for the candidates of the European Job Market: 28th November 2024. Selected applicants will be notified of the details of the online EJM interview by the mid of December 2024. We aim to interview shortlisted candidates on fly-out between January and March 2025.

For further information, please, feel free to e-mail us at career@uni-corvinus.hu, Cc: Kolos Ágoston (head of the Department of Operations Research and Actuarial Sciences) at kolos.agoston@uni-corvinus.hu.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Fővám tér 8., Budapest, 1093, Hungary
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-09-01
Job duration: 3 years
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video
Application deadline: 28 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Vilnius, Lithuania
Flexible start date.
Reviewing applications
Economics Department www
Bank of Lithuania www
Other nonacademic
Various fields
Finance  •  International Trade  •  Labor; Demographic Economics  •  Macroeconomics; Monetary
22 Oct 2024
27 Nov 2024
27 Nov 2024

Lietuvos Bankas (LB) - the Central Bank of the Lithuania - is seeking a research economist to join the Applied Macroeconomic Research Division of the Economics Department. The primary objective of the department is to contribute to the analytical and policy functions of the Economics Department and to facilitate the decision making of the LB, as well as to conduct and publish high quality research. The applied research team is also responsible for curating models used in forecasting, scenario analysis and policy evaluation.

Structural unit: Applied Macroeconomic Research Division, Economics Department

Link to existing research: https://www.lb.lt/en/research-research-and-publications

Contract: two year full-time, which upon successful completion of tasks, duties and responsibilities turns into a permanent contract afterwards

General Duties and Responsibilities:

o Undertake applied economic research aimed at contributing to the policy-related work of the Economics Department,

o Develop models for scenario analysis, policy evaluation, and forecasting using the most advanced analytical approaches and methodologies,

o Participate in international economic modelling projects and working groups within the European System of Central Banks,

o Publish research in the BoL Working Paper Series and leading academic journals,

o Workload in this position would be allocated to policy questions (about 20%), model development and/or directed research (about 40%), and conducting own research (about 40%) on topics relevant for the central banking community (with precedence given to issues related to the Lithuanian economy).

Skills and Specifications:

  • PhD in Economics, Econometrics or Finance (final year Ph.D. candidates will also be considered),

  • Specialization in the areas of empirical macroeconomic analysis, empirical microeconomic analysis, macroeconometrics, microeconometrics, or other related topics,

  • Strong analytical and technical skills, ability to analyze complex economic and financial information using empirical and/or modelling skills,

  • Programming ability in R/STATA/MATLAB/Python or equivalent,

  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills,

  • Fluency in written and spoken English.

In case of questions please contact Dr. Jose Garcia-Louzao (jgarcialouzao@lb.lt).

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Totoriu g. 4, Vilnius, 01103, Lithuania
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 2
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 27 Nov 2024 midnight UTC
Featured advertisement

Coventry, United Kingdom
Flexible start date.
Reviewing applications
Warwick Business School www
University of Warwick www
Assistant Professor  •  Associate Professor
Various fields
Experimental Economics  •  Behavioral Economics  •  Decision Sciences
8 Nov 2024
27 Nov 2024
27 Nov 2024


Assistant/Associate Professor in Behavioural Science

Field(s) of specialization: Behavioural Economics

Position type(s): Assistant Professor, Associate Professor

Location of job: Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom (map)

Degree required: Doctorate

Job start date: Flexible

Job duration: Continuing/permanent

Letters of reference required: 3

Application deadline: 27 Nov 2024

Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.

Warwick Business School (WBS) is a research-led, triple-accredited university-based business school with a portfolio of world-class programmes.

We are continuing our search for outstanding academics to join our faculty. Applications are invited at the level of Assistant and Associate Professor in Behavioural Science.

We are looking for a scholar who is carrying out world-class research that will have lasting, international impact. The successful candidate will be an ambitious and collegial person who will contribute to research and teaching within the Behavioural Science Group whether they are at an early career stage (Assistant Professor), or more established in the field (Associate Professor). WBS, and Warwick more broadly, is internationally renowned for interdisciplinary work on pure and applied behavioural science, and ‘Behaviour’ is the focus one of the University's Interdisciplinary Research Spotlights.

We are open to applications from researchers and scholars who have a strong background in the behavioural sciences. We are interested in researchers who specialise in: behavioural or experimental economics; the psychology of judgement and decision making; behavioural change; and the data science of human behaviour.

Warwick is committed to building an organisation of mutual respect and dignity, promoting a welcoming, diverse and inclusive working and learning environment. We recognise that everyone is different in a variety of visible and non-visible ways, and that those differences are to be recognised, respected, and valued. Where possible, we go beyond legislation to provide a place where everyone can thrive, supporting all staff to achieve their full potential. We aspire to remove economic, social and cultural barriers that may otherwise prevent people from succeeding.

We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all communities regardless of culture, background, age, disability, sex/gender, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion/belief, or sexual or romantic orientation. To find out more about our social inclusion work at Warwick visit our webpages here.

Assistant Professor: candidates will have completed their doctoral studies and may have some post-doctoral research experience. In addition, they will have the capacity to publish at the top level, demonstrated by publications or strong working papers. The successful candidate will also have an ambitious future research agenda. A demonstrable ability to teach behavioural science would be an advantage.

Associate Professor: candidates will have a doctorate in psychology, economics, data science or cognate discipline. In addition, they will have a track record of top-level publications. The successful candidate will also have an ambitious future research agenda and experience teaching in the behavioural science domain.

When applying please indicate whether you would be interested in an Associate or Assistant Professor role.

Interview Process

We will conduct brief online interviews with shortlisted applicants during the European Job Market of Economists, Online, 16-19 Dec 2024. However, applications will be reviewed periodically, and candidates may be contacted before the deadline for preliminary interviews.

Following an initial interview, successful candidates will be invited for a full interview which will be held in person at Warwick Business School (or online, depending on travel restrictions), either at the end of January or beginning of February, 2025.

Important Note: being a successful candidate at this stage does not mean that you will necessarily be invited for interview at the next stage.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).

A complete application comprises:

• CV

• Cover letter stating which role you are applying for

• Your job market paper

• Additional accepted or published research papers (optional)

• Evidence of teaching effectiveness if available

• 3 references.

If you have any questions, please email us. email us.

Submission materials required

Curriculum vitae

Job market paper

Additional paper (optional)

Additional paper (optional)

Other material (in one file) (optional)

Cover letter

Video presentation of job market paper (optional)

Letters of reference: 3

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 27 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Oslo, Norway
Flexible start date.
Reviewing applications
Department of Economics www
BI Norwegian Business School www
Assistant Professor
Any field
22 Oct 2024
22 Nov 2024
26 Nov 2024

The Department of Economics at BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo, Norway invites applications for a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor. Applicants from any field of economics are welcome. The appointment starts in August 2025.

The Position

The tenure-track position has a duration of seven years, a low teaching load, and an internationally competitive salary. The Department of Economics has a bonus system for publications in selected journals and provides ample support for research-related activities and conference travels.

Applicants should have completed a PhD in Economics (or related field) prior to the start date of the position. We expect successful candidates to produce high-quality research suitable for publication in top peer-reviewed journals. Teaching will be conducted at the undergraduate, graduate, or PhD levels.

About BI

BI Norwegian Business School is the largest business school in Norway and the second largest in Europe. The Department of Economics at BI is an active research department with around 25 faculty members working in various subfields of economics. The faculty members are a mix of international and Norwegian researchers who hold a PhD from leading universities in Europe and the US. The department hosts a number of research centers and has an established Ph.D. program with internationally recruited students.


Candidates should indicate their interest in the position by uploading a cover letter, curriculum vitae, job market paper, and at least three letters of recommendation at econjobmarket.org no later than November 22, 2024. For more information about the position, please contact Ovidijus Stauskas at ovidijus.stauskas@bi.no.

We will interview shortlisted candidates via Zoom during the European Job Market for Economists.

BI Norwegian Business School is an equal opportunity employer. We actively encourage females to indicate interest in the position.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Nydalsveien 37, Oslo, 0484, Norway
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 22 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Uppsala, Sweden
Flexible start date. Duration: 2 years
Reviewing applications
Centre for Health Economics Research www
Uppsala University www
Other academic
Health; Education; Welfare
27 Oct 2024
22 Nov 2024
26 Nov 2024

The Centre for Health Economic Research at Uppsala University is hiring for a 2-year post-doc position, beginning no later than September 2025.

The interdisciplinary center focuses on research for an efficient use of health care resources and improvement of health in the population. Our research has a quantitative emphasis using rich register data and state-of-the-art methods to create new knowledge.

We expect the post-doc to conduct independent high-quality research within the fields of the center. Tasks include initiating and running projects and collaborating with other members of the center, and to contribute to a collaborative and supportive environment.

The center is a partnership between the Disciplinary Domain for Medicine and Pharmacy and the Faculty of Social Sciences building on a cross-disciplinary perspective to combine different competences, with collaboration between researchers in economics and medicine. Uppsala university is Scandinavia’s oldest university, conveniently located only 30 minutes from Stockholm Arlanda International airport.

Candidates should have a PhD in Economics/Health Economics and have finished a PhD no later than September 2025 and must demonstrate excellence in research. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed virtually at the European Job Market for Economists, December 16-19, 2024. Candidates based in Sweden can also be interviewed at the SNS job market.

Candidates should register their interest by submitting a CV, cover letter, job market paper, other samples of the research, and recommendation letters from three academic references at http://econjobmarket.org by November 22nd, 2023 to be considered.

Uppsala University promotes equal opportunities and strives to attract qualified candidates who can contribute to excellence and diversity.

Information URL: https://www.hefuu.uu.se/

For more information, email: erik.gronqvist@uu.se

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: EpiHubben, MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskiöldsv, Uppsala, 751 85, Sweden
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: 2 years
Letters of reference required: 3
Application deadline: 22 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Mexico City, Mexico
Flexible start date.
Reviewing applications
Social Sciences www
Tecnológico de Monterrey www
Assistant Professor
Any field
16 Oct 2024
25 Nov 2024
25 Nov 2024

On Oct 16, the recruiter updated the application deadline from Oct 25 to Nov 25, 2024

The Social Science and Government School at Tecnológico de Monterrey has several openings. We invite applications from candidates in any field in Economics. We have positions with priority in research as well as positions with a larger weight in teaching. For the research positions, we are interested in candidates with the potential to conduct theoretically informed, empirical, and policy-relevant research for publication in top academic journals and other peer-reviewed venues. Furthermore, we have place for candidates with a higher teaching orientation that can consider a track of lecturer and teaching innovators.

We will consider junior candidates that will complete their degree no later than June 2025.

Compensation is competitive and includes support for research activities.

Tecnológico de Monterrey is an equal opportunity employer, committed to building a culturally diverse intellectual community, and strongly encourages applications from women and minorities.

Non-Discrimination Statement: Our institution does not discriminate against job candidates on the basis of actual or perceived gender, gender identity, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, or religion.

Application deadline: 11/25/2024

Application Instructions:

Tecnológico de Monterrey will invite final candidates to interviews through Zoom meetings.

Documents Required: Applicants should send the following documents in PDF format through the website application.

● A cover letter, explaining why you would like to work in Mexico.

● Curriculum Vitae.

● Job Market Paper.

● A research statement for the next three years (no longer than three pages).

● A statement of teaching philosophy (no more than two pages) that includes potential course offerings.

● Three letters of recommendation written within the last year. In the case of early career scholars at least one of these letters should come from the PhD advisor.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Calle del Puente #222, Tlalpan, Mexico City, Mexico
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 25 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Vienna, Austria
Flexible start date.
Reviewing applications
Economics www
University of Vienna www
Tenured Professor
Macroeconomics; Monetary
26 Oct 2024
25 Nov 2024
25 Nov 2024

The Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics at the University of Vienna seeks to appoint a Tenure-Track Professor of Macroeconomic Policy.

The position

We are looking for macroeconomists with a research focus on macroeconomic policy. Applicants should have a quantitative orientation, irrespective of whether they follow a theoretical or an empirical approach. The desired research orientation covers any macroeconomic aspect of policy.

The Department of Economics

We are a highly international and research-oriented department. More than 30 full-time junior and senior professors together with numerous PhD students form a community dedicated to studying all aspects of economics.


Your academic profile:

  • Doctoral degree/PhD
  • Two years of international research experience during or after doctoral studies
  • Outstanding research achievements, excellent publication and funding record, international reputation
  • Commitment to diversity
  • Experience in designing and participating in research projects, ability to lead research groups and acquire third-party funding
  • Enthusiasm for excellent teaching and supervision at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral level

We offer:

  • the opportunity to obtain a permanent position and eventual promotion to full professor; the initial contract as Assistant Professor is limited to six years, after positive evaluation of a qualification agreement (tenure review) the contract becomes permanent as Associate Professor; Associate Professors can be promoted to Full Professor through an internal competitive procedure.
  • attractive working conditions in a city with a high quality of life (Vienna is regularly named the world’s most livable city)
  • an attractive salary according to the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff (level A2) (currently at least 78,344 Euros p.a.) and an institutional retirement plan

Reference no.: 3212

For details about the application procedure and the required documents please visit https://jobs.univie.ac.at/job/Tenure-Track-Professor-in-the-field-of-Macroeconomic-Policy/1134961801/

To apply, visit https://jobs.univie.ac.at/job/Tenure-Track-Professor-in-the-field-of-Macroeconomic-Policy/1134961801/. (See posting for details.)

Location of job: Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, Vienna, 1090, Austria
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video
Featured advertisement

London, United Kingdom
Flexible start date.
Reviewing applications
Business School www
Imperial College London www
Assistant Professor  •  Associate Professor  •  Full Professor
Any field
5 Nov 2024
25 Nov 2024
25 Nov 2024

Salary: Internationally competitive

Location: South Kensington Campus

About the role:

Imperial College Business School is seeking qualified applicants for faculty positions in its Department of Economics & Public Policy at the rank of Assistant, Associate and Full Professor in Economics. We are open to candidates with research interests in any field of economics.

As with most business schools, most of the department’s teaching focuses on applied economics, management and analytics modules. Our innovative undergraduate degree in Economics, Finance and Data Science admitted its first students last year; our MSc programmes include Economics and Strategy for Business and an interdisciplinary degree in Climate Change, Management and Finance. The position requires a strong record of research commensurate with seniority and demonstrated excellence in teaching and service. The appointed candidate will be encouraged to proactively engage in research grant applications; Imperial’s strategy “Science for Humanity” provides significant opportunities for interdisciplinary research.

Applicants for the position of Assistant Professor should have the potential to publish innovative, rigorous, and relevant contributions in top academic journals. Candidates for an Associate or Full Professor position should demonstrate considerable excellence in research.

Applications from women, BAME and other groups who are currently underrepresented in the School are especially welcome. Reasonable adjustments will be made at each stage of the recruitment process for neurodiversity and disability associated needs.

The initial interviews will be conducted virtually in December.

What you would be doing:

You will contribute to Imperial’s mission as a leading research-intensive university, developing your own range of research and teaching on our degree programmes. You are encouraged to develop research collaborations within and outside Imperial, and we provide travel funding to facilitate this. You will share in the administrative tasks of running the department and the Business School, to an extent appropriate to your career stage.

What we are looking for:

  • You will have a PhD in Economics or a related field, or (for an assistant professor) expect to have one before taking up the post
  • You will be able to demonstrate capability for high-quality innovative research in your area, with a strong research agenda and pipeline. Applicants for associate or full professor should be developing an international reputation for their research.
  • You will have experience (appropriate to your level) in teaching economics to university students.

What we can offer you:

· The opportunity to continue your career at a world-leading institution and be part of our mission to build science for humanity

· You can grow in your career with tailored training programmes for academic staff including dedicated support with navigating your career and managing research as well as a transparent promotion process.

Further Information:

Apply through the Imperial College portal (https://www.imperial.ac.uk/jobs/ and search job reference BUS00758) and submit the following documents:

· Application form

· CV

· Cover letter that explains your reasons for applying to Imperial

· Research statement

· Teaching statement

· Evidence of teaching scores (where applicable)

· 3 research papers

Those applying for an assistant professor post should also ask three referees to email a reference letter to EPPrecruit@imperial.ac.uk by the closing deadline.

If you require any further details on the role please contact: Professor Richard Green – r.green@imperial.ac.uk

Closing deadline is 25 November 2024

Please note that job descriptions are not exhaustive, and you may be asked to take on additional duties that align with the key responsibilities mentioned above.

If you encounter any technical issues while applying online, please don't hesitate to email us at support.jobs@imperial.ac.uk. We're here to help.

About Imperial

Welcome to Imperial, a global top ten university where scientific imagination leads to world-changing impact.

Join us and be part of something bigger. From global health to climate change, AI to business leadership, here at Imperial we navigate some of the world’s toughest challenges. Whatever your role, your contribution will have a lasting impact.

As a member of our vibrant community of 22,000 students and 8,000 staff, you’ll collaborate with passionate minds across nine London campuses and a global network.

This is your chance to help shape the future. We hope you’ll join us at Imperial College London.

Our Culture

We work towards equality of opportunity, to eliminating discrimination, and to creating an inclusive working environment for all. We encourage applications from all backgrounds, communities and industries, and are committed to employing a team that has diverse skills, experiences and abilities. You can read more about our commitment on our webpages.

Our values are at the root of everything we do and everyone in our community is expected to demonstrate respect, collaboration, excellence, integrity, and innovation.

To apply, visit https://www.imperial.ac.uk/jobs/search-jobs/description/index.php?jobId=21608&jobTitle=Assistant%2FAssociate%2FFull+Professor+in+Economics. (See posting for details.)

Location of job: Imperial College Business School, South Kensington Campus, London, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3

Oxford, United Kingdom
Starts 2025-09-01. Duration: 3 years
Reviewing applications
Saïd Business School www
University of Oxford www
Postdoctoral Scholar
Business Economics
6 Nov 2024
22 Nov 2024
25 Nov 2024
25 Nov 2024

Grade 8: £48,235 – 57,255

Fixed-term post, initially for 3 years (expected start date September 2025)

The Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation is a leading independent, interdisciplinary research centre that undertakes a broad research programme related to business taxation, including the impact of taxes on firm behaviour and the welfare effects of such behaviour, and the design of taxation and fiscal policy. For further information about the Centre, please visit https://www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/research/centres-and-initiatives/oxford-university-centre-business-taxation.

The Centre is seeking an outstanding researcher in economics, or related fields, such as accounting or corporate finance. The Research Fellow will be expected to undertake and lead independent high quality academic research into business taxation; to contribute to generating research income; to teach at graduate level on the MSc Taxation, and to engage in policy debate with government, business representatives and the media. Research output should primarily be aimed at leading peer-reviewed academic journals; however, all researchers in the Centre should also be prepared to contribute to policy-related output.

You are expected to have, or be completing, a PhD but highly experienced or differently qualified individuals in a relevant area will also be considered. You have a publication track record, or strong pipeline, of research papers published or targeting peer-reviewed journals. You possess specialist knowledge in the discipline and have experience in presenting your research in academic conferences. You have ability and willingness to generate research income, to teach at a masters level, to supervise and work with junior colleagues and to contribute to the administration of the Centre.

Enquires about the post may be made to the Centre Director, Professor Niels Johannesen niels.johannesen@sbs.ox.ac.uk. This is a fixed term post, initially for three years, but may be extended beyond that.

Applications for this vacancy are to be made online. Please include (in PDF format) a recent paper, your CV and a covering letter explaining how you meet each of the selection criteria for the post using examples of your skills and experience. Please also input details of two referees where indicated.

The closing date for applications is midday GMT on the 25th of November 2024.

Apply now using the following link: Job Details

To apply, visit https://my.corehr.com/pls/uoxrecruit/erq_jobspec_version_4.display_form?p_company=10&p_internal_external=E&p_display_in_irish=N&p_process_type=&p_applicant_no=&p_form_profile_detail=&p_display_apply_ind=Y&p_refresh_search=Y&p_recruitment_id=176271. (See posting for details.)

Location of job: Said Business School, Park End Street, Oxford, OX1 1HP, United Kingdom
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-09-01
Job duration: 3 years
Salary: 48,235 to 57,255 GBP
Letters of reference required: 2
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.

Berkeley, United States
Flexible start date.
Reviewing applications
Haas School of Business www
University of California, Berkeley www
Assistant Professor
14 Aug 2024
25 Nov 2024
25 Nov 2024

Assistant Professor - Finance - Haas School of Business

Position overview Position titles:

• Assistant Professor, Finance

• Assistant Professor, Finance

Salary range: The current salary range for this position is $103,700-$151,600, (9-month academic year salary) however, off-scale salary and other components of pay, which would yield compensation that is higher than this range, are offered to meet competitive conditions.

Anticipated start: July 1, 2025

Application Window

Open date: July 29, 2024

Next review date: Monday, Nov 25, 2024 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)

Apply by this date to ensure full consideration by the committee.

Final date: Monday, Nov 25, 2024 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)

Applications will continue to be accepted until this date.

Position description

The Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Finance with an expected start date of July 1, 2025.

We seek candidates who will help advance the research, teaching, and service missions of the Finance group. We are interested in those conducting research in any area of Finance. Successful candidates will have demonstrated a strong record and promise for continued productivity.

Berkeley Haas is committed to recruiting the most diverse students, faculty and staff which enhances our mission, community, and academic excellence. We seek to provide an inclusive environment where everyone is treated fairly and has equal access to opportunities, a commitment that lies at the heart of Berkeley's mission as a public university. With this focus, we frame and inform our teaching and student learning experiences to equip our students to lead in a diverse world. This quest is supported by our shared commitment to our four Defining Leadership Principles: Question the Status Quo, Confidence Without Attitude, Students Always, and Beyond Yourself.

Berkeley Haas is committed to addressing the family needs of faculty, including dual career couples and single parents. We are also interested in candidates who have had non-traditional career paths or who have taken time off for family reasons, or who have achieved excellence in careers outside academia. For information about potential relocation to Berkeley, or career needs of accompanying partners and spouses, please visit: http://ofew.berkeley.edu/new-faculty.

The University of California is committed to creating and maintaining a community dedicated to the advancement, application, and transmission of knowledge and creative endeavors through academic excellence, where all individuals who participate in University programs and activities can work and learn together in a safe and secure environment, free of violence, harassment, discrimination, exploitation, or intimidation. Consistent with this commitment, UC Berkeley requires all applicants for Senate faculty positions to complete, sign, and upload an Authorization of Information Release form into AP Recruit as part of their application. If an applicant does not include the signed authorization, the application will be considered incomplete, and as with any incomplete application, will not receive further consideration. Although all applicants for faculty recruitments must complete the entire application, applicants will only be subject to reference checks if and when they are selected as the candidate to whom the hiring unit would like to extend a formal offer. More information is available on https://ofew.berkeley.edu/attestation-prior-misconduct.


Basic qualifications (required at time of application)

Applicants must have a PhD (or equivalent international degree) or be enrolled in a PhD (or equivalent international degree) granting program at the time of application.

Preferred qualifications

We are especially interested in applicants with a Ph.D. in Finance, Economics, or other closely related fields. We prefer applicants who currently have a PhD or who have advanced to Ph.D. candidacy and will complete the doctoral degree or equivalent degree within six months of the start date.

Application Requirements by Level

Assistant Professor (New PhD/PostDoc)

Position title: Assistant Professor, Finance

New/recent PhDs or Post Docs (or an equivalent degree or position) who have never held an Assistant Professor position or a position equivalent to an Assistant Professor. Please note that this level determination is only for application review purposes, not the ultimate appointment level of the finalist.

Document requirements

• Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V.

• Job Market Paper

• Statement of Research

• Statement of Teaching

• Statement on Contributions to Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Statement on your contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion, including information about your understanding of these topics, your record of activities to date, and your specific plans and goals for advancing equity and inclusion if hired at Berkeley. /shortcuts/ofew_contributions_diversity.

• Authorization to Release Information Form - A reference check will be completed only if you are selected as the candidate to whom the hiring unit would like to extend a formal offer. Download, complete, sign, and upload the https://ofew.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/auth\_release\_info.pdf.

• Cover Letter (Optional)

• Additional Research Paper (Optional)

• Additional Research Paper (Optional)

Reference requirements

• 3 letters of reference required

Please ask three references to upload their letters of recommendation into your application. In order to be equitable to all candidates we only accept three (3) letters per candidate.

Apply link: https://apptrkr.com/5487991

Assistant Professor (Advanced)

Position title: Assistant Professor, Finance

Applicants who currently hold (or have held) an Assistant Professor or untenured Associate Professor position or a position equivalent to an Assistant Professor or untenured Associate Professor position. Please note that this level determination is only for application review purposes, not the ultimate appointment level of the finalist.

Document requirements

• Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V.

• Job Market Paper

• Statement of Research

• Statement of Teaching

• Statement on Contributions to Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Statement on your contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion, including information about your understanding of these topics, your record of activities to date, and your specific plans and goals for advancing equity and inclusion if hired at Berkeley. /shortcuts/ofew_contributions_diversity.

• Authorization to Release Information Form - A reference check will be completed only if you are selected as the candidate to whom the hiring unit would like to extend a formal offer. Download, complete, sign, and upload the https://ofew.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/auth\_release\_info.pdf.

• Teaching Evaluations (Optional)

• Cover Letter (Optional)

• Additional Research Paper (Optional)

• Additional Research Paper (Optional)

Reference requirements

• 3 required (contact information only)

References will be contacted for candidates who move to the interview stage of the process. You will be notified before your references are contacted.

Apply link: https://apptrkr.com/5487991

Help contact: mailto:facultyrecruitment@haas.berkeley.edu

About UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. The excellence of the institution requires an environment in which the diverse community of faculty, students, and staff are welcome and included. Successful candidates will demonstrate knowledge and skill related to ensuring equity and inclusion in the activities of their academic position (e.g., teaching, research, and service, as applicable).

The University of California, Berkeley is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, or protected veteran status.

Please refer to the https://www.ucop.edu/academic-personnel-programs/\_files/apm/apm-035.pdf and the https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/1001004/Anti-Discrimination.

In searches when letters of reference are required all letters will be treated as confidential per University of California policy and California state law. Please refer potential referees, including when letters are provided via a third party (i.e., dossier service or career center), to the http://apo.berkeley.edu/ucb-confidentiality-policy prior to submitting their letter.

As a University employee, you will be required to comply with all applicable University policies and/or collective bargaining agreements, as may be amended from time to time. Federal, state, or local government directives may impose additional requirements.

Job location

Berkeley, CA

To apply, visit https://apptrkr.com/5487991

Copyright ©2024 Jobelephant.com Inc. All rights reserved.


To apply, visit https://apptrkr.com/5487991. (See posting for details.)

Location of job: 2220 Piedmont Ave, Berkeley, CA, 94720, United States
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3

Milano, Italy
Flexible start date. Duration: 3 years
Reviewing applications
Department of Economics, Management, and Statistics www
University of Milan Bicocca www
Postdoctoral Scholar
Various fields
Development; Growth  •  Experimental Economics  •  Industrial Organization  •  International Finance/Macro  •  International Trade  •  Labor; Demographic Economics  •  Macroeconomics; Monetary  •  Public Economics  •  Behavioral Economics  •  Health; Education; Welfare  •  Political Economy  •  Microeconomic theory  •  Applied microeconomics
14 Oct 2024
25 Nov 2024
25 Nov 2024

The Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS) at the University of Milano-Bicocca invites applications for one post-doc position.

DEMS is devoted to promote high-quality research, seminars and conference activities, with the aim of contributing to the national and international policy debate. The Department has been recently funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research under the program “Departments of Excellence” (DE) for the period 2023-2027. DEMS was also awarded the DE grant for the period 2018-2022.

The position is a 3-years post-doc. A top-up on the salary is offered to outstanding candidates.

All major fields of Economics will be considered, but preference will be given to the research areas most closely linked to the Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS) and to the Center for European Studies (CefES).

Applicants should submit all application materials (i.e. CV, job market paper and two letters of recommendation) on the EconJobMarket.org website by Monday, November 25, 2024.

The opening abides by the guidelines of the 2024 European Job Market for Economists (EJME). Interviews will be held virtually in the designated EJME window: from Monday, December 16, 2024 to Thursday, December 19, 2024. Schedule and modalities of the meetings will be notified to the shortlisted candidates in due course.

**Useful links:**




To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Piazza Ateneo Nuovo 1, Milano, Italy
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: 3 years
Letters of reference required: 2
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 25 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Paris, France
Starts 2025-09-01.
Reviewing applications
Paris School of Economics www
Assistant Professor
Macroeconomics; Monetary  •  Any field
17 Oct 2024
24 Nov 2024
24 Nov 2024

Paris School of Economics (PSE) is offering two Assistant Professor positions, one in any field and one in Macroeconomics, on competitive terms, starting Sept 1, 2025 for a period of six years corresponding to a three year contract renewable once after a "mid-term" review. The assistant Professor will then be offered a permanent position in the French academic system following a successful tenure evaluation. With respect to the Macroeconomics position, applicants with a quantitative focus are particularly encouraged to apply.

PSE invites applications from strong candidates. It offers an exciting research environment, a low teaching load and no administrative obligations. Proven research abilities are necessary and the PhD should be completed by the date of the appointment. Knowledge of French is NOT required. PSE is an equal opportunity employer, and is committed to balanced gender, geographical, and minority representation. We particularly welcome applications from women.

We will interview candidates online during the 2024 European job market meeting between Monday, December 16 and Friday, December 20. Candidates may subsequently be invited to give a job talk at PSE.

In order to be considered, applicants are asked to fill up the PSE application form available on the PSE website at


Applicants should upload a pdf of the application form, a CV, a Job Market Paper, and have three letters of recommendation uploaded before November 24, 2024

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: 48 Boulevard Jourdan, Paris, 75014, France
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-09-01
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 24 Nov 2024 midnight UTC
Featured advertisement

Munich, Germany
Flexible start date. Duration: 6 years
Reviewing applications
Ifo Institute www
Postdoctoral Scholar
Any field
29 Oct 2024
24 Nov 2024
24 Nov 2024

The ifo Institute is inviting applications for four Postdoctoral Research positions, each with a six-year contract, based in Munich, Germany.

We are seeking candidates who are deeply committed to conducting high-quality, policy-relevant research, with a strong motivation to advance their own research agenda and willingness to engage with the public and the media. We are particularly interested in candidates specializing in the following fields:

Economics of Education: Researchers using microeconometric methods to examine the effects of education on individual and societal outcomes, as well as the determinants and governance of education.

Labor Economics: Researchers applying empirical methods to topics such as family, gender, immigration, and crime.

Public Economics and Political Economy: Researchers in the field of public economics and political economy, working on current societal challenges with applied econometric methods.

Big Data Economics: Researchers in any field of economics who leverage state-of-the-art machine learning and causal inference methods to innovative datasets, such as large-scale data, text as data, or satellite imagery.

The ifo Institute is also offering one Postdoctoral Research position at the Ludwig Erhard ifo Center for Social Market Economy and Institutional Economics, located in Fürth, Germany. These position has an initial contract duration of two years, with the possibility of extension for up to additional four years. We are particularly interested in candidates with expertise in:

Public and Behavioral Economics: Researchers who employ experimental methods (lab, field, survey) or applied microeconometrics to explore topics in public and behavioral economics.

The ifo Institute is one of Europe’s leading economic research institutes. Research at ifo combines academic excellence with economic policy relevance. Our faculty and postdoctoral researchers publish their work in high-impact journals and use their findings to bring scientific perspectives into policy debates. The scope of our research is broad, covering most fields in economics. Please check out our research activities in-depth on the following webpage: https://www.ifo.de/en/research/ifo-centers.

We promote outstanding research by providing generous administrative and research support, an exceptional data infrastructure, and tailored training and development programs. Our international CESifo research network offers ample opportunities for scientific exchange with top-class scholars. Guest researchers regularly visit the Institute. Thanks to our close cooperation with the University of Munich (LMU), our postdoctoral researchers are integrated into the junior faculty of the Department of Economics at LMU.

Candidates should hold a PhD in economics or be about to defend a PhD soon. Interested candidates should submit their application via EJM - Econ Job Market. Applications should include a cover letter, CV, job market paper, and at least three reference letters.

The deadline for submitting applications is November 24, 2024. We will conduct virtual interviews as part of the 2024-2025 European Job Market between Monday, 16 December and Thursday, 19 December 2024. Fly-outs will start on Monday, 13 January 2025.

Please feel free to contact jobmarket@ifo.de if you have any questions. For further information on careers at the ifo Institute, please visit https://www.ifo.de/en/about-us/ifo-careers.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Poschingerstraße 5, Munich, Bavaria, 81679, Germany
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: 6 years
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 24 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

London, United Kingdom
Flexible start date. Duration: 24 months
Reviewing applications
Business School www
Imperial College London www
Postdoctoral Scholar
Behavioral Economics
29 Oct 2024
24 Nov 2024
24 Nov 2024

The successful candidate will be based within the Economics & Public Policy Department and Centre for Health Economics & Policy Innovation at Imperial College Business School. They will work on the world’s first initiative to integrate the epidemiological and economic modelling of pandemic preparedness. The initiative will use pioneering techniques to provide critical data and analysis to inform public health decisions related to pandemic preparedness and disease outbreaks around the world.

The new initiative brings together epidemiologists, economists and data modellers from across Imperial, together with researchers from the World Health Organisation and Singapore’s Programme For Research In Epidemic Preparedness And Response (PREPARE), National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) and Umeå University in Sweden. Initially working with five countries including Singapore, the team is producing a publicly available digital scenario-based dashboard modelling preparedness levels of over 150 countries, Imperial College London 2 as well as deep-dive studies on specific preparedness interventions. It also provides evidence on the impact of alternative policy strategies - to governments, international health organisations and businesses, and works with partners to create a clear case for investing in pandemic preparedness.

To apply, visit https://www.imperial.ac.uk/jobs/search-jobs/description/index.php?jobId=21409&jobTitle=Research%20Associate%20in%20Behavioural%20Economic%20Modelling. (See posting for details.)

Location of job: Imperial College Business School, South Kensington Campus, London, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: 24 months
Salary: 48,056 to 56,345 GBP
Letters of reference required: 3
Featured advertisement

Coventry, United Kingdom
Flexible start date.
Interview scheduling completed
Warwick Business School www
University of Warwick www
Assistant Professor
Any field
1 Oct 2024
24 Nov 2024
24 Nov 2024

Warwick Business School (‘WBS’) is an elite, research-led, triple-accredited university-based business school with an excellent portfolio of world-class programmes.

We are continuing our search for top-notch talent to join our outstanding faculty and are now inviting applications for positions in all areas in Finance. Initial interviews will take place online in December 2024.

Applicants should have completed or be near the completion of doctoral studies in finance or a related discipline, be able to pursue their own independent research, plan to publish finance papers in the top three finance and/or top five economics journals, and be able to develop and deliver excellent teaching in finance at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

In particular, we seek to boost our research and teaching agenda with outstanding candidates in FinTech.

Salaries are competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Closing date: 24 November 2024.

Applicants must apply online at EconJobMarket.org by November 24, 2024 in order to be considered for the first round of interviews. Please submit a cover letter, a CV, your research papers and select three recommenders.

Please contact academic.recruitment@wbs.ac.uk if you have any queries regarding the application process.

The University of Warwick is proud to embrace inclusion and cultural diversity.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Application deadline: 24 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Fontainebleau, France
Flexible start date.
Reviewing applications
Decision Sciences www
Assistant Professor  •  Associate Professor
Decision Sciences
9 Oct 2024
24 Oct 2024
24 Nov 2024

The Decision Sciences (DSC) Area at INSEAD, a global business school with campuses in Abu Dhabi, France, and Singapore, invites outstanding applicants for a tenure-track or tenured faculty position at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor at any of its campuses. The anticipated start date is September 1, 2025.

The DSC Area focuses on a wide array of issues broadly related to individual, group, and organizational decision making, both from quantitative and behavioral perspectives, and with a prescriptive, descriptive, and normative focus. Our research ranges from the area of decision sciences, to statistics and machine learning, artificial intelligence and computer science, judgment and decision making, psychology, economics, operations research, optimization, etc. We have a collegial environment that encourages interdisciplinary as well as industry-relevant, impactful research.

We are interested in candidates that can further enrich, expand, and consolidate the diverse research portfolio of the group and the school. Priority is always given to quality over specific topic, and we will consider candidates with strong training working in any domain of decision sciences. The ability to conduct rigorous research is essential and an interest in practical problems is desirable, though not necessary.

Candidates should hold a PhD or be at the dissertation completion stage of a doctoral program, have demonstrated solid research skills in their respective areas, have strong studies/training, and have worked on top quality research projects in the past.

The position entails the following responsibilities: research in areas of expertise and interests; teaching in INSEAD programs; supervision of doctoral candidates; and service to the school and the broader community.

Applications should include a cover letter, a CV, research and possible teaching statements, copies of representative research papers, teaching evaluations if available, and three letters of recommendation.

The deadline for applications is October 24, 2024, 11.59 pm CET. Applications are to be submitted on Interfolio (apply.interfolio.com/151226).

If you have any further questions, please contact insead.DSC-area@insead.edu.

INSEAD is committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity for all employees and to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment. All employment decisions at INSEAD are based on business needs, job requirements and individual qualifications, without regard to race, color, religion or belief, gender or sexual orientation, family or parental status, or any other status protected by the laws or regulations in the locations where we operate. INSEAD will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on any of these characteristics. INSEAD encourages applicants of all ages.

To apply, visit apply.interfolio.com/151226. (See posting for details.)

Location of job: Insead, Boulevard de Constance, Fontainebleau, France
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting November, 2024.
Featured advertisement

Paris, France
Starts 2025-09-01.
Reviewing applications
ESCP Business School www
Assistant Professor  •  Associate Professor
12 Oct 2024
24 Nov 2024
24 Nov 2024

Assistant/Associate Professor of Finance – London Campus (UK), Madrid Campus (Spain), Paris Campus (France), or Turin Campus (Italy)

Employer: ESCP Business School

Location: London (UK), Madrid (Spain), Paris (France), or Turin (Italy)

Salary: Competitive

Closing date: November 24, 2024

Job Description & Qualifications

Candidates for the Assistant Professor position should have completed or be near to completing a Ph.D. in Finance or Economics and are expected to undertake high-quality research. Preference will be given to applicants who plan to publish in leading international journals within Finance or related areas and have experience teaching at the University level and/or evidence of high-quality presentational skills.

Candidates for the Associate Professor position must already have an established track record of top-tier publications and solid teaching evaluations. This is a unique opportunity for Associate Professor candidates to progress their careers with one of the world’s leading business schools and support the development of the School’s existing research and teaching portfolio.

The department invites applications from strong candidates in any field of specialization in finance or financial economics. Each successful candidate will be based in one ESCP campus and will be able to collaborate with researchers and programs in related fields across ESCP campuses.

The job starting date is September 01, 2025. Alternative arrangements may be possible.

Application Procedure

Applications will be received via EconJobMarket (https://econjobmarket.org/) until November 24, 2024. Candidates should indicate in their cover letter the campus or campuses they are applying to – i.e. London, Madrid, Paris, and/or Turin – as well as the position level – i.e. Assistant or Associate Professor. Application packages should include

1.- Cover letter.

2.- CV.

3.- Three letters of recommendation.

4.- Research statement

5.- Teaching statement – including teaching evaluations, when available.

6.- Three recent research articles, one of which should be the Job Market Paper for Assistant Professor applications.

About the Organization

ESCP Business School is a pan-European institution founded in 1819, with campuses in Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Turin, and Warsaw.

Every year, ESCP welcomes 10,000+ students and 6,000+ managers from 120+ nationalities. Its strength lies in its high-quality research orientation and its many first-rate business training programs, both general and specialized (Bachelor, Master, MBA, Executive MBA, Ph.D., and Executive Education), all including a multi-campus experience. Its 200+ research-active professors, distributed across its European campuses, represent 40+ nationalities.

ESCP Business School is ranked #4 in Europe by the Financial Times. Among its several renowned programs, the Master in Finance ranks #1 worldwide, the Master in Management #6, and the Executive MBA #3.

The finance department at ESCP provides a stimulating research environment with excellent research funding, comprehensive data access, and attractive teaching loads. The remuneration package is competitive at the European level.

Additional Information

The application deadline is November 24, 2024. The first round of interviews with selected candidates will be conducted online in December 2024. In-person flyouts will start in January 2025.

For additional questions, please contact finance@escp.eu

Websites: https://escp.eu/

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: 6-8 avenue de la Porte de Champerret, Paris, France, 75017, France
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-09-01
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 24 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Exeter, United Kingdom
Flexible start date.
Reviewing applications
Economics www
University of Exeter www
Assistant Professor
Econometrics  •  Macroeconomics; Monetary
26 Oct 2024
23 Nov 2024
23 Nov 2024

The Department of Economics at the University of Exeter Business School is seeking to fill at least one post at the level of Lecturer (equivalent to tenure-track Assistant Professor), in the fields of Econometrics or Macroeconomics. This hiring follows several years of successful recruiting and forms part of a continued expansion and investment into Economics at the University of Exeter.

The Department of Economics at the University of Exeter Business School is a research-oriented department, devoted to teaching excellence and currently comprising over 90 academics. We are committed to high quality research with economic and societal impact and engaging, research-led education. Interdisciplinary work is encouraged and facilitated through initiatives in the Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy, and collaborations with research centres that focus on areas such as data science and artificial intelligence (IDSAI), environmental economics and policy (LEEP), and tax administration (TARC). To find out more about the Department please visit https://business-school.exeter.ac.uk/economics/.

The University of Exeter Business School offers competitive salaries and attractive teaching loads, benefits, and research support. We are an equal opportunities employer, a Disability Confident employer, and an Athena Swan accredited institution. Whilst all applicants will be judged on merit alone, we particularly welcome applications from groups currently underrepresented in the workforce.

Informal enquires can be directed in the first instance to the Head of Department, Professor Loukas Balafoutas, L.Balafoutas@exeter.ac.uk, or the Director of Research and Impact, Dr. Joerg Weber, J.Weber@exeter.ac.uk.

Application Requirements:

Application deadline: November 23, 2024

Candidates should have completed a Ph.D. by August 2025. Applicants must be made online at EconJobMarket.org by 23 November 2024 to be considered for first-round virtual interviews through the EEA job market (16-19 December 2024). Please submit a cover letter, a CV, at least one research paper and three letters of reference.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Streatham Court, Exeter, United Kingdom
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 23 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Zürich, Switzerland
Flexible start date.
Interview scheduling completed
Department of Economics www
University of Zurich www
Assistant Professor
Applied microeconomics
4 Oct 2024
15 Nov 2024
23 Nov 2024

The Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics of the University of Zurich invites applications for an

Assistant Professorship in Economics of Child and Youth Development

The Department of Economics of the University of Zurich is inviting applications at the rank of Assistant Professor, starting September 2025. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree in Economics before taking up the position. Successful candidates for Assistant Professorships are appointed to three-year contracts, renewable once, with evaluation for tenure after six years.

The position is open to applied microeconomics, with a focus on research related to child and youth development.

The Department of Economics offers an exciting and collegial research environment, competitive terms and conditions and generous research support. Knowledge of German is not a requirement. In order to increase the number of women in leading academic positions, we especially encourage women to apply.

Complete applications including cover letter, CV, job market papers, and (for the rank of Assistant Professor) at least 3 letters of recommendation will be reviewed starting Nov 15th, 2024. First-stage interviews will be conducted online in December 2024.

Applications should be submitted online at https://econjobmarket.org. Please direct any questions about the position to jobmarket@econ.uzh.ch.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Schönberggasse 1, Zürich, 8001, Switzerland
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 15 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Zürich, Switzerland
Flexible start date.
Interview scheduling completed
Department of Economics www
University of Zurich www
Assistant Professor
4 Oct 2024
15 Nov 2024
23 Nov 2024

The Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics of the University of Zurich invites applications for an

Assistant Professorships with tenure track in Econometrics in the Digital Age

The Department of Economics of the University of Zurich is inviting applications at the rank of Assistant Professor with tenure track, starting September 2025. Candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree in Economics with specialization in Econometrics and have an excellent record of academic achievements in the relevant field. Successful candidates are appointed to three-year contracts, renewable once, with evaluation for tenure after six years.

The Department of Economics offers an exciting and collegial research environment, competitive terms and conditions and generous research support. Knowledge of German is not a requirement. In order to increase the number of women in leading academic positions, we especially encourage women to apply.

Complete applications including cover letter, CV, job market papers, and (for the rank of Assistant Professor) at least 3 letters of recommendation will be reviewed starting Nov 15th, 2024. First-stage interviews will be conducted online in December 2024.

Applications should be submitted online at https://econjobmarket.org. Please direct any questions about the position to jobmarket@econ.uzh.ch.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Schönberggasse 1, Zürich, 8001, Switzerland
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 15 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

London, United Kingdom
Starts 2025-10-01.
Reviewing applications
Institute for Fiscal Studies www
Other academic  •  Other nonacademic  •  Research Assistant
Various fields
Labor; Demographic Economics  •  Public Economics  •  Health; Education; Welfare  •  Applied microeconomics
14 Oct 2024
22 Nov 2024
23 Nov 2024

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) is Europe’s leading centre for research on the microeconomics of public policy. It is a politically independent registered charity aiming to bridge the gap between academia and the wider public. IFS researchers are not only excellent economists, but are able to think creatively about economics and shape their innovative ideas into research programmes. They are keen to use empirical economic analysis to inform policymaking and to pass on their enthusiasm for economics to others, both inside and outside the Institute.

The IFS is headed by Director Paul Johnson and Research Director Imran Rasul. Research co-directors include Rachel Griffith and Fabien Postel-Vinay, and IFS has a large number of Research Fellows including Richard Blundell, James Banks, Eric French along with many others.

The IFS is looking to recruit a number of outstanding economists to join our team. They should have a strong interest and proven expertise in one of the areas listed below. These are permanent positions with a remit to help shape, carry out, and communicate empirical research. We promote from within, and successful candidates would have scope for promotion and to develop a long-term career at IFS.

Staff at this level will be expected to develop rigorous and policy relevant research ideas, take the lead in writing research funding applications, undertake high quality and rigorous research publishable in high-ranking academic journals in a timely and efficient manner, and present and disseminate their research to academic and non-academic audiences. Researchers at IFS are also expected to engage in mentorship and development of more junior researchers, often including formal line management responsibilities. They will also be expected to contribute to the wider intellectual life and running of the institute. They will work within a team of researchers whose direction of research fits with the researcher’s expertise and interests. This will likely include a mix of senior academics and IFS research staff.

Successful candidates will have an excellent academic background, a track-record of producing high quality economic research in one of the areas listed below and experience of and/or commitment to working on the UK context. First rate communication skills and a capacity and willingness to manage and develop junior colleagues are essential. Experience of achieving policy impact through research or of successfully bidding for external funding would be an additional asset.

We welcome applications from individuals who have completed their PhD or students expecting to complete a PhD in 2025.

Four research economist positions are being recruited for, in the areas below.

Tax policy

In this area we focus on the study of how various aspects of tax affect the choices of individuals and firms, including in relation to individuals’ work choices, firms’ investment choices and tax avoidance. Our research is based on developing and exploiting large datasets, most recently including HMRC tax records. We use estimates of how tax affects behaviour alongside knowledge of institutions and tax design to address topical policy questions. For example, current research is considering how capital incomes should be taxed relative to labour incomes, accounting for the effect that policy choices have on entrepreneurship, avoidance and inequality. There will be considerable scope to shape future research ideas and to work on new initiatives to communicate our work and shape tax policy debates.

Health and Nutrition

Research in this area focuses on the drivers of healthy (or unhealthy) nutrition choices, and how this affects outcomes such as body weight, wider physical and mental health, and wider human capital outcomes. Much of our work leverages a uniquely detailed scanner dataset covering at-home and out-of-home purchases over more than 20 years, but we also use survey datasets and administrative data. We focus particularly on health and nutrition during pregnancy and throughout childhood and adolescence. Current and planned projects include an evaluation of the impact of Healthy Start vouchers on food purchases, child health, and education outcomes; analysis of food purchasing during pregnancy and infant feeding choices; analysing the impacts of (free) school meals on food purchases; and documenting the growth and use of meal delivery apps like Deliveroo or UberEats on food purchases. While this agenda is solidly grounded in economics, we have an excellent network of external collaborators from different disciplines. We also have strong links to policymakers: as part of the Healthy Weight Policy Research Unit (funded by the Department for Health and Social Care), our team is regularly asked to contribute insight and analysis to key policy decisions, including through rapid response research and longer-term policy projects.

Economic Opportunities by Race and Ethnicity

The IFS is launching an ambitious programme of research to examine the causes and consequences of differences in economic opportunities by race and ethnicity in the UK. The agenda covers work in five areas: on the economics of identity formation, education and social mobility, career progression, wealth accumulation, and crime. The successful applicant can work across these areas – the research projects are based on the utilisation of administrative records in education, labour markets, and criminal offending. The work can also include the use of field experiments. The agenda will combine longer-term research projects and shorter pieces of work to bear on highly topical policy issues.

Economics of the Justice System

The IFS is launching a new programme of work on the economics of justice system. This spans areas of criminal justice, family justice, civil and administrative justice. The agenda is divided into two broad areas: first to understand how policy reforms within the justice system have impacted access to justice, the efficiency of the justice system, and equality of outcomes; second to understand how reforms in other areas of social policy, related to education, labour markets and the tax and welfare system, have driven demands on the justice system. The work is largely based on newly available administrative data on the justice system – covering policing, courts, prisons and probation system, with the future possibility of linking these to other administrative data from the education system for example. The successful candidate will contribute to the research agenda, lead on research projects, and contribute to policy-focused outputs.

Applications for all positions should be submitted via EconJobMarket. We aim to interview shortlisted candidates at the European Job Market, which will be held virtually during the week commencing 16 December 2024. Subsequent fly-outs will be arranged in January 2025 for a smaller number of candidates.

If you have any queries, please email jobs@ifs.org.uk.

Additional Information

Contract: permanent

Salary: from £60,000

Closing date: 22 November 2024

Initial interviews: European Job Market for Economists, w/b 16 December 2024

Interview/fly-out dates: from early January 2025

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: 7 Ridgmount Street, London, United Kingdom
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-10-01
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Salary: 60,000 GBP
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 22 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

London, United Kingdom
Starts 2025-09-01. Duration: 3 years
Reviewing applications
Institute for Fiscal Studies www
Postdoctoral Scholar
Various fields
Development; Growth  •  Econometrics  •  Industrial Organization  •  International Trade  •  Labor; Demographic Economics  •  Public Economics  •  Behavioral Economics  •  Health; Education; Welfare  •  Applied microeconomics
14 Oct 2024
22 Nov 2024
23 Nov 2024

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) recruits outstanding post-doctoral economists to join our research teams.

IFS is Europe’s leading centre for microeconomic research and is an authoritative commentator on a wide range of policy issues. It is a politically independent registered charity aiming to bridge the gap between academia and the wider public.

The Research Directors of IFS are Imran Rasul, Rachel Griffith and Fabien Postel-Vinay and IFS has a large number of Research Fellows including James Banks, Richard Blundell and Eric French, along with many others.

Postdoctoral fellows will work within a team of researchers at IFS whose direction of research fits with the researcher’s expertise and interests. This will likely include a mix of senior academics and IFS research staff. We will work with successful applicants to secure the best fit for their research interests and strengths and to encourage them to develop these to mutual advantage, with a particular focus on academic publication in top international journals.

Researchers based at IFS have access to a range of datasets, with opportunities to work, for example, on administrative datasets on education, health, and labour markets. These can be for the UK and other European countries in which we have close research collaborations. Researchers will also have the opportunity to engage with work using primary collected data by IFS researchers, often in the context of low-income countries, or rich secondary data, often matched to administrative data.

IFS researchers are not only excellent economists, but are able to think creatively about economics and eventually shape their innovative ideas into research programmes. They are keen to use empirical economic analysis to inform policymaking and to pass on their enthusiasm for economics to others, both inside and outside the Institute.

We welcome applications from students expecting to complete a PhD in 2025.

One and three-year Postdoctoral Fellowship positions are available. The one-year position is across all fields. The three-year position is more focused on labor economics where the successful candidate will spend the majority of their time working on a project led by Professor Suphanit Piyapromdee. The project aims to advance understanding on the sources and consequences of skills mismatch. The project combines randomized controlled trials (RCT), reduced form, and structural modelling techniques to quantify the relative importance of various sources of skills mismatch. The research involves estimating job search models using the panel data collected from the RCT. The Fellow will not be doing any fieldwork nor data collection as this has already been done by the local team in Thailand.

For both Fellowships, applications are open to candidates from the UK and abroad. The post is eligible for a Skilled Worker Visa: IFS will support the application where needed for successful candidates. Any offer of employment is subject to the eligibility to work in the UK.

Job duration: one year and three-year positions

Application process

Applications should be submitted via EconJobMarket. We aim to interview shortlisted candidates at the European Job Market, which will be held virtually in December 2024. Subsequent fly-outs will be arranged in January 2025 for a smaller number of candidates; these may be virtual or in-person, depending on circumstances. Applications are welcome from both candidates who are participating on the full academic job market, and those searching only for a postdoctoral position.

If you have any queries, please email jobs@ifs.org.uk.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: 7 Ridgmount Street, London, United Kingdom
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-09-01
Job duration: 3 years
Salary: 48,000 GBP
Letters of reference required: 3
Application deadline: 22 Nov 2024 midnight UTC
Featured advertisement

Dallas, United States
Flexible start date.
Reviewing applications
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas www
Other nonacademic
Various fields
Environmental; Ag. Econ.  •  Industrial Organization  •  Labor; Demographic Economics  •  Macroeconomics; Monetary  •  Public Economics  •  Urban; Rural; Regional Economics  •  Health; Education; Welfare  •  Microeconomic theory  •  Applied microeconomics
16 Oct 2024
15 Nov 2024
22 Nov 2024

On Oct 21, the recruiter added these fields to the ad: Environmental; Ag. Econ, Industrial Organization, Microeconomic theory


Research Department

Economists / Senior Economists

The Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas is in the midst of a multi-year effort to strengthen its research group. It is looking for new and experienced Ph.D. economists with research and policy interests in energy and environmental economics, the energy transition, applied microeconomics and regional economics, and macroeconomics and monetary policy. We will also consider outstanding candidates in other fields.

Economists at the Dallas Fed are expected to produce academic research and contribute to policy briefings. Strong analytical and communication skills are essential. A Ph.D. is required. Senior applicants should have a proven publication track record. The Bank is an equal opportunity employer and offers an excellent research environment along with competitive salary and benefits. We particularly welcome applications from groups that have been historically underrepresented in the economics profession. For more information about the Dallas Fed Research Department, please visit our web site.

Please apply with curriculum vitae, recent research papers, and three letters of reference by November 15, 2024. Candidate submissions, including all letters of recommendation, must be received by this deadline. All first-round interviews will be virtual, and we will start extending interview invitations and scheduling interviews on Monday, December 4, 2024.

This position requires access to confidential supervisory information and/or FOMC information, which is limited to “Protected Individuals” as defined in the U.S. federal immigration law. Protected individuals include, but are not limited to, U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, and U.S. permanent residents who either are not yet eligible to apply for naturalization or who have applied for naturalization within the requisite timeframe. Candidates who are not U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents may be eligible for the information access required for this position and sponsorship for a work visa, and subsequently for permanent residence, if they sign a declaration of intent to become a U.S. citizen and meet other eligibility requirements. In addition, all candidates must undergo an enhanced background check and comply with all applicable information handling rules, and all non-U.S. citizens must sign a declaration of intent to become a U.S. citizen and pursue a path to citizenship. For more information on the program for security of FOMC information, see here.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: 2200 North Pearl Street, Dallas, Texas, 75201, United States
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 15 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Lisbon, Portugal
Starts 2025-09-01.
Reviewing applications
Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics www
Catholic University of Portugal www
Assistant Professor
Finance  •  Accounting
13 Sep 2024
22 Nov 2024
22 Nov 2024

Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics (CATÓLICA-LISBON: www.clsbe.lisboa.ucp.pt/) is seeking applications for up to two Assistant Professor positions in Finance or Financial Accounting, starting preferably in Fall 2025 (expected September 1st, 2025). We are looking for candidates with strong research potential or a track record of top-tier publications in Finance and/or Accounting, coupled with effective teaching skills. Applicants should have excellent communication skills, both oral and written. The position offers a competitive compensation package based on qualifications and experience.

Application Deadline: November 22nd, 2024.

About Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics

CATÓLICA-LISBON is a leading European business school committed to research production at the highest level and excellence in teaching. The school seeks to develop outstanding graduates for high-level careers and to offer business leaders a lifelong learning environment. Our programs are internationally recognized: we rank among the top 25 business schools in Europe, with our The Lisbon MBA and Master in Management programs listed among the top 25 in the Financial Times (FT) rankings. Specifically, our MSc in Finance is ranked 16th in the world, and our Executive Education is 21st in Europe. The international character of the school is reflected in our faculty, student body, and international accreditations. Since 2008, CLSBE has the “triple crown” of international business school accreditations (AACSB, EFMD, and AMBA). Our programs, taught entirely in English, cater to an international student body, with around 75% of our MSc students coming from outside Portugal. CATÓLICA-LISBON offers 2 bachelor programs in Economics and Finance, 3 full-time MSc programs in Finance, a part-time MSc in Finance, a PhD Program in Finance, and several executive education courses. In 2024, we established the Center for Sustainable Finance.


CATÓLICA-LISBON provides a vibrant research environment. The core research faculty comprises about 50 tenure-track members with doctorates from top North American (including Columbia, NYU, or Stanford) and top European (including INSEAD, LBS, City University of London, Ecole Polytechnique, and Tilburg) programs. Our faculty is diverse, representing numerous countries across the globe. The CATÓLICA-LISBON research unit (CUBE) consistently earns the highest rating of “Excellent” from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) and was recognized in 2019 as the leading research unit in Portugal for Management.

The Finance and Accounting group includes 15 faculty members who have recently published in leading journals such as the Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Review of Finance, and Management Science.

Living in Lisbon

Lisbon is one of Europe’s safest capital cities, offering a rich cultural scene, vibrant dining, diverse artistic activities, sporting events, excellent public transportation, a reliable public healthcare system, historic architecture, and some of the best weather in Europe. The city also offers easy access to world-class beaches.

Position Requirements

Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in Finance or Accounting or a closely related field from a recognized institution by the time of appointment. Faculty are expected to maintain an active research agenda targeting top-tier journals. CATÓLICA-LISBON provides extensive research support. Faculty are also supported in securing research funding from the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) and other European funding agencies.

Candidates should be committed to engaging students in the classroom. Both tenure-track and tenured faculty typically teach three courses per year in English at the undergraduate, MSc, MBA, and/or PhD levels, with the possibility of teaching in executive education programs. The teaching load may be reduced in the first year and concentrated within two teaching terms. With rare exceptions, all teaching takes place in the classroom. Part of the teaching load may be fulfilled by supervising MSc students writing their thesis.

Candidates should be eager to contribute to the school's growth and its Finance programs and participate actively in the school's academic life. Regular on-campus availability, in-person teaching, and the ability to create and maintain collegial, harmonious working relationships with others are essential functions required for faculty members in CATÓLICA-LISBON.

Application Procedure

Applicants should submit a cover letter that details their qualifications, highlighting relevant aspects for (a) research, (b) teaching interests, and (c) their specific interest in CATÓLICA-LISBON and Portugal. The latter is crucial for a potential successful follow-up on the application. In addition, candidates should send their job market paper, an updated CV, and at least three reference letters. The application deadline is November 22nd, 2024. Initial interviews will be conducted via Zoom in early December. Selected candidates will be invited for an on-campus visit in January, following the ASSA meeting. Applications should be submitted via EconJobMarket.

Please contact Professor José Faias (jfaias@ucp.pt) for questions regarding the position.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Palma de Cima, Lisbon, 1649-023, Portugal
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-09-01
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Application deadline: 22 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

London, United Kingdom
Flexible start date. Duration: 1 year
Reviewing applications
Department of Economics www
University College London www
Postdoctoral Scholar
Any field
22 Oct 2024
22 Nov 2024
22 Nov 2024

Applications are invited for post-doctoral Research Fellow positions in the James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Centre on Wealth Concentration, Inequality and the Economy in the Department of Economics at University College London.

About the Stone Centre at UCL

The Stone Centre at UCL is co-directed by Professors Imran Rasul and Wendy Carlin. The Centre aims to become a global hub for research and learning that will make wealth concentration and its impacts on innovation and sustainability central to economics education. Education and research are equal partners in the venture. The Stone Centre is pairing up the CORE (Curriculum Open-access Resources in Economics) project, which is transforming economics education around the world, with the research strengths of the UCL Economics Department. The aim is to help shape the next generation of economists, bringing more attention and increasing capacity in both teaching – at all levels – and research to the causes and consequences of wealth concentration and inequality.

Research fellows will work within a team of researchers at the Stone Centre and the Department of Economics at UCL. Their direction of research expertise and interests will relate to broad aims of the Stone Centre. We seek to understand the drivers of wealth concentration, various dimensions of inequality and the interactions of these processes on political outcomes, representation and voice. Research areas in applied microecomics, macroeconomics and empirical methods will all be considered. We will work with successful applicants to secure the best fit for their research interests and strengths and to encourage them to develop these to mutual advantage, with a particular focus on academic publication in top international journals. Research fellows are also expected to engage with the teaching innovations of the Stone Centre through its close collaboration with CORE.

We welcome applications from students expecting to complete a PhD by August 2025.

Interviews will be held during the European Job Market, 16-19 December 2024.

Queries about this position should be directed to the Stone Centre Manager, Giacomo Piccoli (g.piccoli@ucl.ac.uk).

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Drayton House, 30 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0AX, United Kingdom
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: 1 year
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 22 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Barcelona, Spain
Flexible start date.
Reviewing applications
Centre de Recerca en Economia Internacional (CREI)
Assistant Professor
Various fields
Development; Growth  •  International Finance/Macro  •  International Trade  •  Macroeconomics; Monetary  •  Political Economy
7 Oct 2024
22 Nov 2024
22 Nov 2024

The Center for Research in International Economics (CREI) invites applications for 1 research position at the junior level. Fields of interest include:

• Macroeconomics

• International Finance

• Monetary and Financial Economics

• Growth and Development

• International Trade and Economic Geography

• Political Economy

Starting date: September 2025.

CREI is a research institute sponsored by the Government of Catalonia and Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), and an academic unit of the Barcelona School of Economics (BSE). It is located within the UPF Campus in Barcelona.

Junior researchers are offered tenure-track positions; promotion to tenure is subject to an evaluation after six years. Terms of appointment are flexible and competitive. CREI offers an excellent work environment that has proved to be fruitful for the research of young faculty members.

CREI researchers have no teaching obligations but are encouraged to participate in UPF and BSE academic programs. English is the working language at CREI.

Applicants must hold (or obtain by the end of 2025) a PhD in Economics. Applications, including a CV, a recent research paper, and three reference letters, should be submitted through https://econjobmarket.org by November 22, 2024. Selected candidates will be interviewed at the European Job Market for Economists (EJME) to be held virtually on December 16-19, 2024.

Applicants to be considered for interviews will be contacted before December 11, 2024.

CREI has received the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research Award (https://crei.cat/hr-excellence), recognizing its commitment to providing researchers with favorable working conditions and career development. CREI is committed to an Open, Transparent, and Merit-based Recruitment of Researchers (https://crei.cat/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/DEF-OTM_R-INTERNAL-GUIDELINES-1.pdf). Seeking to promote a balanced gender representation among its staff, CREI encourages women to apply. According to the European Commission (EURAXESS) Classification, the qualities of a successful candidate are at the level of Recognised Researchers (R2) (https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/career-development/researchers#research-profiles-descriptors)

Candidates may submit complaints or suggestions about CREI selection process by sending an email to crei.recruitment@crei.cat. Suggestions and complaints received will be duly reviewed by the Recruitment Chair, and they will be taken into account in the process of continuous improvement of the CREI Recruitment Process.

Further information about CREI can be found at http://www.crei.cat.

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27, Barcelona, 08005, Spain
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: Flexible
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 22 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Frederiksberg, Denmark
Starts 2025-09-01.
Reviewing applications
Department of Economics www
Copenhagen Business School www
Assistant Professor
Various fields
Experimental Economics  •  Industrial Organization  •  Behavioral Economics  •  Decision Sciences  •  Organizational Behavior  •  Microeconomic theory  •  Applied microeconomics
2 Oct 2024
22 Nov 2024
22 Nov 2024

The Department of Economics (ECON), Copenhagen Business School, invites expressions of interest regarding positions as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Microeconomics with a particular focus on areas such as organizational economics and industrial organization. Theorists and behavioral economists using experimental and applied econometric methods are particularly encouraged.

The Department of Economics provides research, teaching, and knowledge transfer within the core areas of economics, i.e. microeconomics, macroeconomics, and quantitative methods. The department is especially active in business-related economic research, and hosts three research centres: Pension Research Centre (PeRCent), Centre for Innovation (CFI), and Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure (CSEI).

The department is responsible for teaching at the undergraduate, graduate and PhD levels in economics at various study programs at CBS, including the graduate program of Applied Economics and Finance and the MSc in Advanced Economics and Finance. High priority is given to research support, travel support, and access to data.

We welcome applications from suitably qualified candidates regardless of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background. Candidates must hold a PhD or the equivalent, at the time of taking up the position. We welcome candidates interested in microeconomics with a particular focus on areas such as industrial organization, firm behavior, contract theory and consumer economics.


  • Research at the highest level, including responsibility for publishing.
  • Active contribution to research activities such as seminars, workshops etc.
  • Research-based teaching and supervision (with associated examination duties).
  • Engagement in course development and pedagogical initiatives.
  • Development of own teaching competences.
  • Participate in fundraising/grant writing activities.
  • Dissemination of research to relevant audiences.
  • Take on administrative tasks and contribute to professional collegial relations.

ECON will be conducting online interviews as a part of the EJME 2024/25 from December 16, 2024 to December 19, 2024, or when otherwise possible.

The department will invite a number of candidates to CBS for job seminars and dialogues (seminars may be conducted online).

Submission instructions
Candidates must submit their expression of interest on-line via www.econjobmarket.org

Please submit: Cover letter (required), CV (required), job market paper (required), three letters of recommendation (required), research statement, additional research papers, and other relevant material in one file (e.g., teaching evaluations, grade transcripts and diplomas). All recommendation letters must be received before the deadline.

Deadline: November 22, 2024

For further information
Alexander Sebald
Head of Department
Tel.: +45 3815 2699
E-mail: acs.eco@cbs.dk

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Porcelaenshaven 16A, Frederiksberg, 2000, Denmark
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-09-01
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted remotely by video starting December, 2024.
Application deadline: 22 Nov 2024 midnight UTC

Vienna, Austria
Starts 2025-08-01.
Interview scheduling completed
Department of Finance www
University of Vienna www
Assistant Professor
5 Oct 2024
22 Nov 2024
22 Nov 2024

Assistant Professor Positions in Finance

The Department of Finance at the University of Vienna invites applications for up to three positions, including one tenure-track and two 6-year fixed-term contracts, at the assistant professor level in the field:


Applicants should have completed (or should be close to completing) a PhD in finance or economics. Knowledge of German is an asset, but not required. We explicitly encourage international applications.

We offer a stimulating research environment including a weekly research seminar series, a PhD program (https://www.vgsf.ac.at), research funding, and a low teaching load. For further information about the Department of Finance, see our website at http://finance.univie.ac.at. The city of Vienna is ranked 1st worldwide in the Mercer “Quality of Living” ranking 2023.

The University of Vienna is an equal opportunity employer and aims at increasing the number of female faculty members. Qualified women are particularly encouraged to apply.

Applications should include a curriculum vitae detailing the candidate’s education and teaching experience, a list of publications, three letters of recommendation, and up to two selected papers. The deadline for applications is

22 November 2024.

If you need further information regarding the position, please contact

Professor Gyöngyi Loranth

Department of Finance

University of Vienna

Oskar Morgenstern-Platz 1

A-1090 Vienna

T: +43-1-4277-38052

Email: (gyoengyi.loranth@univie.ac.at)

To apply for this position, log in and choose your Applicant role (or, if you have no account, create one).
Location of job: Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, Vienna, 1090, Austria
Degree required: Doctorate
Job start date: 2025-08-01
Job duration: Continuing/permanent
Letters of reference required: 3
Application deadline: 22 Nov 2024 midnight UTC